Chapter 11

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"Who? What?" I asked.                                                                                                                                                   

Tucker stopped as we all looked at him. He seemed worried, and like I said, if Tucker was worried, we all should be worried. I had no idea was wrong with him, but whoever this 'Skyler' person was that Tucker talked about, I was starting to worry for Buizel and Poochyena's safety.

"Are you being serious, Tucker?" Jocinda asked as she peered back into the schoolyard, "Is he following us?"

"No, but he sees us with these little guys and is watching us. I suggest we get going as fast as we can," he responded.

"Wait a minute," I asked, "What is going on here? Who is this 'Skyler' guy you're talking about? Is he going to be a problem?"

"See? There he is," Tucker said, to me at the time ignoring what I said.

I looked back into the yard to figure out who he was talking about. I scanned the area to see everybody still playing or talking. Just then, my eye caught a teenager walking with his hands in his pockets across the yard. He had black hair with two bangs across his eyes, but the left one was slightly longer. He had black eyes and a green bandana. He had a black jacket with a metal collar. He wore green fingerless glovesand black leather shorts with chains around the legs. He wore blue and green sneakers.

He had that air around him that made him strong and very collected. However, he had that feel that made you want to stay away from him. He was looking at us the whole time, and realized I was looking back at him. He jerked his head back in a cool manner, acknowledging me. His bangs moved back as his eyes gave me an interested look.

"Skyler is a transfer student that came to the school several weeks ago," Jocinda said, prompting me to believe that the teen was Skyler.

Kaname shook his head, "He is an absolute horrible example of a trainer."

I was shocked; Kaname never says anything bad about anyone unless if they're really bad. I looked at him as he studied us very closely.

"Really?" I asked with a hint of doubt in my voice, "He doesn't look like one. He looks like an average nice looking guy, like me actually."

Tucker suddenly raised his head in awkward laughter, as he and I took steps back. He shook his head as he turned his head to me.

"Oh, no, no, no, he is nothing like you," he said to me, "If you compared him to Mr. Pepperridge, that teacher snob would look like an angel."

I did a double-take; Mr. Pepperridge would be an angel to this kid? What!? There was no way. Just no way in heck that could be true. I looked towards Buizel and then at Poochyena; both were looking at Skyler. I could tell they were starting to get nervous around seeing and talking about him.

"There is no way anyone could be a more horrible excuse for a trainer than what Mr. Pepperridge just did to me," I protested, "What is it about Skyler that makes him so bad?"

"He views Pokémon as battle tools, not creatures," Kaname said with disgust, "He thinks that when he wins, he is the one that gets stronger and gets the praise."

"But, that's stupid," I objected, "I mean, even though I was scared and am still nervous around them, Pokémon have feelings, hearts, and attitudes like us humans. They have the right to choose to become ours, not forced to like inanimate objects."

"Yeah, try convincing him of that," Tucker said sarcastically, "He won't listen to you no matter what. He drives all the teachers, including 'Mr. Snobberridge', insane. He constantly gets into trouble, but he's like us; he doesn't have any parents."

I looked back to see him raise an eyebrow; I just realized he was staring at Buizel and Poochyena the whole entire time. He was interested: in catching them. I glanced at the two Pokémon. They were starting to get really nervous and breathe heavily. I decided it was time to go, now. I quickly thought of pretending I was hurt.

"Ow! Ow! Aw, geez, that really hurts!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention.

Kaname looked at me and asked, "You okay, Thomas?"

"No," I grunted faking it, "I'm in a lot of pain. I really think we should get going now..."

Tucker nodded as he grinned, "Roger that. Let's rock and roll down the path of scorching glory!"

"You mean Thomas' house, right?" Jocinda asked confused.

He gave her a disappointed glare as he asked, "Why do you gotta ruin such a great awesome sentence like that?"

We laughed at Tucker as we continued from the schoolyard to my house. I quickly glanced back into the schoolyard. Skyler had turned around, walking back towards the school. I knew he had stopped watching us. I didn't trust him. I could tell just by seeing him and my friend's description of him that I had to watch out for him. He was as big of a threat to Poochyena and Buizel as Mr. Pepperridge was.


We were very close to my house as we continued through the streets. As we passed many people, they all gave us extremely surprised glares. My first reason was of the huge gaping hole in the back of my sweatshirt in where I owe Mr. Pepperridge's Swampert a big 'thank you' for a new trend of fashion. I had to admit, I was getting chilly, but luckily I had an exact copy of the sweatshirt at home, so I could use this one for cleaning or something else. The second reason, which I had a huge hunch was the reason, was that they saw Thomas Gungsten with Pokémon and was very close to them. I hoped they didn't think they were mine, but Jocinda's and/or Kaname's Pokémon, since they were holding them.

