The Babysitter | Part 2

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Five Days Later
Y/n's POV
I arrived in front of the house and used the keys Thomas gave me to unlock the front door.

Once I entered, I heard small footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Y/n!"a small voice yelled and I turned around to see Sam running towards me as fast as he can.

"Sam!"I said and crouched down, extending my arms for him to run into. He did exactly that and I picked him up.

"You came back! I missed you so much!"Samuel said and I giggled.

"I missed you too, Sammy,"I told him and he smiled. I heard another pair of footsteps and saw Thomas coming towards us.

"Hey, Y/n,"he said and stood in front of me and Sam. I put Sam down and nodded.

"Hi Thomas."

"How was your holiday?"he asked as we walked up to my room to leave my luggage.

"It was nice to see my family,"I told him.

"That's good to hear,"he said and we stood in front my room, then he scratched his neck.

"Umm...tonight me and Sam are gonna have a movie night and umm...wanna join us?"he asked, kind of nervous.

"Yeah, sure. That will be lovely."I said with a big smile on my face. His eyes lit up.

"Great!"he said with a massive smile."Well, I will leave you to settle in, see you later."he said and walked in his room.

I walked downstairs where Thomas and Sam will be. I am wearing some leggings and a some old t-shirt.

When I was down and in the living room, I saw that the guys have made a forth. My mouth fell to the floor.

"Wow..."I said and suddenly two blond heads appeared from inside the forth.

"Hi Y/n,"both of them said.

"Come in here!"Sammy said happily. I smiled at him and walked in the forth.

"Do you do that often? I mean, that forth is amazing!"I said, looking around it.

"He have done better ones, but long before,"Thomas said, scratching his neck.

"It's still nice!"I said with a smile, then turned to the boys,"So, what are we watching?"I asked, laying on my stomach like them.

"Cars!"Samuel said happily.

"Ohhhh! I love that movie!"I said. And I really do. I know it's childish, but what can I say.

"Let's watch it, then."Thomas said and put the movie on.

Halfway through it, I felt super sleepy. It's been a long day, after all. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me.


Thomas's POV
The movie ended and I looked at Y/n. She haven't said anything through the whole movie.

Turns out she's asleep.

"Daddy,"Samuel said and I turned to him. He was rubbing his eyes."I am going to sleep."he said yawning and I nodded.

"Okay. I will bring Y/n upstairs and then come to tuck you in, Okay?"I asked and he nodded. Samuel got up and walked upstairs.

I turned back towards Y/n and picked her up, bridal style. I got up and walked upstairs and to her room. I opened the door and put her in bed, tucking her in.

I kneeled next to the bed, so I am on her level. She was in deep sleep so she wouldn't wake up.

I looked at her face, taking in all her features. Her nose, her closed eyes, her eyebrows and her lips. What would it feel like to kiss these lips?

Get yourself together, Thomas! Why would she like you of all people!

But I can't stop myself. I like her too much.

I sighed and kissed her forehead, then got up to leave.

Samuel's POV
I walked out of my room and to Y/n's. The door was opened and I looked inside.

Y/n was still sleep and dad was kneeling next to the bed, brushing some hair from her face.

He was looking at her and suddenly kissed her forehead, then got up and came towards the door.

I stood there, too stunned to move. Suddenly, dad came out and saw me. I am busted.

"Sam? What are you doing here?"he asked and suddenly pink came to his cheeks."Did-Did you see what happened?"he asked, as if embarrassed.

"Yes. Every bid of it."I told him and he sighed.

"Dad, you have to tell her. I want you to be happy, okay?"I told him,"I haven't seen you smile like this since....since mom left."I said, looking down,"And I like her too. And dad, I need a mom, even if she's not my real one..."I told him.

Dad sighed and kneeled in front of me."Sam, for a five year old, you know way too much things,"dad said laughing a little, then looked at me."But I promise you, I will make things work. I will tell her, but if she rejects me, she will probably go out of our lives."dad said.

"Dad, she probably likes you too. You have to try."I told him and he sighed.

"Okay. I will tell her."dad told me with a weak smile, then picked me up and stood up.

"Wanna sleep with me tonight?"he asked and I nodded.

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