Secret Agent | | Part 3

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Y/n's POV
I went in my room and took out my phone and texted my bestie. I was so confused right now. I am really obvious when someone likes me, but she always helps me

Me: B/f/n emergency!🚨

B/f/n: What's up?

Me: I am on a mission to guard Thomas Sangster and right now I am in his house right now

B/f/n: OMG REALLY!??

Me: Yes and we played 20 questions and he asked me if I have a bf and I said no, guess what he said

B/f/n: WHAT?? TELL ME!!

Me: He said that he was surprised to hear that, because I am pretty and smart

B/f/n: GURRRRRRRL. He may has a crush on you!

Me: U think so?

B/f/n: Mhmmm

Thomas's POV
I went back to my room and took my phone to text Dylan

Me: Dyl, u there?

Dylan: Yup. What's up?

Me: Listen. Some people wants to catch me and then one girl came to save me. Turns out she is a secret agent and long story short now she has to stay in my apartment to 'guard' me

Dylan: Dude. That's insane and in the same time amazing. Is she hot?

Me: You bet. We played 20 questions and I asked her if she has a bf and she told me no and I told her I am surprised because she is pretty and smart and she blushed and told me I am handsome

Dylan: Dude, she is totally into you. You like her?

Me: How can I not?? She is amazing! She is funny, beautiful, smart and totally can kick your ass if she wants

Dylan: Then ask her out

Me: What if she doesn't want to?? And she will be here stuck with me, being uncomfortable!!

Dylan: Then wait till she has to leave

Me: Good idea. Thanks Dyl

Dylan: No problem. Plus I want update as soon as possible

Me: Good that

With that massage, I turned off my phone and decided to go to sleep

~ 2 weeks later ~
Y/n's POV
Two weeks passed since I am 'guarding' Thomas. It's pretty cool actually. We have very much in common and we can talk for pretty much everything. He told me he soon, around three weeks, will start filming 'The Scorch Trials'. This will be so awesome! Anyways, it's around lunch and I am sitting with Thomas in his living room. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID. Dad. I excused myself, taking the phone and walking into the hall, then I picked up

"Hey dad, what's up?"I asked, leaning on one of the walls

"Hey sunshine. How are you?"he asked

"Good, good. What about you and mom?"I asked

"We are also good"he answered"But I didn't called you just for chit chat"he said, sounding serious now

"What's up?"I asked, getting worried

"Well, I am happy to say that the Thomas Sangster case is closed!"my dad said

"Really?"I asked, kind of disappointed. I was sad that I have to leave, I really enjoyed being here and I like Thomas. Like, like like him. Ugh, why did they do it so fast!??

"Yup. We caught them and it's okay now. You can go back to your apartment"my dad said

"Okay. Thanks for telling me. Love ya"

"Love ya too, sunshine. Bye"he said and ended the call. I sighed and my head fall back and met with the wall. After a second like that, I went back to the living room and sat back on the coach next to Thomas

"Hey, what's up?"he asked, rising an eyebrow

"I have news"I said, looking at his deep brown eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows

"What happened? Who died?"he asked and I laughed

"Nobody, hopefully"I said and put some hair behind my ear"They caught the guys who were after you. Everything is okay now and I am going home"I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. He, on the other hand, frowned

"Why do you have to go?"he asked sad

"Because!"I said"I have no work here anymore. You are safe and I have to go home!"I said a little frustrated. He isn't that dumb! I sighed"I am sorry. I am going to pack my things"I said and walked to my room and packed everything. When I was changed and ready, I grabbed my leather jacked and walked out of the room. I walked to the living room to see Thomas still sitting on the coach

Thomas's POV
Why did they have to catch these guys!? Why??? Ugh! I've gotta tell her how I feel. I like her! A lot! It's even close to love if I say honestly! I suddenly heard footsteps and turned around to see Y/n with her leather jacked and backpack over her shoulder. I stand up and walked to her. We started at each other's eyes for some seconds, then she looked at the door

"Well, I better go"she said and and started walking towards it. She reached for the doorknob, but I walked behind her and spun her, then pinned her to the door with my hands on both sides of her head

"Thomas? What are you doing?"she asked, her eyes never leaving mine

"I've gotta tell you something"I said and she gulped

"W-What?"she asked. I decided to just go for it. I pressed my lips to hers, closing my eyes. For the first seconds she didn't react, but then kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my right arm around her waist and kept my left on the door. I pressed her body closer to me. After a good minute, we separated and I rested my forehead on hers


"I like you"I cut her off"I like you a lot. Will you go out with me?"she was breathing heavily, trying to take breath, but nodded, smiling

"Yes. I would love to"

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