Chapter Two

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//forgot to metion, Adi is sixteen. Onto the chapter!!//

I lead them into my surprisingly big bedroom, motioning then to sit down. "For a slave, your room is pretty big." Thomas shrugged. "I'm not a slave!" I groan. "Shut up and sit down Jeffershìt." I crossed my arms, sitting down on the opposite side of them. "So, I don't want you guys to freak out....but, you all are in the year of 2018..." I mumbled. Everyone was silent for a while. Then chaos broke out.

"W H A T-"

"How did we get here?!"

"What about slaves?! Are they free?!"



"What happened to New York?!"

"Where is Philip?!"

"Is there some time machine you used?!"

"I'm gonna say this slowly. WHAT THE HÉLL DID YOU DO-"


"I don't understand-" James went into a small coughing fit.

"sHUT UP-" I screeched at them. Everyone immediately went silent. "Ok, first, I don't know what I did. Second, things are very different now. Slaves are illegal to have, and we have technology." I say gently as I sighed. "And about Philip-" I was cut off by a small cough coming from my closet. "Uh....Hold on." I got up, walking over to my closet and opening. There, was a freckled boy, curly hair and a confused look on his face. "Uhm-" "I know. It's confusing. Just come sit down freckles." I say simply, pushing him gently to his parents, making him get smothered in a hug. "Don't you dare get into a duel again!!" Eliza exclaims. "Sorry Mom-" Philip shrugged, giggling. Damn, his giggle is cute. Wait, what am I thinking, he's probably twenty. Or seventeen...which means I-no Adi. Get your head out the gutter!

I then sat back down, sighing. 'Alright, for now, you'll all have to stay here. I don't really have parents at the moment, so you guys can stay at my house. By the way, we need to get rid of.....that." I slightly pointed at what they were wearing. "What's wrong with this?" Alexander huffed. "It's 2018. Don't get it twisted. People don't wear this anymore." I then got up, walking to my bed and feeling under it. I then pull out a box, with a code. Of course, it's 1776. Oops. After putting in the code, I open the box, pulling out some money. "For now. We're going to have to go shopping. If anyone asks, just say it's for a play." And, please don't say anything embarrassing...." I then slid the box under my bed again, standing. "Come on, we have work to do."

Time skip

God, walking around the mall is hard when you got people that look like they popped out of the 1700's. But, I managed to get everyone a few outfits. They all seemed satisfied, but the girls were a bit confused on why a lot of girls were wearing pants. After a quick explanation on how girls now could wear pants, they said they felt like they all had rose up to the top of the world. oof. After we came home, I closed the door, sighing softly. "Jeez. This was hard." I say softly as I set the bags down. "Ok, you guys must be hungry, what do you want for dinner?" I ask them, hopping onto the counter. "Mac and cheese!" Thomas yells out. "No." I say simply, rolling my eyes. Thomas grumbled as he crossed his arms. "You know what, I'm gonna order a pizza." I huff, grabbing my laptop. "What the hel-" Philip stopped himself from cursing, due to his parents giving him a stare. "Heck is pizza?" I then put a hand over my heart. "You poor souls...." I whisper softly. "Don't worry, you'll love it."

After everyone ate, and literally thanked me for it, I shrugged while letting them relax and walked up to my room. A few minutes later, there was a small knock. "Come in-" I called out as I rub my eyes. There stood Philip, a small smile on his face. "H-hey, Uhm...I just wanted to say th-thank you..." I giggle slightly. "For what?" I tilt my head slightly. "F-for letting us stay here..." Philip blushes softly, bitting his lip. "Awe, it's nothin'..." I snicker, getting up at patting his head. "Th-thanks...b-bye!" He quickly walked off, making me giggle and close my door. "Man he's cute." I sigh happily, deciding to head to sleep. One thing went through my mind though.

Why do I have a crush on a person who died years ago....?

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