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two. was being in love ever this hard?

"I used to think I was smart but you made me feel like I was naive"

The sun bathed the sandy beach in golden hues as Katherine and Conrad walked hand in hand, their laughter blending with the sound of crashing waves. They were just fourteen, innocent and unaware of the depth of their feelings. But something special bloomed between them, a connection that defied their young understanding.

Katherine couldn't help but steal glances at Conrad. His playful antics and contagious laughter filled her heart with joy. As they reached a secluded spot on the beach, a mischievous smile played on Conrad's lips.

"Hey, Kat," he said, nudging her gently. "You know you're my favorite person to spend time with, right? I mean, I love Belly and Steven and even Jere but you? You are my favorite person, ever."

A shy blush crept onto Katherine's cheeks as she looked up at him. "Really? Why's that?"

Conrad's eyes twinkled with warmth as he replied, "Because you make everything fun. Being with you feels like an adventure."

Katherine's heart fluttered at his words. It was a flutter she couldn't quite understand, but it made her feel alive. She mustered the courage to speak her mind. "Conrad, I feel the same way. You bring out the best in me."

Their eyes locked, an unspoken understanding passing between them. It was a moment of innocent sweetness, a glimpse into a love yet to fully blossom.

As they continued their walk along the shore, Conrad reached down and picked up a seashell, gently placing it in Katherine's open palm. "For you. A little piece of our adventure together."

She smiled, her eyes shimmering with humor and happiness. "Thank you, Conrad. I'll treasure this seashell always and forever."

In that simple exchange, they exchanged more than just a seashell. They exchanged promises of friendship, companionship, and the possibility of a love that would grow with time. It was a memory they would forever hold dear, a tender moment that marked the beginning of a beautiful journey.

As they played and laughed, unaware of the intricacies of love, they created a cherished memory that would stay with them forever. They were just fourteen, young and full of wonder, but their hearts whispered secrets that neither fully understood.

Hand in hand, they walked along the beach, their laughter mingling with the rhythm of the waves. And as the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, they embraced the sweetness of their friendship, unknowingly laying the foundation for a love story that would unfold with time.

"Hey, Conrad."

As Katherine's eyes fell upon Conrad, the one boy who she had truly ever loved, a mix of emotions surged within her like a tempestuous sea. Love, pain, and confusion intertwined, creating a whirlwind of feelings that threatened to consume her. Time seemed to stand still as she took in his presence, realizing the immense weight of their history and the scars he had left upon her heart.

Her love for Conrad had never truly faded, despite the pain he had inflicted and the things she tried to get rid of it. But seeing him again, after months of separation and heartbreak, brought a flood of bittersweet memories crashing back into her consciousness. It was a paradoxical mixture of joy and pain, a reminder of what they once shared and the shattered fragments that remained.

Conrad is her best friend. At least he was her best friend before everything went down.

As her gaze lingered on Conrad, she couldn't help but notice the nonchalance etched upon his face. The once-vibrant spark in his eyes seemed dimmed, and his cautious demeanor spoke volumes. A pang of empathy tugged at Katherine's heart, even amidst the remnants of her own pain.

He turns to Belly and Katherine watches as the girl's eyes lit up, like fireworks in the dark. She was fully aware of Belly's age-old crush on Conrad but she never questioned it. She knew why Belly would fall for Conrad, he was just that kind of a boy girls found it easy to fall for.

"I liked you better with glasses." Conrad says to the fifteen-year-old, oblivious to how that stung the young girl.

"Too bad." Belly rolls her eyes, throwing her arm around Katherine's shoulder, "I like me better without them. "

Summer. It was so precious, so full of hope. Katherine hoped for no more heartbreak but on the other hand was the other Conklin girl, who wished to finally have the boy that she loved, love her back.

"Guys!" Steven and Jeremiah smile at them pointing at their hands, as if timing something. Jeremiah smiled wickedly at Katherine before grabbing her hand, just as the boys scream together– "It's time for the Belly-Kat flop!"

The boy, who had so clearly been working out, found it easy to grab hold of the girl and not letting her go as Belly made a run for it, desperate to make an escape. There was nothing on earth the girls hated more than that wretched 'Belly-Kat flop' the boys had created. It had seemed as if Conrad wasn't interested in participating in their old traditions anymore but just as Belly reached the threshold of the house, Katherine felt strong hands gripping onto her waist as Jeremiah ran off to help Steven.

