ex best friend?

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I run outside hoping no one has noticed me. But with my luck someone did and it was Hermione.
"Harry where are you going?" She asked me.
"I am just going to the lake." I lie to her.
" Then why do you have your backpack and your lunch Mrs Weasley packed for us?"
"I don't know hermione! Why are you always up my throat?!" I yell back. I see her start to tear up.
"Well you know what, fine! You can go by yourself or you can go with Ron but I'm not going!"
" Hermione I'm sorry! You know I didn't mean to yell. We wouldn't be able to do anything without you." I explain.
"Harry I'm not letting you use me for my powers." She tells me.
" Fine then we don't need you." I yelled back to her.
" Fine! But just keep in mind that I just don't want you to get hurt." She explains. I just walk away and I take one more look back but she is gone. Great I thought. I'm screwed. Maybe Ron will still want to come with me.

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