Prologue: An unexpected arrival...

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(Third persons or view.)

Tom was just.. Watching TV in his small apartment while it was 10:00pm, I guess, until he heard a knock on his door, Edd and Matt we're gone for the time being, so he went to the door, and while opening it, there was a mailman, of all people, {What the hell..?} Tom thought to himself, But was handed a letter of all parcels, then he signed the contract of that letter, and the mailman left.

Still confused, Tom goes to his couch, and sits down, opening the letter, he reads it as he looks at the familiar writting.

"Dear Thomas, It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 20 years really slips away, doesn't it? If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something i need to show you, your best boss, Joey Drew... "

Tom shock his head, going back to the same studio 20 years later? Nah..? Or not..

If he's going back there, he has to pack before leaving, if he leaves without a note?

Nothing else to do after.. That incident that he was involved was a pain in his a$$, but he has two options, one is to not go, or, go to investigate...

And so, he picked to go investigate the studio to find out the secrets that his old boss we're hiding..

"Alright old man, I'm here.. Lets see what the hell have you been hiding.."

(To be continued.)

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