Chapter 15

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After School

"How do you feel Kaachan?" Izuku asked. It's been a while since he swallowed the hair of power and according to All Might that it should take a while.

"Like crap" He said in a pale tone as they walk back home.

"Well, If it makes you feel better. I can help you with your training to master it if you like," Izuku Offered with a small smile. 

Bakugou looked straight in Izuku's eyes and gave a him a light punch at his shoulders while laughing a little bit.

"Sure! That would mean a lot!"

The Day Of The Sports Festival

Everyone is in the locker room getting ready for the big event that's going to take place.

Bakugou and izuku are at a distance talking about Bakugou's progression with OFA as Ichiro and Kirishima are having a arm wrestling. 

Kirishima won in the end.


With Izuku and Bakugou.

Izuku: So far you'd manage to reduce the damage within your body instead of your whole arm. But even with that, i don't think you should use for this festival, unless you want you want to be broken again.

Bakugou: *shivers* Don't remind of my first experience with it.


Izuku and Bakugou are at the training grounds getting ready for the sports festival  and to test out OFA.

Izuku: Ok Kaachan. Try using it against that building.

Bakugou: got it.

Bakugou stood in front of  of the training building and started to focus One For All. Feeling the immense power throughout his whole body, he immediately punch the building. It collapsed like it was nothing and both were in awe to what they seeing.

Bakugou: This power. It's incredible. 

Izuku: Tell me about it. 

Bakugou felt an immense pain in his arm for some reason and looked down to what happened only to find his hand broken. It turned purple and he couldn't feel his bones since they crumbled into large pieces apart. 

Bakugou screamed in pain as Izuku's eyes widen and a sense of worry washed over him as he witness his friend in intense pain. 

Out of reflex, izuku teleported him and Bakugou to Recovery Girl to get his injury treated to which it was thanks to her quirk.

Recovery Girl: My my. So he passed it down to you? I just want to let you know that you shouldn't be so reckless like him. Also Midoriya, please make sure that he doesn't go overboard ok?

Izuku: Yes ma'am.

Recovery Girl: Good. Now, would you like some gummies?

*FlashBack Ends*

Izuku: Yeah, I remember it like it was last week.


As Bakugou was yelling at the edgy-teen, a dual haired haired teen walked up to Izuku.

Todoroki: Midoriya.

Izuku turned around to listen to what the ice-fire user has to say. Everyone else wanted to hear what there saying.

Todoroki: I don't know what happened to you or anything when we were at the USJ. But I want to beat you so I'm declaring war on you.

Izuku just boringly stared Todoroki as others were a little surprised at Todoroki's sudden declaration of war. 

Kirishima: Hey man. Why are you picking a fight?

Todoroki: All I want to do is to beat the strongest so you better go all out Izuku.

Izuku: tch. No.

Todoroki: What?!

Izuku: I'll say it again Icyhot. No.

Everyone is surprised at Izuku's response except for Bakugou. Pissed, Todoroki asked why.

"Why?" Todoroki said small angry tone.

"Because I don't go all out against people who hold back. And for that, I'm going to hold back against you. Everyone else, I'll be going all out. I'm going to give them a battle that they won't forget," Izuku finished it off with a evil grin on his face that shooked most of his classmates.

Before Todoroki could even reply, Eraserhead called them out for the start of the Sports Festival. 

Everyone headed out towards the field and were greeted by the massive cheers by the massive amount of people.

Kaminari: Man! That's a lot of people watching!

Jirou: Of course there is baka. The sports festival is one the most watched events in T.V history.

Midnight appeared in her questionable clothing announcing there first event, The obstacle course.

Izuku: Why on earth is she wearing that outfit where innocent young children are watching?

Ichiro: I don't know man. She's just a pervert. 

Midnight: Enough!!! Now everyone! Get ready for the first obstacle!!

Everyone gathered up as they waited for the countdown to hit zero and once it did. Everyone is struggling to even go through the gate.

Eraserhead: Look what we have here. Everyone is trying so hard just to get through the exit. It's silly. What about you Captain Hitsugaya?

Toshiro and Aizawa were forced to be the commentators since present mic is sick and nobody else was available so they made these two be the commentators.

Captain Hitsugaya: I think that they should've used creative and Unique ways to get through like Midoriya here who jumped over everyone instead of becoming a mob trying to get their hands on the newest manga at the nearest book store. 

Aizawa: That sums up the situation perfectly.

