😱Mikey's brother??!!😱

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(Third Person PoV)

"Mikey! I found a new person to join the SMP," John ran up to the baseball cap man.

"New person? Really John, without telling us?" Mikey asked.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise! Especially when you know this person," John explained.

"John I know a lot of people. Do you realize how little that narrows it down!?" Mikey asked.

"That's why it's a surprise! He'll be coming in...well I don't know when but very soon Mikey, very soon," John explained.

"Sure whatever you say," Mikey rolled his eyes.

(Time skip)

"How long do we have to wait for the second gym?" Scarecrow asked.

"Honestly I have no idea! The first gym just appeared out of nowhere," John shrugged.

"Also where's the Temp?" Scarecrow looked around.

"Uhhhhh...he's somewhere," John replied quickly.

"Guys! Hey what's up?" Jack arrived.

"Is the second gym out yet?" Scarecrow asked but Jack shook his head.

"Unfortunately no BUT I have even better news!" He replied.

Just then, everyone got a new notification on their coms.

GruntyBoi has joined the game

"Is that a new person?" Scarecrow asked.

"Aww man! That was supposed to be my better news," Jack groaned.

"Come on! Let's meet up with him!" John ran off with Scarecrow and Jack following him.

When they got there however, someone had already beaten them to the new person.

It was Mikey and he was arguing with GruntyBoi.

"No! Why are you even here? I keep telling you to think twice about talking to strange people!" Mikey snapped.

"What? I am OFFENDED! It's not a strange person if it's your friend John!" GruntyBoi explained.

"You don't even know how he looks like! You just know his voice!" Mikey groaned.

"Uhhh Mikey? What are you doing?" John asked.

"John! Why did you invite GruntyBoi to the SMP?" Mikey asked.

"Also is his actual name GruntyBoi?" Jack asked.

Everyone turned to look at him.


"What? It's a genuine question!" Jack shouted.

"Well first of all, John here graciously found my abilities and charm as something needed on this server and second of all, yes that is my real name. Don't ask how that happened," GruntyBoi explained.

"Honestly I thought it was because of the whole Team Rocket attire," Scarecrow motioned to the clothes that GruntyBoi was wearing.

"It's a long long story. Micheal why don't you tell them?" GruntyBoi explained.


"Why not?" GruntyBoi whined.

"Because I don't feel like it. Also you better not be breaking into my house to steal things like you keep on doing before coming here!" Mikey snapped.

"Fiiiine! But I'll still be using your shower if you have one. Ta ta~," GruntyBoi skipped away.

"Huh...now that sure was interesting," John noted.

"Umm Mikey. Why were you so hostile to GruntyBoi? What's your deal with him?" Scarecrow asked.

"He keeps stealing my stuff and he was a part of Team Rocket which our parents greatly disapprove of that," Mikey explained.

"Wait...our parents?" Jack asked.

"Yes! GruntyBoi and I are twins!" Mikey shouted.

To say that they were in disbelief shock was an understatement.

The three of them (John, Jack and Scarecrow) fainted at this news.

It was weird.

A/N: I got bored one day so here's a short and sweet one~shot. Not canon, I thought it would be funny

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