Chapter 6

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I finally had tears stop forming in my eyes as I let out a huge sigh. It had been ten minutes since I had stopped crying, and five months since my last breakdown. I looked up at the clouds and watched as they just seemed to drift carelessly throughout the big blue.

"They look so free… so happy… just floating up there," I couldn't help but thinking.

What the old man had said, really hit me in the heart. All those past fears, all those things about Pokémon and me in the past, all of it just seemed to crumble away after I met those two. Did Poochyena and Buizel have a strong bond with me? Why couldn't I see it?

I shook my head and rubbed my face. I just didn't think I could be so attached to these two. How could one simple voice in my head lead me to make my whole life turn right-side up?

Suddenly, I brought my head up in realization of a noise. I looked to my right; Buizel had opened the door and was looking at me. It walked over with a face of concern as it looked at me carefully.

"Bui bu bu?" it asked me.

I nodded and replied, "Don't worry, Buizel. I just needed to get something out of my system. I'm okay now."

It turned with a smile to the inside of the room and yelled, "Bui! Bui, bu bui!"

Suddenly, Poochyena stuck its head out the door and walked next to Buizel.

It barked, "Poochy! Chy chy!" as it wagged its tail and panted.

Old Man Fellows came out and stood behind them.

He smiled as he looked down at them and said, "Thomas, I really am sorry for making you cry and feel uncomfortable. I understand if you are angry at me, but I just wanted you to understand what I meant."

"Old Man," I said gently, "I'm not angry, it's just… I've been trying to bury these feelings for 7 years… and they are getting shoved back in my face by you and these two bringing them back in only a couple days…"

I smiled softly at them. They both looked at me with compassion and understanding. I didn't understand why they glanced at me that way.

"I told them some stories while you were outside, Thomas," Fellows said, breaking the silence, "They are two imaginative and creative little critters, and they love having excitement at every turn."

Both grinned and chuckled, I could see their teeth. I looked at them with a smile.

"Did you guys hear some amazing stories? Were they good?" I asked as I grinned.

They kept grinning as they nodded and looked at me.

"Were they good 'fairy tales'?" I asked them.

They shook their heads 'no' as they closed their mouths, but still smiled.

"They were true stories?" My grin turned to a smile as I asked.

They nodded again.

Suddenly, I thought of a question that sort of made me wonder. I didn't know what the urge was, but I needed to ask.

I asked as my smile began to disappear, "Were they stories of me?"

Both of them nodded again.

I looked down at the ground and stared at my feet. I gulped as I looked back at them. My smile had completely disappeared.

"Did… did the old man tell you of the incident?" I asked.

I didn't want to hear the answer, but I knew I had to. I saw both Poochyena and Buizel nod again slowly as their smiles were gone.

I knew it. The old man told them about my past. I could tell by the looks on the two faces of Buizel and Poochyena during that conversation that they wanted to know what was wrong.

"If they are going to at least be your friends, Thomas," Fellows explained, "They needed to know why you are nervous around Pokémon still. Sooner or later, they would start thinking you didn't like them. Again, I apologize if you-"

"No sorry is needed, Old Man," I cut him off.

I started to stand up and brush myself off. Fellows walked inside for a second and grabbed my backpack. He started to come out after a while and gave to me as I faced him.

"Sooner or later, they would have had to be told about the incident," I said, glancing down at them.

I bent down and crouched in front of them. They both walked towards me and listened closely as I motioned them to listen.

I softly explained, "Now, you guys understand why I am nervous around Pokémon, even you. It's hard for me to open my feelings up, but I do not hate or dislike you."

Old Man Fellows said to me, "Thomas, what I am basically saying is… You, Buizel, and Poochyena… you three have a bond together… I can tell they just simply adore you."

I looked at them as they grinned and snuggled against my chest. Again, I felt really nervous and confused as what to do, but this was different. I was not scared. I saw them; they exhaled peacefully, as they closed their eyes and kept snuggling me. I smiled and patted their backs like I did this morning; again, they liked that.

"I don't know how you exactly touched their little hearts when you saved them… but look at them. You have just… captivated them," he started tearing up again as I just stared at them.

