A deer's horns always grow back

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Just had a random idea
And also I just turned
16 ≧∇≦

   "Are you sure you wont be able to come home?"Abrax started to whine at the other line of the phone Roman's birthday was coming up and every occasion and holiday seems to boring without his little brother who's studying abroad "Dam!  I wish you didn't took that entrance exam at EU"he cursed underneath his breath "Besides I want you to meet my new girlfriend she's actually the same age as you"

"I'm really sorry Brax but I can't come home as much as i want to you know I have a three year stay here before graduation but I'll make sure to face time you later but also I have an up coming exam this month so I'll be super busy studying for it"Xander huffed he always wanted to go to Empire university aka EU the place served the best education and not just that he has a goal the school just doesn't teach you courses you'll take but also how to live in the real world he doesn't want to keep depending on his parents elder brother or cousin

He feels like his in depth with them with all the things he went through a child he thought he won't be able to find happiness and a place to call home but he did and his so grateful and glad "Mind telling Roman happy birthday from me ok I'm sorry that I can't come home I'll make sure we spend as much time together after my graduation"He chuckled "Oh you better be shorty I swear at this point I'm starting to wonder if you'll even be at my wedding" they both busted laughing "I didn't expect you to settle down soon"

"Oh hush at least I want to spend my life with the woman I love the most what about you when are you getting a girlfriend?"

"I've already said it Brax I'm not interested-"

"Or just so dense as a pavement"

"Brother their is a billion women in this planet Ok their not gonna run out of them"

"Or men depends what you prefer"

"You try to hard brother I know your trying to help but it's fine really no need to hassle yourself"

"Whoops sorry I can't do that because mom will whoop my ass you I can't leave you unsupervised"

"I'm 19 legal age and I'm not 13 anymore calm down I mean sure you still can look over me but tone it down abit"

"Fine fine I'll try my best just remember to call alright you better lock your windows and doors"

"I still wondered how you manage to get in the vents... But anyways I need to go out and buy some stuff"

"Alright and remember no buying shady stuff from randos on the street"

"I'm not the naive any bye tell mom and dad I love them"

"What about me!  Don't you love me!?"

"Of course you to anyway bye"he ended the call and slip the phone into his pocket he sighed and look at the hanged up calendar it's only been a couple months and his already home sick "I need food the cafeteria must be close by now I'll just buy some at the convenient store"he got up and put some shoes and a coat it was raining hard these days

He left his dorm room down the stairs and took the umbrella off the rack and left the building it was cold and wet he regretted not wearing a scarf his nose is starting to become runny but it didn't take long for him to finally arrived

Walking inside he grab a small basket and started putting things he needed in it "Why must it be so cold..."he mumbled his hands was white as paper and his knuckles pink "it's not even winter yet and I'm already shivering like I'm at the north"rubbing his temples he's been having headaches for a few day's now stress he thought his probably just stressed out after paying what he needed he started walking back for some reason the feeling of loneliness or being alone always gave him vibes

Maybe he just remember those times when he was a kid always alone but now a days it was different every walk he took it felt like he walked like this before he "Xander"

He quickly turned around but no one was their "I must be hearing things"he mumbled and continued his way once he got their he set down his stuff and took off his coat "Yo xan! The head Master's eldest daughter is throwing a party for us wanna come"

"Oh hi nelson and when is that?"

"Next week"

"But I have an exam I need to study"

"Ohhh yeah welp if you change your mind you can still come"

"Sure sure"

He was never the one with socializing he'll agree his horrible at it his always so shy and timid towards other people he doesn't know or not close to you could say his very introverted but hey at least his nice "I need a nap my head hurts so bad"laying down face first into the pillows and shutting his eyes to instantly fall alseep he didn't realized he was so tired.

Suddenly he was at a meadow probably high up the mountains dandelions everywhere and trees why does it feel like his been here before but when?

"Xander Xander!"A small voice came looking to his left was a little girl age 10 to 12 probably long black hair and purple eyes she look familiar how did she knew his name "I made a tulip but it ripped over here see"she put up a yellow origami tulip whats going on "Umm excuse me do I know you"

"I really tried this time but sometimes I couldn't get it right sorry if I kept wasting your papers"

"No no I umm Uhh is this a dream am I seeing things oh what am I saying I don't know anymore..."he shut his eyes rubbing his temples but by the time he opened them he was somewhere else it was a whole dark room


"Been a while hasn't it?"

Quickly turning his gaze right in front of him was him but their was something different about this double ganger his hair was silver and he look darker and nothing good he felt scared but he can't move his legs

"What's dripping Xander?"

"Who are you?"

"Right right you don't remember anything but to make it simple I am you well basically I'm you in a previous life and all that jazz"he dryly chuckled

"Your not making any sense at all!"

"Ugh alright let me lay out the whole story for you"he cleared his throat "You are reincarnated you had a previous life probably a million stellar cycles back and you were a child conceived by black magic and things didn't go well for you"

The time couldn't be told on how long they spent as other him explained the whole story it confused him at first but at least made sense of it

"So you were the whole embodiment of the black magic? And I got rid of it?"