"Let me go, Conrad!" She screamed, and then marveled at the way he laughed, as if the wall she had seen just moments before had never existed. She turned her head to look at him, and finally she saw a smile appear upon his face, unburdened... happy.

"No can do, Kath," he grinned, and for a second, history ceased to exist, the pages of their past burned, "You are the one who loves traditions!"

Fear and giddiness crept upon the girl as Belly went flying into the pool. Her eyes widened, knowing that she was next. She looked back to see Steven grinning mischievously. Before she could react, Conrad and Jeremiah grabbed hold of her arms, and together, they swung her back and forth like a sack of grain.

Katherine's laughter filled the air as she was propelled through the air, a mix of exhilaration and nostalgia washing over her. And then, with a final push, they tossed her into the cool embrace of the pool.

Emerging from the water, her voice rang out, a mix of surprise and playful indignation. Belly was near her too, about to make her way out of the pool, laughing. With a grin, Katherine whispered into her cousin's ear.

"You hurt her ankle, you creeps!" Belly rolled her eyes, looking annoyed at the boys, "Somebody help her out!"

Warily, Conrad made his way over, a flicker of concern crossing his features, his eyes resting on Katherine's as if he was sorry. He extended his hand towards the older Conklin girl, ready to offer assistance.

But Katherine had other plans.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she grabbed Conrad's hand and yanked him into the water with her. As they splashed and struggled, Katherine's laughter erupted, echoing through the summer air.

The brunette swam away from Conrad, teasing and taunting him as he pursued her. The weight of their shared history and the unspoken tension between them electrified the moment, as if they were in a dream.

Finally, Conrad managed to catch up to Katherine, his grip firm but gentle. They floated in the water, suspended in a fleeting moment of stillness.

"And anyways it was a summer fling, it was bound to get over."

The moment had ended and reality washed over Katherine in a rush. "Let go"

The words slipped out, laden with unspoken desires and the ache of longing. Conrad hesitated, his eyes searching hers for any sign of uncertainty or reluctance but Katherine's gaze held determination, a spark of daring flickering within her.

Conrad's eyes looked away from her, and with a mixture of tenderness and urgency, he slowly released his hold on her.

Katherine swims away from him, letting distance fall between them, because she can't let herself do this again. She can't let this be like last summer again so that he can rip out her heart as if it were nothing.

Dinner that night was bouillabaisse, a long-standing tradition on the first night of summer at Cousins Beach. Katherine had already showered and was dressed in a yellow summer dress, while everyone else was ready for the evening, except for Belly. She still stood in her bathing suit, wrapped in a towel, her hair tangled and clumpy from the saltwater.

Katherine watched as Conrad also entered the room, his eyes darting to every corner of the room but her face. This for the better, she tried to convince herself, he should try to keep the distance.

As the family gathered around the table, Katherine gave out a small laugh since Laurel couldn't help but express her frustration with Steven's constant phone use, "Steven, I swear to God if you look at that phone one more time, I'm putting it in the screen basket.

Susannah chimed in, echoing the sentiment, "It's just that we love to see your beautiful faces. Can dinnertime be a screen-free zone? Like the olden days."

Jeremiah, grinning mischievously, seized the opportunity to snatch Steven's phone and throw it across the room, skillfully passing it to the surprise of everyone.

"We get it, you have abs now." Steven rolled his eyes.

Belly couldn't resist joining in the playful banter. "You're just jealous Jere has a better body than you."

Katherine burst into laughter, and even Conrad managed a brief smile. Belly relished in the joy of her small victory, always seeking an audience of two. This was normal for them, this peace between all five of them, friendly banters, playful conversations.

Steven shifted the conversation towards Conrad's plans for the summer, specifically inquiring about his upcoming football training camp.

"He quit football." Jeremiah declared, looking nervously between his mother and Conrad.

Katherine's eyes opened wide in surprise. She looked at him in question, catching upon how he lied all this while. She had thought it was only for that one time that he had lied to her saying he had football practice.Maybe not. She had so many questions, another fact adding into her heartache but she kept shut. Steven, however, couldn't hide his astonishment.

"You quit? Are you serious, man? I'd kill to play college ball."

Susannah interjected, offering a glimmer of hope, "He can always change his mind."

"Yeah," Katherine shrugged, "Y'all know Connie, he changes his mind in a second."

Conrad and Steven looked at her, surprised by her words as they were the only ones aware of the matters of the past. A glimmer of hurt passed through Conrad 's eyes but his response was firm and resolute.