I completely dazed out and stared into nothing as I heard him say the following sentence, "Your father… your mother… and even Manectric… all three of them would be so proud of you."

"So proud of you"… I haven't heard that line in a long time. I wanted to cry again, but I bit my lip and turned that negative emotion into a positive one. I looked back down at both of them. Their eyes seemed to sparkle again as they smiled at me.

I said to the old man, "Yeah, I can see them now smiling at me…"

The old man grinned back at me. I could picture them now. I hoped they were watching me. I felt so proud to be with Pokémon.

Wait a minute… Pokémon… Pokémon Sc- Oh, no!

Then, I opened my eyes widened with realization. I stood up like a bullet, startling the three around me. I groaned as I ruffled my hair violently with my hands, almost pulling my headband off my forehead.

"I am supposed to meet Tucker, Jocinda, and Kaname for lunch today!" I yelled, as I grunted, and then let out a huge exhale of air.

I then realized I had scared my three friends and chuckled.

I said with a sheepish smile, "Sorry for killing the emotional mood, everybody…"

Buizel folded its arms, and smiled at me with an unimpressed look as Poochyena closed its eyes and bowed its head, trying not to giggle.

"Well, then, I guess I'll see you off," Fellows said to me, calming down, even though I didn't glance at him.

"No, you don't get it," I groaned, "I'm meeting them in the yard of the Pokémon School! I can't bring two wild Pokémon into the school! What if Mr. Pepperridge or some other trainer sees them and tries to attack them? What if they want to battle me and won't take 'no' for an answer? It's too dangerous!"

I glanced down at the two little Pokémon, who looked like they were starting to worry.

I folded my arms, and then reconsidered aloud, "But, I can't just blow off my friends, either. I've always met with them at lunch. According to Tucker, that's sometimes the only thing that keeps them going at the school…"

I was trying to think of a solution, when the old man snapped his fingers and said, "I have an idea."

Count on the old man to think several steps ahead of me. I smiled as he approached me.

He pointed at my hoodie and asked, "Thomas, that sweatshirt is a zipper hoodie, right?"

I nodded in response.

He asked, "Do you have pockets near the zipper?"

I nodded again. There was two pockets right next to the end of the sweatshirt, so I could fit my hands into.

"Okay, final question," he asked, coming a little closer, "are you comfortable with Buizel and Poochyena being close to your body for a little while?"

I started to nod and slowly grin as I said, "Aw, I think I know what you're getting at, Old Man."

He grinned as I understood his thoughts.

First, I slipped my backpack on, so that was out of the way. I unzipped my hoodie and put my hands in the pockets.

"Okay, you two," Fellows said to Poochyena and Buizel, "I want you to snuggle against Thomas' chest. However, I want you to feel for his hands in his pockets with your feet and keep them there."

Both Pokémon nodded and slowly approached me, with Buizel on my right and Poochyena on my left. They snuggled up as close as they could. I felt really nervous again as Old Man Fellows zipped up my sweatshirt. When he stopped, the zipper only showed the heads of Buizel and Poochyena, barely poking out of the opening in my hoodie. I could feel their little feet in my palms, supporting them from falling; it was scary, but rather exciting.

"Keep them out of sight, when you get to the school. Then, when it's time to go, get them snuggled again in your hoodie, zip it up, and be on your way," he said with a smile.

I heard a loud peaceful sigh; I looked down and Poochyena had closed its eyes and adjusted its head perfectly against my chest.

"Poochy…" it sighed as it looked like it would go to sleep.

Buizel sweetly smiled at it, and then looked at me, making me smile at Poochyena.

"Just hang on, you two," I said, "I am going to have lunch with my friends, and then I'll take you back to the woods to find you a place to sleep."

Buizel nodded as it snuggled on me and closed its eyes; Poochyena let out a huge whine as it yawned real wide and then got comfortable again. It could feel their tails wagging in happiness against my body.

The old man chuckled and then said to me, "You better get on your way; call me if you ever have any problems or just to chat. See you later!"

I grinned and said, "See you later, Old Man!"

With that, he went back into his house as I turned away and began walking to the schoolyard.

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