Todoroki ended up freezing most of them but some managed to escape and continued running.

As they all Continued running, Izuku destroyed all the robots with nothing but his chaos spears. But he did it when those things were off balance on purpose so they can collapse and block the road. 

Captain Hitsugaya: Looks like Midoriya managed to destroy the robots and block the others path at the same time. Impressive.

Some of the other students used their quirks to their advantage to get over the obstacles such as Bakugou using his explosions to get over the debri and Ichiro running in the air?

Unfortunately for him, he couldn't managed to stay up there for very long but did manage to get over the debri blocking his path.

Ichiro: Dang. Still need to work on that move.

Eraserhead: Seems like Ichiro's move was imperfected.

Captain Hitsugaya: It is. He still needs to work on that move still.

The next obstacle was the pit which Izuku easily went over just by teleporting and Moved on to the mine field which he stays around for some reason.

Captain Hitsugaya: Why is he just standing there? He does know that he should move on.

Eraserhead: He might have a plan up his sleeve.

As the other combatants finally reach to the minefield. They're confused to why Izuku is just standing there but shrugs it off as they made halfway to the field.

Izuku smirk at this and decided to put his plan into action.

"tch. Got 'em. Chaos Control."

Izuku froze time. With only ten seconds to act, he ran through the whole field while digging up every bomb and placed one at the contestants that managed to reach to the field. with only 5 seconds left, he placed tiny energy attacks in the bombs so they'll detonate immediately. He finally teleported in front of everyone as time began moving again. 

Izuku snapped his fingers, resuming time and everyone was met with a pink explosion to the face. No one knows what just happened.

The audience stayed silent, even the pros don't know what happened. Most of them are dumbfounded to what just happened.

Eraserhead: What the? What in the world happened?

Toshiro smirked since he knows who did this but he doesn't how he did it so he played.

Captain Hitsugaya: can't say.

Everyone was slowly getting back up. Still shocked to what just happened but a certain ash-blonde teen knew what happened.

'That must've been Izuku!!! But how?!' as Bakugou began to catch up to Izuku, he continues to wonder how he manages to do that. 

Izuku managed to get first place with bakugou following second, Ichiro 3rd, and Todoroki 4th.

After the first even was over,  Bakugou remembered what Izuku said before the entrance exams started.


Bakugou: So izuku. What were you able to do for the past time.

Izuku: I was increasing my reflexes and my length of time on a new move I was able to do now. WIth the emerald, I can do it for a full minute. Now I can use this move for 10 seconds without it. And also i was able create a new move that I created entirely by myself, no emerald is required move.

*FlashBack Ends*

Bakugou's head: New move, able to use for ten seconds. That can only mean one thing. He can stop time. Heh, now I see how he was able to do all of those things. 

Midnight prepares to announce the next event they'll be doing which was a headband free for all and they only have 15 minutes to go find a partner. 

Midnight: also, first place is worth 10,000,000 points!!!!

Everyone glared at Izuku who remained unfazed by this.

Izuku is just walking around not really caring who he gets partnered with until Uraraka showed up and decided to team up with him to which he agreed. Another literally popped out of nowhere and was blabbering on how her equipment. Izuku just went up to Tokoyami to join him to which he also agreed.

Midnight: times Up!!! Now the next course shall begin!!!

Mostly everyone went after Izuku since he's worth so much only to be greeted by him face front and got a solid blow in the gut by his punches. Izuku teleported back to his group and Izuku told them that they should just walk around and but they should keep their guard up since anything could happen.

TetsuTestu, from class B, questions Midnight id he's allowed to do that.

TetsuTestu: Is he allowed to do that!?!?

Midnight: He never touched the ground or even make anyone fall, so technically its ok!!

TetsuTestu: Dang! We got a tough customer here!!!

Izuku: Don't even bother. All Of You won't even touch my headband.

Izuku's group decided to run in the other direction as the rest continued on.

Todoroki tried to corner them by setting up ize walls to their sides but in response to that, Izuku launches his chaos spears into them. Breaking them apart so they ran through the hole as the others try so hard to get their hands on that headband. Unfortunately for them, time ran out.

Midnight: That's All Folks! Now lets see who will be moving onto the next round!

Eraserhead announces who the teams that will be moving on to the next event, "First up we got Team Midoriya. Next one up is Team Bakugou, Team Todoroki and Team Test- wait, Turns out it's Team Shinsou that will be moving on. And that's about it," he said in a boring tone.