"I'm not changing my mind," he shook his head, looking at his mother–obviously done with the conversation, "I would've just been sitting on the bench all season anyway."

The younger Conklin's all exchanged glances, momentarily united by their outsider status within this sudden shift in family dynamics. Laurel, attempting to redirect the conversation, asked Conrad what he planned to do now that he wasn't playing football.

Steven smiled, "He can work at the club with me and Jere."

"No thanks."

Belly, surprised by the revelation, turned to Jeremiah for confirmation. "You guys are working this summer?"

Jeremiah nodded, "Yeah, I'm lifeguarding, and Steven's bussing tables."

Katherine felt a bit shocked, unaware that Steven had planned to work over the summer, "Really? You guys?"

Steven rolled his eyes, "It's like you don't trust us to actually work."

"That's probably because I don't."

Susannah, wanting to shift the focus, revealed a surprise she had in store for Belly. Katherine knew the look on her face, she had a similar surprise for her last summer.

She presented Belly with an invitation, causing Laurel to groan in response.

Katherine's aunt groaned, "So this is why you had to stop by the country club."

Jeremiah was curious, eager to know what the invitation held. "What? What is that?"

"I wrangled Belly an invitation to be a debutante." Susannah smiled widely, "We have our second deb in this room!"

Belly, puzzled by the concept, asked for clarification. "You mean that thing Kath did last year? I don't even remember what it was, she didn't let anyone but you and Conrad get involved!"

Susannah grinned, before enthusiastically explaining, highlighting the fun and networking opportunities it could bring. "It's when a young girl comes of age and is presented to society. I know it sounds goofy, but I swear it's fun. Girls come to Cousins from all over New England to be a part of it. You'll make so many new friends. It was so great to do it with Katherine last year and I want you to be a part of it too! Katherine promised to do it again as well."

Uncertain, Belly looked to her mother and then Susannah for guidance. "I don't know..."

Laurel, clearly unenthusiastic, couldn't resist sharing her thoughts on the matter. "I cannot believe you're still holding on to this archaic dream. I thought we were done with all this last year but now you're making both the girls do this–this backward husband hunting?"

Susannah defended the tradition, highlighting its evolution. "It used to be about finding a husband, now it's about networking!"

Laurel and Katherine both start carrying the plates into the kitchen. The older Conklin woman's snort of disbelief interrupted Susannah's explanation.

"Oh please!"

Susannah continued, mentioning the lessons in etiquette and leadership that the debutante experience offered. Belly's horrified expression captured everyone's attention.

"Etiquette? I don't know anything about that." She looked around, awaiting support from someone, "And since when does Kath have any etiquette?"

Katherine watched with amusement as Susannah tried to reassure Belly, emphasizing the charitable aspect and comparing it to a bat mitzvah.

"It is not a bat mitzvah." Laurel shook her head at her best friend, "There's nothing religious about a debutante ball.

Conrad, looking at Katherine, thought it was finally time to express his strong opinion, dismissing the whole debutante scene as nonsense. "The whole deb scene is bullshit. It's for sheep."

The brunette turned to look at him, "For sheep? May I remind you that you were one of the sheep that you mention last year?"

He shrugged, "At least, I didn't twirl around in a white frilly gown."

Susannah passionately disagreed, defending the formal recognition of maturity that debutante balls symbolized. "No, it's not. When a girl has a coming out, it's a formal recognition of a young woman who's reached maturity."

Steven, unable to take this matter seriously, interjected humorously. "Mature? Kath and Belly? A couple of months ago, they had a cat funeral. Belly made us all wear black!"

Belly playfully retorted, recalling a vulnerable moment of the boy's. "Shut up, Steven. I saw you crying in your room."

Jeremiah shook his head, "Mochi died? Dang. Sorry, girls."

Susannah seized the opportunity to refocus on Belly's potential interest in the debutante invitation. "Wouldn't it be fun to get all dressed up? Despite all Katherine says, she really loved it!"

That was true. Despite how much she hated the way her family wanted to be involved and the rules the debs had to follow, the final ball had been one of the most magical moments of her life, a night right out of a fairytale.

Laurel, having returned from the kitchen with a bottle of wine, made a final remark. "It's just not Belly's kind of thing. She's our feral little alley cat."

Belly moved slightly out of Laurel's reach when she attempted to tousle her messy hair, a gesture that usually brought them closer together. "I'll think about it."

"I'll do it if she does it," Katherine smiled at Laurel and Susannah, "Who knows? Maybe it will even be fun this year."

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