❣️ I choose to stay in love with you even when you don't ❣️

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Raavi to shiva pouring her heart in her
diary sitting in her room away from him ..

" I tried to fight for the 'US' we dreamt about . I tried to get you listen me . I tried to get you back .

I tried till all my tears dried . I tried till my mind gave up with the constant whire of thoughts. I tried till I finally realised,"

"I am in love with you regardless of you loving me back or not "

I tried till I realised,
" From the moment we shared ,
To the time when loneliness settled
From the smiles that widened
Till the tears that I shed "

"From the giddy feeling while being loved
To the constant pain in my heart .."

On the other hand for the first time shiva tried to write his heart on a open book sitting in his once their room..

Shiva to raavi ..

"From the dreams we dreamt
To the nightmares that I lived ",

My 'TRIALS' were worth every pain .
It just proves how brutally and beautifully strong my love for you is , to endure everything it went through.

I wish I could take my words back that pushed you away .
I wish I could make a little more compromises to make you stay .
I wish I could make you not despise me for the reason unknown yet known to me .
I wish I could place my heart in your hands so that you could listen to all the beats that echo your name .

I know all this sounds very cheesey but ,
Come on, love is like a cheese for the starters it goes really well with wine .
We lived in those ordeal cliches. And what's wrong with being a part of those cliches when it was supposed to keep 'US FOREVER' ?
I begged to keep the practical problems away because love itself is a cliché . Yet again , I lay " we can fight through it all because life isn't a bed full of roses and neither is love .
So does that mean that we back out when we have to face real struggles or should we be standing together, living each other abd supporting eachother while fighting for eachother!!

Raavi to shiva ...

I love you with everything in me .
My mind forever consumed by the thoughts of you ,

My heart forever blushing at the memories of us two
My hands aching to be hold in yours
My eyes yearning to catch your sight .

I still remember that excitement bubbling in me when we used to meet .
I still remember how lively I felt while I was with you.
I still remember how easy it was to smile , knowing that I am loved by you .

Today here I am , an absolute mess, living with our memories and existing with mere hopes.

Shiva to raavi ...

Here , I am finding you in everything that I read and everything I do .
I find myself, still lost , of how things would have been if you wouldn't have left me .
I find myself shuddering through tje fears , the doubts, the insecurities that you never loved me actually.

The thought that " YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT ME IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME , WOULD YOU?" shattered me .

I find myself getting consoled and caressed by the sweet memories we shared and the way your eyes held affection for me .
I feel strange to be living in this queer world , dangling between dreams, nightmares and memories.
It is scary how happy I am thinking about you, and how equally broken, I am to be away from you.

Raavi to shiva ...

This world scares me - this world called "LOVE" but , as scary as it might be , I find you in it -- now just in dreams and hopes.
So, still I choose to stay here.
Stay here until you realise
Just how much I love you
Even I you don't love me back .

Shivi to each other...

Stay here, so that when you feel unloved, my wide arms extended for you, can mock your demons .
Stay here, only to love you again and again, till the " FOREVER AND EVER" that we promised and till the " AFTER " when you left ....



Just try this song it's a slow song but the album my heart has such a beautiful songs sung by her .. Its fitting so well here with shivi ..

With this the night falls close to dawn and the sleep consumes them thinking about each other with pure love and pain at the same time.


Love is what immortal ... The definition of love is different for each person but the strength it gives the feeling it gives is same yet different...

For me the definition of love is being someone's strength the path of care .
Love is like a magic 🪄 but it's a reality to be with the one you are in love with .

Love is compassion strength strong bond friendship and much more which can not be explained in few words... It can only be felt by the one who is in love and to whom that one does . Love should be selfless not selfish act . In love one should not expect that if you love some one who doesn't love you back should also love you too but make them feel loved as much as possible as you love can change their hearts one day may be you get what you dreamt off . Ones love should be unconditional and supporting not showing off ...

Love is just not a word but a whole different vibe feeling bubbling all in the heart and then went out spread whole in the body .


Hey guys here is a small drabble on shivi ..

I hope u like it...

Do tell me how is it ..

What do you think what love is to you ... It can be anything to you ...

Do share your thoughts here with me .. would love to read them all ...


Dear diary

Zoey ..

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