Familiar word's

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   Red was in his studio it was a different building from the main building photoshoots and run way practices are usually taken place their and of course red had a hard time managing stuff around he was glad more and more modeling agencies took notice of his work since the day he started he thought he couldn't make it but he did and he was happy all his hard work was paid off he has a great staff and good ties with other fashion big shots but most importantly his family

He didn't really expect himself to  have a family of himself since his already a father of a dog and a snake but an actual family a wife and their 5 kids one who's an absolute replica of himself moon still finds it disturbing but his just being dramatic and just brush it off but he was glad very lucky and grateful

Anne was a blessing to him she has been such a great help she makes alot of creative ideas when his artist blocked and helps the whole company to think she started off as his apprentice has a student teacher relationship and all that jazz

But after a couple hours of prepping up the models cams clothes they made their way to a hotel where the event was taken place and to his surprise a couple of his family members were their he wasn't surprised iris was their she's always their because she likes to compete and judge others his not surprise is some day she'll get into a miss universe

"cousin!!" iris cheered giving red a side cheek kiss "How things been oh wow you look amazing this color combination is not so bad"

"It's nice to see you again iris well almost all the time since you barely disappear in these kinds of events"

"You know me to well oh! Anne is here with the kids"

Red was slightly taken back by the information anne didn't mention anything about the kids coming now his worried he knows that having the kids around might be a distracting and they might go bored of it I mean who wants to sit and watch women walk on a stage wearing different clothes now his mind was running wild "otosan!"he snap out his trance and saw five children running up to him and of course non other than their mother also on their tails "Hello I wasn't expecting you to come here"

"We really wanted to you"

"I dont"Orichi objected

"And we promise oksan that we'll behave if we want to come here"

"Oh dearest dont worry about it beside I did said if they behave then they can come on the next show"

Red nodded understanding"You kids really dressed up for the occasion you look soooooo cute!!!"

"Wheres the twins and uncle gestalt?"

"In their neard group study also Alice and moon is coming"

Now that taken back red moon!? Of all people to come here he couldn't even imagine it he never came to these modeling shows saying its boring and a waste of time but he Alice is also their which only means that she dragged him here and he knows moon likes to please his little sister

"Red!"alice cheered with a grumpy moon right beside her he only snickered knowing moon doesn't want to be here "Hi their you two moon~"

"Can I leave now?"

"But brother the show barely started yet!"alice whined holding his arm moon isn't leaving this whole place anytime soon he'll just sleep through it he though to himself

"Well then you should get inside and have your seats before it gets to crowded I still need to make sure of a couple things"

"We wish you luck dearest"

"He is married to luck~"

He chuckled and let them make their way inside as he goes to the back stage to check of things and make sure everything was in place

At the restuarant of the hotel

"Vinny your sleeves are all messy"a female voice

"Oh sorry about that the food was so good"he chuckled scratching his cheek

"Go clean yourself up we still have an early flight to japan tomorrow"

"Ok I'll be back"he hopped off his seat and made his way to the comfort room

"He grew up so fast zeke"she hummed happily

"I know and you how are you feeling are you alright?"

"I'm alright zeek dont worry so much anyways we should pay for our check and turn in for the night its already late"

He nodded "their seems to be an event here you could tell since their are alot of people in formal clothing"he pointed out

"Hmm your right their is alot of people a wedding maybe?"

"To flashy for it to be a wedding and even if their is shouldn't their be a bunch of signs of it I'm pretty sure it's a modeling or some sort"

Meanwhile in the wash room Vincent was trying to get rid of the stains on the hem of his sleeve once it look cleaned enough a small body bumped into him "Sorry"a small voice chimed

"Its alright can I help you?"

"Oh I was looking around and I got separated to my siblings and I'm lost"

"I see well that's ok I'll help you we can make our way to the reception and ask help their"

The little boy nodded and followed the teen towards the reception area

"Hello how may I help you?"the receptionist asked

"A little boy got lost and his looking for his siblings so could you possibly reach the parents or guardian?"