Midnight: But first! Let's take a breather! We're going to need some time to build the ring!

Everyone went to the cafeteria filling themselves up but a certain red-black haired individual was missing, as well as a dual colored hair student.

Todoroki asked Izuku to meet him at the hallways in the stadium to which he agrees.

Todoroki: Midoriya, do you know about the #2 Hero, Endeavor?

"yeah i know him. He's your dad. Why are you telling me this? You have daddy issues with him? Did he do something horrible that made you resent him?" izuku said nonchalantly which pissed Todoroki a bit.

Todoroki: tch. well you're not wrong. Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?

Izuku: oh, you mean when someone was forced into a relationship just to bear children with strong quirks? Yeah I have. Let me guess, he forced your mother to hold children until one with a quirk like yours shows up? 

Todoroki: Yeah you are right. Are you going to let me talk my story.

Izuku: tch. No. I can see where your going with a mile away as soon as you said quirk marriages. Look, i don't give a crap about your personal family issues. 

Todoroki was shocked that he would say something like that, so he tried to grab him and shoved him up the wall since he's letting take over. But he fails to do so because that happen to him instead in a blink of an eye. 

Izuku shoved Todoroki up the wall with eyes that would scare some pros.

Izuku: Now listen here Mr. I-Have-Daddy-Issues. If you want to be a Hero. Then let go of your issues that you have with your dad. Unlike you, I've never been with my family nearly my whole life. You should be at least grateful that you have a family despite your problems. I already know why you are telling me your story. You want me to give it my all if we ever fight and prove Endeavor wrong that you can win with just your right side. Well guess what? You won't and you'll never take down powerful villains if you only use your ice, you'll die shamefully as the Hero who never gives it your all. So suck it up and move on. Were done here.

Izuku lets go of Todoroki and teleports back to the Cafeteria to eat. What the two didn't know though, is that a certain ash-blonde was listening to the entire conversation.


Everyone went back to the field and Midnight announces who will be fighting in the first round. But two students asked to withdraw their position since they have no memory on what happened in the second course to which midnight agrees.

Midnight: That spirit Turns Me On!! I'll accept your withdraw!!

Izuku: Turn's her on? what is she? a Lust addict or something? if so, then why isn't she married?

Ichiro leaned in and whispered to izuku.

Ichiro: I think it's because she's old.

He nodded to the ice swordsmen, agreeing to what his guess on the rated R hero.

Midnight: For the First Round we have these combatants!

Round 1

Izuku vs Mina

Todoroki vs Shiozaki

Ichiro vs Uraraka

TetsuTetsu Vs Kirishima

Shinsou vs Iida

Mei vs Sero

Kaminari Vs Yaoyorozu

Tokoyami Vs Bakugou

Midnight: Now Lets begin round 1 shall we!!!

Izuku and Mina walked up to the arena. 

Mina looks very nervous since she's fighting one of the class's strongest and also her crush. Izuku however, has a calm face as he glares at Mina.

Midnight: Battle Begin!

Izuku immediately ran to Mina and delivered a solid punch to her face. The force was so powerful that she was sent out of bounds. The fight was over before anyone knew it.

Midnight: Midoriya moves on!!

Mina stood up quietly as she rubbed the bruise in her face that she received from Izuku.

Mina's Head: he didn't even hesitate. 

Izuku teleported her and himself to recovery girl so R.G can tend to Ashido's Injuries.

Recover Girl: Jeez. You young man didn't even hesitate. You just straight went all out. 

Izuku: of course I did. I don't care if my opponent is a girl or a guy. Besides, it would be sexist of me if I hold back against a girl. Anyway, i hope you feel better Ashido. See ya later.

Mina: *Sighs deeply* .*head*I get what he's getting at and I should be glad that he's considerate and all. But he's a bit too brutal for me... I think he isn't just for me.


Izuku teleported Back to the stands as the rest of the class stared at izuku with shock on what he did. Izuku told them his reasons to which some agreed, some are still a tiny bit skeptical about it.

Todoroki was up next and he immediately send in a wave of ice towards Shiozaki and she tried to block it off with her vines, it couldn't take in all the ice. Todoroki reacted quickly and froze her up on the spot. Immobilizing her.

Midnight: Todoroki Moves on!! And Now for the 3rd Match!!!

Uraraka and Ichiro both went up the arena with their game faces on. Both were not backing down from this fight.

Midnight: BATTLE BEGIN!!!

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