48: captian america:civil war pt. 2

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Ok so now that I have seen the movie I will be ranting on what I saw so:

Alright so a lot of people are confused of why Tony is for the restriction act and Steve is not, well Tony doesn't want to responsible for damage where as Steve believes that being a superhero means you own up to your actions.
  I love how they have panther and spider-man but they used a completely new spidey and aunt may is too young like c'mon those who have seen the spider man movies know that aunt may is supposed to be old.
And who puts a minor in a battle

Alright and also I'm upset that they put Bucky back into ice. Like really he just came out!!

Ok if I missed somethings (like a lot) feel free to message me or comment
Just don't yell at me.
Alright bye -Bethany

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