"Oh I see I understand please sit down and we'll inform security"

Vincent nodded and sat down the plush couches with the little boy with brown hair

"Umm what's your name?"

"I'm Vincent but everyone calls me vinny"

"That's a nice name I'm shinobu but my nickname is also shi-shi can we be friends?"shinobu beamed looking into Vincent bright purple yellow eyes Vincent chuckled at the boy's giddiness and Pat's his head "I'm neither a friend or a foe it just depends how treat the situation"

This confused the small boy but also he felt a sense of familiarity to those words as if he heard of it before but when? When did he heard it and why does it feel so familiar it confused him so much before he could speak and ask what he meant his mother and aunts were already their

"Shinobu where have you've been you scared us!"anne hugged the little boy in a tight embrace afraid he'll disappear

"Your not hurt are you!?"iris asked and look all over if his hurt somewhere

"I'm ok he actually helped me"shinobu pointed at Vincent

"Thank you so much for finding my nephew we were so worried that something might have happened to him"alice thanked Vincent whole heartedly

"Its my pleas-"

"Vincent I where have you been!?"

"Father! I just helped a little boy who got lost"


"Sir please dont be mad at your son he was only trying to help and were grateful you raised a really good kid"iris smiled

"Ah I understand now I'm glad you found him"zeke smiled at the group Anne couldn't help but stare at then man ash hair tied to a low ponytail and one red streak and bright shiny cheery red eyes has she meet him before "have we meet before? Probably at  work?"anne asked holding shinobu

"Your a pharmacist?"Zeke ask he knew to well he already meet them before and his not suprised to meet them again it was pleasing to see them again that they actually passed the trail as a whole "ah I guess not I'm actually a fashion designer must be someone else sorry about that"anne apologize and scratched her cheek embarrass

"Its alright it happened to us once in a while"he chuckled glad to see she wasn't that weary of him unlike before they must be so carefree now he though to himself and he guess these two other women are also family members he never meet them before

"Boys?"everyone turned their attention to a woman with soft blue eyes "is something wrong?"

"Nothings wrong dove"zeke reassured her

"Mother! I help someone sorry I took so long and made you guy's worry"she patted his head and put two hands on his shoulder"its alright what you did was right"

"We can never thank you enough ma'am"

"Pleasures all mine"she smiled brightly

"So did you guys attended the fashion show?"alice ask stepping a little closer

"Oh! No no were actually staying for the night since we have a flight to Japan early in the morning and this place is closer to the airport"

"Ah I see well I hope you have a safe trip"

"Your to kind"she rubbed vinny's shoulder

"Well then we should part ways it's very late now and we plan to sleep early"he rapped his arm around her shoulder

"Oh so sorry for taking your time"

"No need to apologize"

After saying their goodbyes they went their separate ways
"Your pale what's wrong do you want me to carry you?"

"Her mana...its to much its making me dizzy"

"Which one?"Vincent ask

"The one with the multi colored eyes her mana is so strong I could feel it 6 meter's away from me"zeke sighed and held her bridal style "what do you mean by that?"

"She's such a small vessel yet an abundant amount of mana she's like a whine glass filled to the brim and her mana waves is to strong"she clenched her fist holding onto his coat "Zeke my chest hurts..."

"We should get in our room quickly" Vincent said and started power walking looking for their room number

"Its right here vinny open the door"

Vincent quickly opened the door and three of them went inside and locked it

"Dearest you've been staring off the distance quite alot"red  waved a hand in front of shinobus face "oh I was just thinking of what vinny said"

"Vinny? Who the hell is that?"moon glance

"Oh he was the one that found me and what he said confused me"

"What did he say?"

"Well I asked him to if we could be friends but instead he said"

"I'm neither a friend or foe it just depends how you treat the situation and it sounded a such familiar words"

(Anne belongs to Inugami_sama
The five kids are our
Collab together)

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