Blushing Mess

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Author needs to babysit some kids.
Author writes fanfiction instead.
Author is  soooo responsible when it comes to real life stuff.
Author needs to stop talking about herself in 3rd person.




Author will start being normal tomorrow.

Hugo and Blair both internally groaned as they walked into the swim shop.
Reese and Daniel immediately ran off to the trunks, and the Three girls who were gigglig, running off to the suits.

(Author never goes swimming so sorry this is all wrong)

"Soooooo should we pick mine first or yours?" Blair asked, blushing and fiddeling with her hair.

"W-we can d-do w-whatever you w-want." Hugo pulled his shirt uncomfortably, his other hand fiddeling with his new earrings.

"We can do yours first.. By the way, nice earrigs." Blair grinned a little, and totally risking everything, she GRABBED his hand and pulled him to the boy swimmy suits are.

(Author has no jdea what these are even called. Swim Pants? Trunks? Why Trunks? Lets just call then pine trees that works too.)

Blair grabbed some black and green accented ones, and threw it to him. "Haha these are great lets goooooo nowwww." She was so embarrased she was choosing her crushes, Hugo Dupain Agrestes, swimming suit. She pushed him towards the check-out line,
(Again, Author never goes to clothing stores as Author usually has hand-me-downs so Author dosent even know if its called a check out line)

"W-wait." Hugo stopped her, and looked at her. "We need to g-get you a suit."

"Haha....Right.." She was redder than her tomato dads hair.

Hugo pulled her over to the girls section, and he chose her a ladybug 1 piece. (he didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable by choosing a 2 piece if she didnt feel good wearing it.)

Author is proud of Hugo for being a gentlemen. Author applauds Hugo for being a good boy. ⚘

They finally got to the line, everyone with their suits, choosed  by their partners, Reese brought up something.

Blair and Hugo had subconciously purchased Ladybug and Chatnoir outfits, the previous heroes of Paris.

Author is going crazy.
Author loves you all.
Author is so glad you guys like my books.
Author is incredibly happy one of her favorite authors here actually like my books and commented on them. (You know who you are, I love your Miraculous Angels book.)

Author has succesfully weired herself out talking in third person.



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