Waltzing with death

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The song got me hard
And I can't help but make
A tiny story and also I'll be
Doing "Alice in wonderland"

  Bloody mess

it was a simple school day for everyone well not for moon and red who snuck out just to do a hit list they didn't finish last weekend because of all the assignments and quizzes so here they are making a bloody mess as they took one and another man's life with cold blood surprisingly he nearly got shot in the head but was quick enough to let it hit his hand and of course from the darkness of the corner stood none other death himself.

"Cheated again I swear this boy is making my blood boil"grumbled the reaper as he started collecting souls and checking the marks so they can be sent straight to judgment everyday he had to do this it was his job he has seen many things and experience he was use to seeing people die tortured cry and hear their screams and pleads to live he had seen and heard it all.

"Hey let's get back before we get caught sneaking out"Red called out wiping his hands "Give me a sec to change out of my bloodly dress shirt gezz"Moon rolled his eyes he was quite the messy killer, after they both cleaned up they quickly ran back to school not getting caught death was still annoyed and frustrated so he followed them their family was no stranger to him.

  A beautiful soul

The two young boys quickly acted natural as students around were walking around and about "Seems like its already lunch time" moon mumuered knowing they missed one subject "Well might as well grab something to eat right? Come let's go I'm hungry"Red started dragging him  but moon got out of his grip and walked along side him but was stopped when a girl with sapphire blue eyes and bright ginger straight hair approach him

"Good afternoon moon I was wondering if you want to join me for lunch Avery is absent because she got sick and I didn't want to eat alone"She fiddled her fingers Holly Lavender has always had a crush on moon and she never gave up to try and get close to him she wasn't a mean girl or bratty or a show off she was just a nice shy innocent and naive girl she only grew up with her father since her mother died months after she was born and everyone knew how naive and blind she can be and use it to their advantage.

"Hmmm you know what sure come on let's go"moon said in a fake smile while holly was made to believe death to stood not to far heard everything "Naive girl can't see she's being use by a manipulator..."He stopped a moment of silence as he watched them walked off "how could anyone be so bold to try and break such a beautiful soul it's a shame every pretty thing has to be broken"

   Deaths eyes on purple

A couple of months has passed by death stayed a little longer from his last reaping just to look for a solution on how to take this boy's life so he thought maybe asking the ginger haired girl he shape-shifted himself to look more mortal and blend in with the students and started looking for the girl.

Everyone seem to be in a fuss today and of course moons little sister found her way in and everyone eyes and attention were on her and every girl was jealous of her since she's the only girl moon would talk sweetly and kindly to and others tried to talk to her so they could talk to moon but Alice only accepts and talks to one girl in the school and it was Avery she was alice friend but moon and Avery despise each other but since Alice was around moon can't do anything his sister was his main priority.

"Excuse me miss but aren't you the one has feelings for the Clearwater?"death ask a little to straight forward and frightening the poor girl by his sudden appearance "Oh umm y-yes why do you ask?"She look at him "Well if you want to have him why don't you try and get along with his sister just like your blonde friend over their"he suggested looking straight at Avery and Alice who was talking near the fountain "oh well I can't do that since she's mostly rejects every girl that tries to talk to her so I don't want to force myself on her and she prefers Avery more and I don't want to use anyone Alice is very dear to moon"she smiled gleefully "Eh? So you prefer to stand here and watch who knows your friend might be the one to steal his heart"He said bluntly "Dont be silly they despise each other avy could barely stand near him and moon could barely look at her but I don't hate avy or anything I respect her choices and point of views and she does the same to me"she said back sounding a little offended death slightly snickers she really is naive he thought "You don't know that"he slightly mocked "but why do you still try and chase after a man who doesn't acknowledge you"he ask softly for some reason he can't go to far on her knowing she'll break easily "I know he doesn't acknowledge me much but I'm trying my best to at least become friends with him and have the day he'll look at me softly and kindly like how he looks and treats his sister"She said determinedly "What about your parents?"he asked "my mother died a few months after I was born my papa expects high things from me since I'm an only child and its a little stressful and overwhelming and we don't talk as much but when we do have a conversation he would just talk about him or about my future"she looked down death knew he can't get enough information from the girl so he turned around and was about to leave but stopped "What's your name?" he asked looking over his shoulder "Holly lavender"she said back looking back at him death nodded "Take care of your soul holly"He said then walked away leaving the girl confused.

