"Thom" Boy

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Life.What is life? Is it just a series of moons that shine for love? Or making money to fill your pockets? Or for people to just assume who you are by what you look like.Live. Living is different, to touch for the first time, or to love, that is to live. To love. To feel.

Chapter one
A new soul
Light. I saw it for the first time. My long, dark-haired mother was smiling, maybe the only time she ever did.Her pale face sprinkled with freckles. And my Dad was tall, and smiling. I miss his smile, when he did it brought light to the world.
My room was pink.hot pink. My least favorite color. My name is Thomasana. It's pretty, I guess. I always wanted to be Jackie, or Jamie, or Alex. Names that could also belong to
Boys. Boys.

Chapter two

"Get up pumpkin" my mom said"it's time for school". I could see she tried. Tried to sound happy. But we both know that emoition will never be with us again. I grab my backpack and open the front door. I tried. Tried to leave without saying goodbye. I could never do it. I ran back in, lifted the lid of the bronze jar "love you dad" I whispered to the dark ashes, then raced out the door.
I heard it again, just like every morning. Tom boy, tom boy! I walked past it, the pain. The voices. I go to my classes, like always. Then I see him. his silky brown hair, and his blue ocean eyes that, if I'm not careful, I would drown in.
Chapter three

My mom drove me to the car dealership so I can get my license. I could see the stress lines on her forehead in the reirview mirror, but no wrinkles from the fact that she almost never smiled anymore.In high school, a car identifys you, and symbolizes your freedom and newly found adult hood. There are cars that are for cheatleaders to geeks. I like to stay away from all the labels (and people), since no one would no where to put me. "OOF!"my head hurt so badly I smacked my hands to it trying to calm it. I closed my eyes and mouthed to myself."Stupid, now it hurts more."When I look up I see heaven in the shape of a boy. He fixed his messy mop of hair then looked at me. Our eyes locked. I couldn't look away even if I tried. Finally , he shook it off and walked over to me, and held out a hand to help me get up. "Jake" he said."excuse me?" "My
Name is jake"
Chapter four
The river

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