My love, my brother and the scorch || Part 1

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Y/n's POV
I am sitting on a table, across from my best friend-Brenda. I wish my brother and other best friends were here. My brother was, is, Thomas and my best friends were Newt, Minho, Alby, Teresa and Chuck. Ah, Newt. How much I miss this boy. He confessed to me just before hew as taken away to enter the trials. He said he will never forget me, but that's impossible. I watched him. Every day, sitting next to Thomas and Teresa and Chuck. I saw everything. Anyways, I was also supposed to be a subject, but they kicked me out, because they caught me trying to send information to the right arm, so here I am now. They just replaced me with Rachel. I was 15 then. That was a year ago.

Anyways, after I wondered around for some days, Brenda and Jorge found me. They told me they will help me and since then, Brenda is like my sister and Jorge is the closest thing to a father I've ever had. We are kinda like a small family.

"Y/n, look!"Brenda yelled. I looked outside to see figures running in the storm. One of them was hit by a lightning. I heard the door to open.

"Girls, I want you to go and call these guys here. I think they are from WICKED."Jorge said. We nodded and went downstairs to where the Cranks are. Brenda opened the door, turning the light on, so we see them. No. Way. That was them. Brenda walked cooly to them. I followed, trying to not start crying. They were standing in front of me. I can't believe this.

"You guys look like shit."Brenda said with a creepy happy face on"I see you met our guard dogs"she  added"Follow me. Jorge wants to meet you."she said and we turned around and walked back. She stopped after a while and turned around."If you don't want to stay with them, of course"she said and we went out of the room. I heard them following.

"Brenda..."I breathed out and looked at her. She looked at me.

"Y/n? You okay?"she asked. I shook my head.

"That's them."I said. She rose an eyebrow.

"Who?"she asked and I sighed in annoyance.

"The unicorns. My brother and friends Brenda!"I said annoyed.

"Ohhhh!"she said and looked behind us, then back at me."These? You sure?"she asked and I nodded.

"Well, let's hope Jorge won't hurt them"she said and then she started explaining things to them, while I stayed quiet.


We arrived in Jorge's floor and saw him trying to catch signal.

"Damn it."he said when it didn't work. Me and Brenda walked to the coach and sat down. Jorge turned around.

"Ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?"he asked, putting his hands on his sides. The guys and Teresa looked at each other, but nobody answered."Three questions."Jorge said and started walking closer to them."Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?"he said and took something to drink, then pour it in a glass. Nobody answered again."Don't all answer at once."he said and I mentally chuckled, but I was still dazed that they are actually here and I can't even talk to them.

"We are heading for the mountains."Thomas finally said."Looking for the right arm."he added and everyone except me and Brenda laughed.

"You're looking for ghosts, you mean."Jorge said and drank some from his liquid." Question number two."he said and walked closer to them."Where did you come from?"he asked.

"That's our business."Minho said. I mentally slapped myself. Nothing changed. Jorge rose an eyebrow and suddenly they all were being pulled on their knees by the man surrounding us. Brenda stand up and took a device, then went to Thomas. I stand up too. Please don't hurt them.

She pulled down Thomas's collar a little.

"What the hell are you doing??"Thomas yelled.

"Shut up you big baby."Brenda said and scanned his chip, then looked up at Jorge."You were right."she said, looking at me seconds after she said it. That's him. She mouthed.

I know. I mouthed. Jorge put on his glasses and took the device from Brenda, then smiles.

"What is she talking about? What's right?"Thomas asked.

"I am sorry, hermano."Jorge said, putting his glasses down"Looks like you are typed(Is that the word?)."Jorge said"You came from WICKED"he pointed his glasses at Thomas, who looked confused as hell."Witch means, you are very...valuable"he said


I am sitting with Brenda on the same table. Should I go to talk to them? I think I should. I can't leave them like that.

"Brenda, cover up for me."I said, standing up.

"What?"she asked, looking at me."Why?"she asked.

"I need to talk to them."I said.

"Why?"she asked again"Just leave them."Brenda said.

"Brenda, that's my brother. My only living relative. How would you feel if it was George? Huh?"I asked her and she looked down.

"I am sorry. I will cover up, you go."she said.

"Thank you."I said and she gave me a smile. I walked out and to the room where they were hanging. They were swinging Teresa so they can free themselves. Newt spotted me. Newt. God, I haven't seen him in years. He became such a handsome guy.

"It's not what it looks like!"Newt said.

"Oh really?"I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest."Because it looks like you are trying to escape."I said.

"We don't want any trouble, okay? We just want to get out of here."Thomas said. I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I will help you."I said"But in one condition."I said.

"What is it?"Minho asked.

"I want to come with you."I said, looking down. I really wanted it, but how am I supposed to leave Brenda?

"Why are you even on our side?"Newt asked, while I was walking to them to help Teresa.

"Because I knew you before the Maze."

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