Chapter 2: Some old songs..

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(Tom's P.O.V)

Oh god, I felt very horrible when I woke up.

"Ugh, my head, the hell.. what happened..."

I stand up, and grab my bag, and my harpoon, somehow, was bleeding because of the fall, it was painful, so I grabbed my aid kit, and after a few minutes later.

I was bandaged literally on half of my face, at least I know how, with that out of the way, I said.

"Well there's only one thing to do for now, press on, huh, I hope there's an exit."

I I grab my bag, my harpoon, and walked down as there was a stairway, holding my harpoon, and still thinking about Edd and Matt, and as I walked and broke some wood planks attached to the door, so I was right about the stairway.

And as I walk down, there was a room that huge, which I don't remember.

"Jesus, how did this place get so big.."

I rub my head, and play a tape recording of Sammy Laurence, an old friend of my father, and after the recording stopped, I hear the following words.

"I said, can I get an amen?.."

What the hell? Just, nevermind, as I was walking to one of the caskets, I hear muffled screams, which means.. There's a person with me, which means... Oh God, if this is Tord or Matt non of the less, I have to unfortunately help them... I have to break this casket..

(Third Person or View.)

Tom immediately breaks the casket open, and grabs his harpoon, and it was a familiar face... It was.. Tord?!

"Huh?! The hell, what are you doing here?!" Tom points his harpoon towards Tord, but Tord was just.. Not smiling for sure.

"Look, I don't know either, but look, I'm sorry, just... Leave me here just to die.. I'm no worth of your friendship anyways.."

Tom was silent, as Tord looked on the ground for shame.

 "Look, I know this is a place for no protection, but we have to stick together, for now, even though we have intentions of beating our own a$$'s up."

 Tord immediately looked at Tom, "Are you serious? I thought you-"

Tom shook his head, "I don't care, I've been here, and I have to get out of the damn place," and they went on their way, while going, there was ink flooded in a room that led to another room, curious, Tord went to the hallway, and as he walked and spotted a figure.

"Hey?! Can you help us both?!"

But the figure was gone..

"Where the hell did he go..?"

Tord, not bothering to find out who the hell was that, immediately went to check that there was a gate.

"Hey Thomas! Look over here!"

Tom heared Tord, and walked to him, seeing that there was a gate, with no power..

"Huh, looks like we need to open the gate with some sort of power.."

Tord nods, and the two found two power switches, and after turning on both switches, both of them opened the gate at the same time, and the gate opened, leaving Tom to open his flashlight, and Tord played a tape of his dad's old friend again, and as they were walking, both of them spotted a stairwell flooded with ink.

"Well, we have to do some sh!t to get the Ink, out somehow?"

Tord says to Tom and as the go back, some ink minion appears, with his harpoon, he immediately kills the thing, while Tord watched.

And they went to a room were Tom and the other voice actors used to play their voice recordings. Tord sees a projector and plays a tape of Norman Polk, confused, he yelled.

"Hey jehovah, I think this has a connection to there."

Tom, confused as he was, saw a few instruments, and he plays a recording of Susie Campbell, his old vocal coach, realizing there's another halway, he walks while tord takes notes, Tom is shocked as there was the pump switch, which was flooded with.. ink.

"Oh the hell? There it is I guess, I got to find a way to stop the flooding I guess..?"

Tom walks and finds a recording of Wally Frank's, as mentioned, he lost some keys, so as he was walking to find those keys, he finds them pretty quickly, and opens a closet, and finds another recording of his father's old friend.

But this time, it's for the sanctuary of sammy laurence, which informally gives instructions to open it, as it was played, the banjo, drums, and the bass two times.

Tom immediately rushes back to Tord, who was just in time playing the projector, he immediately played the four instruments, and it opened the sanctuary. Tord was in disbelief as he saw what was happening.

"Woah, woah, woah there Thomas, what happened?!"

Tom explained to Tord what he had found out about the information as they were going out of the sanctuary, five searchers appeared and Tom handled them easily like a maniac, killing all of them, and as they went to the Ink pipe, Tord realized that there was no valve, so he goes down and defeats another inkling on his way.

Getting the valve, and placing it on the Ink pipe, then turning it on, excited, both of them immediately went to the Ink pump, and pulled the lever, and went to staircase, and well, both of them were knocked out by a familiar figure.

Tord was one of the first people that woke up, and saw the man who knocked them out, sammy laurence, who left them both, and went to a room, he heard what happened to him as he was killed, Tord immediately woke up Tom, cutted the rope.

And as Tom woke up, he grabbed his harpoon, and ran after defeating the searcher, and Tord broke the planks, both of them talked about what happened, and as there were walking to an exit, an Ink bendy appeared again, so they both ran to a room where a plank bordered up bendy from coming inside.

Tom was relieved, and Tord was very quiet afterwards. But then, a can of bacon soup rolled over, immediately, Tom pulled out his harpoon and said.

"Huh? Who's there, if your a coward then, just show yourself!"

And a familiar figure walked out, it was..


(Chapter 2, complete..)

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