"You got it but see you might have gotten rid of said black magic itself but I never left your mind it's the only place where I can find my safe haven your deepest self conscious"

Xander furrowed his eyebrows this was alot to take him the fact he had a previous life and that he had this other self in his head

"But why? What do you want"

"Oh Xander all I want is your permission and an agreement it's nothing big so here's the deal don't tell anyone about me and that you knew all about your previous life and grant me permission to share your body"

"How can I trust you over such a thing you know I can never be sure you wont betray me"

"I can't do much to betray us since your basically the owner of this vessel you have much more power to it than I do I'm just a parasite that sticks to its host and that host happens to be you"

"But why do you want to gain control over my body what do you even what to do with it how can I be sure you wont be killing anybody"

"I won't because we'll be in trouble I can't let anything happen to this body I'll just help you out toughin you up abit  cause it's also clear your such a wimp nothing but a defendless fawn..."

He bite his lower lip he was right he isn't that strong or brave he isn't like Abrax brave and has no trouble speaking his mind but at the same time he can't keep depending on him

"I won't be much trouble I'll just behave and would let you know if I'm using your body we have to work together here your mana is not strong but not weak as well and we can't disturb it's flow or you'll end up with a mana spill"

"Alright but my you have to follow my rules and if I say no it's a no"

"What you say goes so do we have a deal?"

He lend out his hand to shake and smiled early to welcoming he slowly moved his hand to shake his

"Great your no longer a hornless deer anymore nor is a scared fawn you have me we have each other we'll be one hell of a team!"

His grip was strong his still thinking if what he did was right or did he make a big mistake for agreeing to this he hoped he wasn't that naive to make bad decisions he was cut off his thoughts when something warm came dripping down his face looking down his hands he saw blood he was bleeding from his head lifting his head he saw a reflection of himself antlers were growing out of his head it was a horrible view to see then next thing he knew he woke up

He was covered in cold sweat he quickly got up and looked at himself in the mirror no antlers it was his him navy blue hair green eyes that slightly looked teal but his eyes looked deeper letting out a sigh he might as well go to that party just to keep his mind busy or distract him he wasn't sure if that was still a dream or a nightmare

Getting a quick shower and putting on fresh and clean clothes and tying his hair he did one last check before leaving his dorm he wasn't a loner or a quiet kid he just prefers when people approached him first he has a nice rep among alot of students saying the nicest person you'll ever meet making his way to the gym he could already hear the music blasting and college students partying and getting wasted

"Hey Xander! Glad you stop by"It was his roommate Nelson they were in the same major and they were both in the same club as well "Hey I kinda put to thought about it"he chuckled "Well doesn't matter what matters is that your here now come on and let's enjoy and pray we don't bump into miss pick me"nelson rolled his eyes letting out a groan "Don't be so mean towards her-"

"Xan don't be such a push over I get it your nice and considerate but sometimes you have to put your foot down"

Xander was about to speak but can't since he did have a point his patience was so long but he can't keep it up "So the headmasters daughter is she here?"

"Yelp she's pretty fun to be with to at first I thought she would be a bratty 9 year old but she was pretty cool head master may be all strict and stern in all that but he kinda have a soft spot for his daughter he just doesn't show it"

Walking closer towards the door they were both stopped when a squeal hit their ears

"Not again..."

"Hey xander~!"a squeaky female voice hits in at this point Nelson just wants to run or hit this chick

"Ah hello Julia"xander said nicely of course

"I didn't know you were coming but anyway I'm glad your here"she giggled

"Can you please go away..."Nelson groaned

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you"she huffed crossing her arms

"This dumb blonde bitch..."he whispered underneath his breath

"OMG you look so much better when you tie your hair like that I can get a good look at your face and your so tall to and I'm so tiny I'm a tiny mouse"

This slightly slapped Xander he wasn't that tall what so ever he was literally 5'7 and people would sometimes make fun of his height but he'd brush it off

He was quickly pulled out of his head but the girl lifted up his hand "Whoa!!  Your hand is also so big compaid to mine is so small haha I'm so quirky!"he felt uncomfortable he still wasn't use to people grabbing him or touching him to his family it was okay

"Come on xan let's just leave"

"Nhu Ah!! He isn't going anywhere he'll be with me we'll be going to the party together he is mine after all and my boyfriend so their isn't much you could say!"she hugged his arm and they started to argue Xander was dumbfounded and tried to stop them

"Please shut up for one second and you let go of my arm you disgust me and I am not yours or  owned by anyone seriously your voice hurts my ears who the hell do you think you still can't believe your that stupid to not take a hint how did you even managed to get in such a school like this"it all came out of his mouth far to quickly he was in shocked to the words that rolled down his tongue like butter

"What do you mean-"

"Oh please great god yasuhiro have mercy on me with this girl look I am not interested in you and never will be I can find a better woman than you right now why don't you try fixing that personality of yours and quite being such a pick me whore"dead silence fell upon thee of them

"Julia i-"she already ran off he was now scared and worried that he hurted her feelings that he came a little go harsh on her

"When said put down your foot you didn't just did that but you also put her back into her place! Nice job xan I knew you had it in you!"he patted his back

"Heh y-yeah I put into mind what you said"

"See I told you I'd help"

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