School Crush | Simon | Nanny McPhee

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Simon's POV
I walked into the school with Tora, my sister. Once in, we parted ways and went to our friends.

I walked up to Brian and William. They are my best friends since like third grade.

"Morning Simon."the two of them said and I nodded. We walked to our classroom and sat on our seats, then she came in the classroom.

Her name is Y/n Y/l/n and she is the most perfect girl in school. Perfect grades, beautiful, funny, caring, friendly, perfect parents and such. Literally every guy likes her. Including me.

I've been liking the h/c haired girl since we were 5th grade. Now, I am 9th. Four years and I still don't have the guts to tell her.

The bell rang and everyone went to their seats, except Y/n, who was looking around. I also looked around and noticed that there was only one seat left.

The one next to me.

Y/n also saw that and walked to me, then asked,"Is the seat taken?"she asked in her angelic voice.

"I-I, it isn't,"I stuttered.

"Mind if I sit next to you, Simon?"she asked. She knows my name, I thought and blushed.

"Yeah sure, it's all yours,"I said. She flashed me a smile and sat down, then the class started.

"Okay class, open page 259,"the teacher said and I opened my textbook.

"Crap,"I heard someone mumble and turned to her. She was going through her bag.

"Is something wrong?"I asked in a low voice.

Y/n looked up and blushed,"I, um, kind of forgot my textbook,"

I looked down at my textbook and then at her,"You, wanna share mine?"I asked her.

"You already let me sit with you, that will be too much"Y/n said.

"Pfff It's Okay. Here,"I said and put it in the middle so the both of us can use it. And like that, I spend the class reading from the same textbook with the girl of my dreams.

Some weeks later
Simon's POV
The past few weeks were nothing different than usual, except me and Y/n sitting together in class and talking with each other a little, but after we leave class it's like we don't know each other.

I was sitting in the living room, getting ready for an exam for tomorrow. It's around 11 o'clock and everyone's gone to sleep.

Suddenly, I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I put my textbook down and walked to the door. I was shocked when I saw who was at the door.

Y/n stood there, tear stained face and puffy red eyes, with a bag on her back.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?"I asked, pulling her in the house. I didn't think about her knowing where I live. I was so worried about her.

"S-Simon..."she sobbed and put her hands on her face. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and she wrapped her own around my waist, sobbing on my shoulder. I rubbed her back.

"Shhh, shhh, it's alright,"I assured her,"You wanna sit down?"I asked and she nodded. I guided her to the couch and sat down.

After a while, she calmed down and just stared blankly at the fireplace in front of us, while I rubbed small circles on her shoulder. Her head was rested on my own.

"I don't want to pressure you, but can you explain what happened that made you cry and come to me?"I asked her.

She took a deep breath and sat up straighter and looked me in the eyes.

"My parents, they were, um, fighting,"she told me,"It was pretty intense, so I decided to run away for the night. I couldn't bare them fighting again-"

"Again?"I asked, cutting her off.

"Yeah, almost every minute they get alone, they are fighting,"Y/n explained,"Dad would throw something around and hurt mom or me,"she said and put her hands on her face,"God, I sound like some shit now,"she said,"I am sorry I bothered you, Simon, but I didn't know to who else to go. You were the only one I could trust with this..."she said and whipped away her tears.

I sat closer to her and wrapped my arms around her again.

"Y/n, you are not bothering me, Okay? I am more than happy to help you..."I said and kissed her forehead,"You can rely on me..."I said and felt her nod. We stayed like that for a while, until I felt her breaths become more even and looked at her. She was asleep.

I took her bridal style and brought her upstairs to my and my siblings' bedroom.

I walked in quietly and went to my bed, putting her on it, then climbing in myself. I put the covers on us and then fell asleep, holding the love of my life in my arms.


I woke up from the sunlight. I opened my eyes and saw five heads surrounding me.

I almost screamed, but then I saw my siblings and relaxed.

"Why in bloody hell are you doing this?"I whispered, trying not to wake Y/n up.

"Who is she, Simon?"Chrissy asked and I shushed her.

"It's a girl from school. She's really nice and is Simon's school cruuuuuuush."Tora said grinning.

"So what? Just leave before you wake her!"I told my siblings and they grinned, then left the room.

I turned towards Y/n and saw her eyes open. I almost jumped.

"Oh god, I feel like you want to give me a heart attack."I told her and she giggled.

"So, I am your school crush?"she asked, giggling again.

I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck,"You, um, you were not supposed to hear that."I said

"Awww, is little Simon embarrassed?"she mocked me with a big smile.

"Oh shut up!"I said and the two of us laughed.

When we quieted down, we stared into each other's eyes, until I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers.

The kiss was slow and passion, but nothing else. It was simply a kiss, which means a lot to me, hopefully to her too.

We pulled away and looked in each other's eyes again. We smiled at each other and she bit her lip.

"I have a confession to make,"Y/n said. 

"Go on,"I told her.

"I also have a school crush.."she said, her cheeks becoming pink.

"Oh,"I said,"And who is it?"

"Guess,"she said, giggling.

"Hmm, I don't know, William maybe?"I suggested with a small smirk tugging on my lips.

"It's you, silly!"she said and giggled again. Gosh, she's adorable.

"Oh, really, love? I am flattered,"I told her and pecked her lips. I guess it's not just a school crush anymore...

Okay that was a little random, but I think it's kinda cute. I hope you liked it!

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