Old English literature and Middle English Literature

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        I.            Old English Literature (450-1066)

A.      Special features.

·         449: the Germanic tribes invaded England and brought with them Anglo-Saxon language which is the basis of Modern English.

- 1558 : Elizabeth I ascended the throne and maintained social stability

- 1603:  Death of Elizabeth; ascension of James I, the 1st Stuart King

·         Poetry:   

ü  to be chanted with harp accompaniment.

ü  bold and strong, but also mournful and elegiac in spirit.

ü  without rhyme, abundant use of alliteration.

·         Prose: mainly religious works written in Latin.

B.      Major authors:

·         Caedmon

·         Bede

·         Bethius

C.      Important works:

·         Ecclesiastical History of the English people.

·         The consolation of Philosophy.

      II.            Middle English literature (1066-1485)

1338: hundred years war with French began

1454: war of roses began

1476: William Caxton set up 1st printing press in London

1492: Columbus sailed to American

A.      Special features.

·         Literature extensive influence of French literature on native English forms and themes.

·         Drama: associated with the church celebrations of traditional religious feasts.

                                                There are 2 major types are : Miracle or Mystery plays and Morality plays.

·         Poetry:

+        Religious innocence, married chasity, villainous hypocrisy, female volubility.

+        Diversity of characters, social levels, attitude and ways of life.

·         Prose: climax of tradition of writing, bringing together myth and history.


B.      Major authors:

·         Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400) (poetry)

·         William Langland (c.1330-c.1386) (poetry)

·         Sir Thomas Malory (prose)

ü  Important works.

·         Prologue

·         Piers Plowman

·         The death of author (tales)

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