Again, I say I wasn't ashamed of them; I just didn't want people to think I was a trainer. I did not want to battle anyone.

I was resting my eyes as my head was on Tucker's shoulder, but I did not want to fall asleep and risk drooling on his shoulder.

"Oh, aren't you just precious? Yes, you are!" I heard a motherly voice from Jocinda say.

Was she talking about me? Ugh... hope not. (Geez, I'd be so embarrassed.) I opened my eyes to see her looking at Poochyena, loving his belly with her hand. He just seemed completely hypnotized; so much enjoyment of being pampered was visible on his face. She then began to gently stroke the top of his muzzle with one finger. His head moved with her finger in pleasure.

"You're so cute and adorable. You're such a beautiful precious Poochyena," Jocinda told him.

"Poochy," Poochyena sighed back to her.

His tail began to wag slowly, as if he was going to fall asleep if she kept going. His hind feet twitched and his mouth slightly opened as she then put her hand on the right side of his face. She scratched his face as he leaned against that hand and grunted in happiness.

Buizel looked at Poochyena and simply shook his head. He folded his arms and exhaled as he rolled his eyes.

"Hmm," Tucker asked, "A hint of jealousy, Buizel?"

The water Pokémon turned to him and gave him a not amused glare. I was sort of proud of him. The glare looked a lot like me. I briefly thought he was copying me.

"Aw, don't be jealous, Buizel," Jocinda said sweetly, catching his attention, "You're very cute and adorable too."

Buizel suddenly stared dumbfounded at her and stopped in his tracks.

"Bu?" he asked as he blinked in surprise.

"Yes," she replied back, "You are a beautiful precious Buizel as well."

Buizel suddenly looked down as his face lit up bright red. He groaned as he put his paws over his eyes.

"Bui..." is what I heard as he embarrassingly groaned in a high tone of voice.

All of us laughed as he was quick to grab a part of Kaname's coat and pulled it over his face. I could still see him start to grin widely, though.

"Humph," Kaname said observing to Buizel, "It seems you cannot act cool when a girl compliments you. Well, do you think you are cute and adorable?"

Buizel groaned visibly as he looked at me. His eyes had a look of repentance, as if he wished he never had judged Poochyena in the first place.

"What are you looking at me for?" I asked him.

"Bui bu bui bu..." it whined in desperation as it grinned at me.

"Are you wanting me to tell them to stop teasing you?" I asked, knowing the obvious answer.

Buizel nodded. Poochyena giggled as he stared at his orange friend. Buizel gave him a smirk.

"Okay, guys, I think we need to stop teasing Buizel," I said, smiling at the relieved Pokémon.

Everyone laid off as we got nearer to my house. Buizel kept looking at me. He looked relieved and happy. Did I really make him content when I stood up to him? Did he and Poochyena really look up to me?

"You know, I am very impressed, Thomas," Kaname said, "You've only known these two for two days, and already your fear is gone and they seem really fond of you."

"Yeah," I replied exhausted, "Old Man Fellows said that to me too. I don't know how, but I am not afraid of these guys anymore."

"Nervous?" Tucker asked.

"A little," I answered.

We were several feet away from my house as we got into view. I looked at my house as if it were a dream. Man, how I longed to get in my bed and just sleep! I decided I wanted to try and get off of Tucker.

"Hey, Tucker," I said, grabbing everyone's attention, "I want to try if I can get up and walk."

"Okay, man," he replied, "but I am gonna be right there to grab you and carry you inside if you fall again, okay?"

I agreed. He let go of my legs slowly as I took my arms off around his neck. I slowly put my two feet on the ground as my balance was still on Tucker. It was time for the moment of truth. I suddenly pushed gently off him as I awaited for the reward. My leg power was back to normal. Thank goodness.

"Oh, I am very happy you are okay, Thomas," Jocinda said relieved.

Kaname said, "Well, this is probably where we part. Do you want us to set Buizel and Poochyena down so they can walk home with you?"

I thought about it for a moment, and was going to say yes.

"Go on, carry them home."

Whoa! I couldn't believe it! It was that voice in my head again! The same one that prompted me to go to the alcove where I met Buizel and Poochyena! It was back! I shook my head like I was in a trance. My friends all looked at me strangely.

"Yo, Thomas, you okay, man? You looked like you just got burned," Tucker asked concerned.

I looked at all of them and just stared. I glanced at Buizel and Poochyena; they looked concerned as I rubbed my head. I decided to obey the voice again and carry them; after all, if I saved them by doing it, who knows what awesome thing would happen if I did it again?


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