  The used doll

It was in the middle of the Elias was in his studies deep in his thoughts having an only child that's a girl their dukedom will fall he needs to get into higher grounds and knowing his daughter has feelings for the eldest prince if she could catch his heart their wealth and status will rise his daughter is dear to him yes but not dear enough "your grace it's getting late you should rest" the head butler said entering his masters studies "I can't to much is running around my mind"he said looking out the window "then do you mind sharing your thoughts?"the butler said "Maybe it could help" he added Elias sighed ready to talk his mind out "You know holly has feelings for the first prince right? So I thought if she could at least catch his heart our wealth and status will rise"he said sitting down on "Yes my lord but don't you think it'll be to much or even dangerous for the young lady the Clearwaters are not to be messed with not to mention their very intelligent"said the butler worried "Holly is very irresistible it's impossible she won't be able to melt the heart of the prince"the butler nodded and agreed "it's true the young lady is rather different but we know lady holly can be naive"he said lowly "I know and we'll use it to our advantage till we have what me besides she'll have a loving husband that'll protect her if the previous Queen could fool the previous kings heart and even lied that the Xander boy was their son for 16 year's till their execution then holly can do it"he said bluntly "Your grace are you saying that even if the young lady losses her life it doesn't matter as long as you received the wealth status and power"he said baffled "Sometimes sacrifices are made"Elias said lowly not making eye contact to his head butler.

  Rainy love

A couple of year's had already went by moon being moon would do anything to get what he wants even if that means he has to step on people or use them just for his gain he knows how to play with people's emotions to well and as for holly she thought she has finally caught his attention but not knowing she was showered with sweet meaningless words and fake faces and emotion from a man she thought she won his heart but was only being used moon knows her relationship with Avery and are rather close so he uses holly has his ladder towards Avery and to get on her good side moon had no deep feelings for holly but for Avery so he has to play along he'll just have to get rid of holly in a more mannered way but everything went down hill when she was carrying his child he really thought he Fucked up which he did he doesn't want to get rid of the kid but also how will Alice and his cousin react Alice would probably skewer him with 10 swords and red would probably call him a retarded and if his ramuh was still around he would have been struck with light the moment he speaks also he doesn't want then child to appear as bastards so he put everything in deep thought and planning their was no turning back on this

Holly was still young and unsure but her father was proud she collected her mind moon will be their for her at every step of the way she thought Elias even though that they must keep the child a secret until they get married everything is falling into place he thought to himself Tatiana being her supportive cousin stayed near her but deep down she despises moon and that her sister could have chosen someone else that him.

"here drink this it'll help you with your headache"Tatiana placed the tea cup down on the table "Thank you tati  I've been thinking alot lately"She murmured "what do you mean?  What's on your mind?"Tatiana asked sitting down in front of her "well I just remembered this conversation with this man back in highschool it was pretty weird really and the last thing they said stuck to my mind even until now"she said taking the tea pressing it on her lips "what did they say?"Asked her cousin getting curious "They said something in the lines of I should take care of my soul"Tatiana narrowed her eyes at such a weird statesment to say to someone "Weird I know"she chuckled lightly.

  Falling apart

After giving birth to a son and letting a few year's passed moon had no plans in marrying even though holly had spoke to him about it a couple of times here words fell in deaf ears their son grew up in the lavender estate until he was a year old and moon would have his frequent visits to see his son he payed less attention on holly but she was glad he gave their son warn and kind eyes and that he is loved but everything went even more down hill when she was pregnant again with another but the during the time of labor the baby was in the fetal position which caused so many problems the pain was to much and agonizing for her she could just pass out but she needs to stay awake if she wants her child to be healthy she has been trying for almost hour's now until they finally decided to go on a c section the it was another healthy baby boy but sadly holly kicked the bucket.

Elias was in a slight panic now that his daughter is dead and not officially married anything could happen Tatiana who was numb and full of grief went back to the empire moon happy now that he can't be chained to her anymore or hear nonsense about getting married left along side the children his and avery's relationship become less hateful and become friends and when Avery heard of her friends death moon was their to comfort her and it was his time to come clean he started to tell lies to everyone on how horrible holly was to him and the children and that she didn't cared and only wanted him and his status and yet everyone was made to believe

During the funeral Avery with her father attended since moon was busy to come with them but secretly moon just doesn't wish go and even wore yellow for a full day which means a color that means happiness and joy Alice though her brother was becoming normal.

  Finally dance

Before the funeral at the dead of night stood death looking over her dead body white lilies surrounding her in her coffin eyes closed and in an elegant white dress "I warned you and you didn't listen you really are a fool"he check the list and looked back at her "A beautiful fool...you look more stunning dead"he reached out for her cold hand and placed it on his cheek "Waxy white skin and a mouth who speaks no more I've always had my eye on you ever since the day I gave my warning"he gently pulled her up and had her pressed against his chess her limp lifeless body that spoke no more death held the girls corps close to him while he kissed a strand of her hair "I'd never thought I'd be reaping a soul who is so undeserving to die you were quite the special one shame you had to end this way"he picked up her body holding her close "But all those painful days end tonight you will be able to smile once more"he said and started to waltz around the room with her lifeless body humming a simple melody as he spun her around this night was a nigh he'll never forget.

Alice and ramuh belongs to
Inugami_sama I had to much fun making this but also I've been thinking about changing Xenon names to either Adrian or Vincent

Plague:And thats on necrophilia!

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