Simon || Nanny McPhee ||Part 4

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Y/n's POV
Today when we were eating breakfast, Mr. Brown came into the room looking very excited.

"Papa!"Chrissy yelled.

"Good Morning."he said and waved a letter in his hand."I have an announcement to make"he said"Your aunt Stitch is coming over for a tea this afternoon"everyone except me dropped their spoons. Okay?

"No. Not her."Lilly said.

"She's blind as a bat"Eric said.

"No, don't talk bad about her. She pays the rent"Mr. Brown said.

"She scares me"Chrissy said.

"I am sure it will be alright. She's just coming for a tea, and you'll put your best clothes on and Nanny McPhee will keep you all in check, won't you Nanny McPhee?"we all looked at her.

"I shall do, thought it is Sunday and I'm sure you know I am off duty this afternoon"Nanny McPhee said.

"What?? No you can't be! They need you!"Mr. Brown said, pointing at us.

"The children will be fine, when I leave them I'm sure they will do exactly as their told"Nanny McPhee said and Mr. Brown nodded.

Time Skip
Y/n'a POV
We all went back in the room and everyone started getting ready.

"I hate my best clothes, they are itchy"Chrissy said.

"I know, but we promised."Tora said and came to me"Need clothes?"she asked and I nodded. We went to her dresser and she took out a dress. It was beautiful.

"Thank you Tora"I said and gave her a smile. She returned it. We all changed, except Simon, who was occasionally staring at me.

"Aren't you gonna change?"I asked him. 

"We were told to put our best clothes on, right? Then I will put them on..."he said and looked outside"The Pig!"he yelled and ran out, taking his clothes with him.

"Simon don't!"Tora yelled after him, but there was no use. We all ran out to the garden and began putting clothes and make up on the pig. I ran back inside for more, but when I went back I heard Chrissy and Tora talking.

"...aunt Stich is going to take a girl with her."Chrissy said.

"But what did Papa said? He must have told her not to think about it"Tora said

"He didn't do anything"Chrissy said. No. I can't let that happen. I can't let them be apart from each other. I went to them and they turned to me.

"Hey guys, here is the make up. Can you please give it to Lilly?"I asked and the two nodded with sad smiles. I went back up, taking a paper and a pencil.

Dear Browns,
I don't know how to thank you enough. You have me home, food, friends, family. I haven't had that in a long time. Now, I can't let your family to get separated. Again, thank you.
See you, hopefully.

After that, I decided to write one to Simon too.

Dear Simon,
Thank you Simon. Thank you for the care. I will really miss you, but this not farewell. It's more like, see you tomorrow. I will miss you. Stay save and out of trouble.
Love, Y/n.

I put the two letters on Simon's bed and went downstairs. Aunt Stitch was just leaving.

"Ah! There you are! C'mon, I can't stay here a minute more"she said.

"Yes, aunt Stitch"I said and we walked to the carriage. I climbed inside and saw all the kids talking with Nanny McPhee, who looked at me, saying something. Then the carriage drove away.

Simon's POV
We decided that Evangeline can go with Aunt Stitch. We went and told Nanny McPhee.

"Oh, somebody already went with her"Nanny McPhee said. I rose an eyebrow.

"Who?"I asked.

"Y/n"she said. My eyes went wide.

"WHAT!?"I yelled."NO!"I yelled and heard noise. It was a carriage. I saw Y/n inside."Y/N NO!"I yelled and ran after the carriage, yelling her name. It didn't stop. I couldn't run anymore so I stopped and dropped on my knees. Why did she go with her?? Why did she leave me?? I felt the tears in my eyes. I just watched the carriage driving away.

Y/n's POV
I heard Simon yelling my name, but I couldn't turn. I couldn't face him, after my decision. We arrived in Aunt Stitch's mansion.

"The maids will show you your room and will give you clothes"Aunt Stitch said.

"Okay Aunt Stitch."I said and one maid came to me. She showed me to my room and told me that I can find clothes in the wardrobe and the bad is ready to be used. I thanked her and walked inside my new room.

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