"Chapter One"

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I woke up shortly after Ella left. Had I stayed awake, I would've got her number.

"Thinking about that girl, huh?"

To be honest, she seemed warm, sweet, cool, and funny. Like I can see her fit in my circle with Zac, my friends, and I.

"Kind of." I half lied.

"Uh huh. You like her, don't you?"

I shook my head.

"Zac, no. I only just met her. I just wanna hang out as friends." I said truthfully.

He clicked his tongue as I rolled my eyes. I had just playfully shoved. Eventually we arrived to the venue. Time to get to prepping.


I felt well rested on the way to Amber's house and slept. Amber and I decided to take a walk.

"You know you walk like a zombie." Amber said jokingly.

I laughed a bit before making zombie noises. Amber laughed.

"Aaaa! so gross!" She said in a fake scream as I laughed and she laughed with me.

I looked up for a moment, reminiscing the memories of Amber and I as kids. I always came here during the summer as a kid because Amber and I always went to summer camp together and make new friends and learn new things.

"Whatcha thinking about, Cous?"

I looked back down with a smile, "Remembering the times at summer camp."

Amber laughed.

"Yeah camp was fun!"

I faintly laughed.

"When we're..." Amber tried to sing.

"Amber Susanna Banks."

"Ella Judy Clark."

We both stopped our serious looks, laughing. It feels good to hang out with my cousin... as if reliving the memory.


After the walk I felt tired again. Auntie Denise and Uncle Jon knew how exhausted I am that they ordered food for dinner. After eating, Amber and I sat in her room to hang out. I was scrolling through. I finally found out why Jacob/JVKE was so familiar. He was the famous singer. I remember Golden Hour was constantly played while working at the restaurant.

"Hey, Am." I said as she moved her phone down.

"Yea, El?"

I would roll on my stomach.

"Amber, do you know JVKE?"


I nodded.

"Yeah his music is great and I'm a casual fan. Why?"

I nervously laughed for a moment. Immediately, Amber rolls on her stomach, knowing my nervous laugh.

"You ran into him?!" Amber said out loud.

"Ran into who?!" Auntie Denise shouts out from the hallway.


Auntie Denise would open the door. She's always been a stubborn woman but means well.

"Ran into who?"

"Mom, please."

I giggled softly.

"Auntie Denise... how much does Amber play JVKE's music?"

"ELLA!" Amber said out loud with an embarrassed blush.

Auntie Denise laughed.

"Whenever I'm in the car with her she always picks his music."

"MOM!" Amber's face turned redder.

"Casual fan, hm?" I said teasingly with a nudge towards Amber.

"S-s-shut up!"  She said embarrassedly, "Mom, can Ella and I have privacy?"

"I'm curious too..."

"Mooooom. Pleaseeeee."

"Amber you know she isn't gonna leave. I don't mind anyways."

"Fineeeee." Amber would lean back in her pillows.

"So when I first boarded, I must've dropped my phone as I sat down because I zoned out... thinking about this summer and reminiscing." I explained, "And he happened to sit next to me and catching attention with my phone in his hand and explained it fell and I didn't notice."

Amber and Auntie Denise looked with fascination.

"Soooo? Did you get his number?"

Now I realized what I forgotten and regret it now: getting his number.

"No..." I said with a frown.


"Amber Susanna Banks, keep your voice down." Auntie Denise scolds.

"Sorry, mom." Amber awkwardly laughed.

"So how come you didn't get his number sweetie? Did you two hit it off?"

Although we hit it off just... he's a singer. He probably forgotten my existence already.

"Yeah. We became friends." I said with a faint smile, "I think." I added.

"You think?" Amber asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Amber, he's the most popular singer, he probably forgotten about me by now."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Ella." Auntie Denise reassured.

I can't help to feel doubtful.

"Anyways, Mom. Mind if Ella and I have our privacy now?"

Auntie Denise would warmly smile before leaving.

"I can't help to feel a bit jealous you've met him." Amber admits.

I faintly laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just tired." I said truthfully, "second wind caught up to me."

"Uh huh." Amber said in disbelief.

"I'm not lying, Amber remember I had to take a long flight and you know I get."

Amber then nods.

"You're lucky that you're off the hook now."

"I'm not lying, I swear." I repeated.

Amber shook her head before I yawned.

"Go get sleep, zombie head."

"Okay, Captain." I said sarcastically before getting up and heading to bed.


I got maybe a few hours of sleep. I stared at JVKE's twitter, although I had him followed before running into him. His DMs are open but I imagine it's filled with fans, bots, promotions... had I sent him a message it'll quickly go to the bottom. I clicked off twitter and pulled up Amber's number.

Hey, Amber. What does your dad have plans this summer?

Other than our usual BBQ on fourth? Not really much this year.

I think he wants us to have own plans to hang out together. 🤷‍♀️

Makes sense.

You have the energy to make banana boats and s'mores?

Nah. Maybe tomorrow might?

Of course. Rest up!

I smiled before closing out of the text and put my phone down, staring at the ceiling. Thinking about whether to text JVKE or just give up and move on. If only...

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