Dauntless || Newt AU || Part 2

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So, for these who have read Divergent-It will be like halfway through the first book. That means Jeanine never attacked Abnegation and such, and also Tobias and Tris and the others will probably come at some point.
Newt's POV
I can't believe I choose Dauntless just because of her. I don't know if I will survive this thing. It's kinda fun, though.

We walked to the other end of the roof, where the Dauntless-born where already lining. In the front was some guy with piercing and tattoos all over his face.

"Hello. My name is Eric. Welcome to Dauntless initiation...well, almost,"the guy said."To get to Dauntless Headquarters, you have jump to it."Eric said, pointing next to the roof.

All of us stepped closer to the edge to take a look. There is a big hole on the roof of a lower building and then darkness.

"You want us to jump in there?"a Candor-transfer girl asked, pointing down.

"That's exactly what I am saying."Eric said."So, who's first?"

Everyone looked at each other, nobody volunteering. Not even the Dauntless-born.

"Can I?"a very familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Y/n rising her hand.

"Y/n what are you-"

"Great!"Eric cut me off. I face palmed myself.

Y/n's POV
I walked closer to the edge and looked down. Nothing to worry about.

I lifted my dress a little so I can step on the edge. Once there, I looked down and without hesitation did it. I heard gasps and turned a little so I can look up and saw how fast all the faces appeared on the edge, becoming smaller and smaller, until I hit something, which sunk me into itself, then send me flying back up, then I fell down. I stood there for a few seconds, then felt the net I was laying on being tugged. I rolled down and someone helped me. It was a guy, probably in his twenties.

"A stiff jumped first? Again? I feel like we got Tris too,"the guy said and he and a dark skinned guy laughed. I rose an eyebrow and the two looked at me.

"Oh right, what's your name?"the one that caught me asked.

"Y/n."I answered. I heard that you can change your name when you go to another faction, but I like my own.

"Okay Guys! First jumper-Y/n!"the dark skinned guy said and all of them congratulated me.

Screams could be heard as the second person fell. High punched, so I guessed it was a girl.

Turns out it's my brother. Didn't know he could scream like that.

"Wow, Stiff number two."the same guy that took me said and helped my brother down. He walked up to me and put his arm around me.

"Amazing scream you got there, Thomas."I said and laughed. He rolled his eyes.

After Thomas came Newt, and then Brenda and then the other people.

When everyone was down, helping guy said."Okay, Faction-Transfers come with me, Dauntless-Born, go with Zeke there."the guy explained, pointing at the dark skinned guy he was laughing with. Thirteen kids went to helping guy and the others went to 'Zeke'.

Helping guy, who told us his name is Four, showed us around, then led us to something like a clothing store and gave us all black clothes.

He led us to a room with several beds inside."This will be your room."Four said and we all looked at him.

"You mean, we will be sharing?"I asked.

"Yeah. Any problem with that?"Four asked and I shook my head.


"Okay. After you change, throw your old clothes in there."he said and pointed at a fireplace. We nodded and then Four left and let us to it.

I choose a bed next to the wall, Brenda takes the one on my right and Thomas on my left, Newt on the one next to Thomas.

I changed into black skinny jeans and black T-shirt, with a black jacked, which I zipped till the end.

I changed fast, faster than the others, so I sat down and waited. This gave me time to observe the other initiates. There were 13 in total, 6 girls and 7 guys. There are three Abnegation-me, Thomas and Newt, there are 2 Amity-Brenda and some guy, there are two girls and two boys from Candor-same for Erudite.

"Hey, Y/n, ready to go to lunch?"Newt asked, shaking me off my daze. I looked at him. He was wearing the same as me, just for guys, but he looked so damn hot.

I blushed from the thoughts I had and nodded."Yeah, let's go."

Hey guys! One last thing! Follow me and my friends' group account! baphfanfics ! We will be posting TBS fanfics and more soon! Thanks!

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