Chapter 5

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"Tikki, is this too much?!" Marinette demanded, stepping out of her closet. She wore her usual outfit.

"Marinette... That's what you always wear." Tikki exclaimed nervously.

"No! I have ribbons, see?!" Marinette pointed to the two pink ribbons in her pigtails.

"I think it looks fantastic, Marinette!" Tikki assured her.

"Thanks, Tikki. This HAS to go well." Marinette sighed and put her kwami in her purse. She went to the park where she and her friends were meeting.


Adrien walked to the park, his hands in his pockets. His gaze flickered suddenly to a man and a woman on the sidewalk ahead. The man was standing very close to her. He then snatched her purse. She whipped around and gasped.

"My purse! Give it back!!" She cried as he sprinted off. Adrien gasped and jumped into an alley way.

"Plagg, we meed to transform!" Adrien ordered.

"What?! Why?!" Plagg demanded.

"A robbery. Lunch is canceled for today."

"Plagg, Claws Out!"


"Hey, Marinette!" A voice called. Marinette turned to see Nino and Alya waving to her at the park.

"Hey, guys! Uh-Where's Adrien?" Marinette asked, looking around.

"Dunno, maybe running late?" Nino wondered.

"Lets wai-" Marinette was interrupted by a voice calling.

"Hey, Purse Thief! You can't run from these claws so easy!!"

Marinette was positive it was Cat Noir.

"Must be a robbery. Lets go check it out!" Alya gasped, grabbing her camera.

"I'll stay and wait for Adrien. You guys go." Marinette said, sitting on a bench.

"Okay. Be careful, we'll be back in a few!" Alya exclaimed, running off with Nino. After they had gone, Marinette leapt behind a tree.

"Tikki, Spots on!"


Ladybug swung into action and heard a loud scream. She looked up to see Cat Noir plummeting towards her. She gasped and caught him. 

Cat Noir smirked and Ladybug rolled her eyes, dropping him.

"Where did the robber go?" Ladybug asked her cat companion.

"This way. Just follow me." Cat Noir explained, running off, Ladybig followed.

"So, I realized something. It's summer, you couldn't have had school yesterday, Bugaboo. Where were you?" Cat Noir asked while they ran.

"Is now really the best time?!" Ladybug panted.

"I'm curious!" The Cat protested.

"I did have a class. Not school though, an extra-cirricular activity." She exclaimed, racing to keep up with Cat Noir.



"Hah!" Ladybug laughed, landing at the robber's feet, snatching the purse back. Cat Noir grabbed the robber so he couldn't escape as he thrashed to runnoff.

"I'm FELINE you should stop wiggling like a mouse." Cat Noir mumbled, tightening his grip. Ladybug handed the woman her purse back.

"Thank you, Ladybug and Cat Noir!" She said.

The duo nodded. Cat Noir tossed the robber into the police car that had driven up.

"Thank you, Ladybug and Cat Noir." The officer exclaimed before driving off.

The duo smiled to each other and fist bumped.

"I'd better go. I'm supposed to hang out with some friends today." Cat Noir explained.

"Woah, same. Alrighty, bye Kitty! See you tonight for patrol!" Ladybug said silkily, poking Cat Noir's stomach. She felt them rock hard abs and blushed, turning away quickly. A/N: You're welcome. Cat Noir purred and smirked to himself.

"She was seemingly more into me today... Hmm..." Cat Noir smiled brightly, running off.


"Sorry I'm late!!" Adrien and Marinette said in unison, both running to the park.

"Dang, you guys missed a robbery! Ladybug and Cat Noir came and totally kicked the robber's butt!" Alya exclaimed excitedly, showing them footage. Adrien leaned in to see it, bumping cheeks with Marinette. Marinette pulled back abruptly and laughed awkwardly, so did Adrien.

Alya shot Nino a sly look.

"Shall we go?" Alya recommended.


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