Walk and Talk

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This chapter is the one you all have been waiting for.

Hugo walked by Blairs side, gushing to himself on how amazing this is.
Sure, it wouldnt be a date-date, but he was still hanging out with B.L.A.I.R. so it worked.

(He wrote out what the Acronym stood for, but that wont come up yet.)

Blair, on the otherhand, was more than delighted. Hugo, instead of being sore or just rescheduled, asked if he could help! It made her all squishy inside and happy.

"You've met my parents before, right?" Blair asked, as soon as they were away from the schools property. She highfived herself for not stuttering.

"Yah. Your moms nice. I dont think your dad really likes me though." Hugo smiled, and he too mentally highfived himself.

"I think my dad just really dislikes it when you run in late." She giggled, and punched his shoulder playfully. 

Hugo gushed. Her giggles were like music. He wondered what her laugh would be like. He made it his mission.

Both teens were incredibly proud for acting like normal human beings.

"Ha, I guess not." He followed Blair into an alley, but she stopped. "Whats wr-"

"Shh!" She put a finger to his lips, both turning a little red. She gestured him to listen.

"Hey Gramps.  Just give us the cash and no-one gets hurt."

Hugo and Blair peered over the edge.

Blairs dad, Nathaniel, stood surrounded by thugs, one holding a knife and a other a baseball bat, and the other 3 with giant fists.

"Hey!" Blair shouted, dragging herself and Hugo out of the shadows. "How about you leave my dad alone." She got into a fighting position.

Hugo whispered to her, "What the heck are you doing?! I can fight, but I dont know-"

"Shush Hot-Stuff. We got this."

Hugo blushed a fire-red, but he too got in an attack stance.

"Aww the little girly wirly and her boyfriend think they can stop us?" The one with the bat laughed.

"That is NOT her boyfriend!" Nathaniel called, but shut once they glared at him.

"Not yet anyway Dad! We will talk about this later." Blair stiffened as the big men approached. "You take the ones on the left, me on the right."

Hugo nodded, his hero instincts kicked in, much like Blairs. They didnt know they were partners or that they were superheros, but in that moment they still trusted each other completely.

The man with the knife charged Blair, but she jumped back, and Hugo grabbing her, she kicked him square in the chest, sending him flying. Blair and Hugo looked at eachother, and grinned. It was one of LadBeetles and Chattes Noirs signature moves.

"We are SOOOO talking about this later Bug Eyes."

"Of Course kitten."

Hugo ran and rammened into  the one with a bat, sending him back at the sudden attack. He swung it angrily, but Hugo easily dodged his sloppy throws.

Blair, haven knocked out someone else, ran to Hugos side. He leened down, dodging a swing for the head, and Blair took the chance.

She used Hugos back like a spring board, and he launched her.
She came flying down, and knocked him out cold.

The thugs who were originally big and gruff looked like cowaring puppies and they grabbed their uncouncious partners and ran.

"Well done Bug!" She hugged him.
"As always My little kitten," Returning the gesture.


Hugo smirked at his partner, all awkwardness had faded away. "Sorry Mr. Kurtzberg, me and Blair took a self defence class and we didnt want you to get injured. The hug was because we just totally made those guys run for the hills, which felt good."

"Haha Dad. Hugo and me are pretty good friends. I would consider him part of the family in a few years."

Nathaniel looked at Blair slowly, and pointed to Hugo, who gave him a sheepish grin. "THIS GUY is your crush?"

"You have a crush on me...?" Hugo looked at Blair, who was redder than her dads hair.

She nodded furiously, hiding her face in her hands. "Ddaaaaadddddd."

Hugo pumped his fist. "YES!" And then looked at Nathaniel. "Hahah, I will treat your daughter like the Queen she is." He smiled sheepishly, as he was suddenly terrified of her dad.

"Now look here Agreste, I don-"
He never finished as Blairs mom, Juleka, had appeared out of nowhere.

"I like this boy. He is the son and daughter of my friends Nathaniel and I am attending that wedding or so help me I will divorce you. You were saying Tomato Boy?" Juleka grinned at the two teens. Who were holding hands behind their backs.


"YES!" Blair shouted happily, tackling Hugo into the dark alley ways ground. "Does that make you my boyfriend now?"

"Judging by your parents looks, yes."

"Now come on. We still need to get the club ready."

The two teens got up, embarrassed.

Nathaniel glared at them both, but his eyes softened. "Now, no kissing yet until I get a better feel for the boy and definately NO frickle-"




<i think its sorta weird that like all of my internet friends are getting tagged repeatedly and then Im just here like, HELLO? I wanna give random facts about me and feel more in the community! Nah JK. Dont bother me people I dont wanna be tagged.>

Now we just need Blair to meet Marinette and Adrien and life will be good.

Also this chapter is like really long. Havent even had breakfest yet. I am so proud of myself.


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