Imagine#1:Jealosy towards a Bottle of water-Thomas

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I'm in my room murdering my cellphone with endless texting like any other good and simple teenager does,that's what my mom thinks I do.It's almost 2:00 and I'm melting like an ice cream in an oven with this heat.I was suppose to be hanging out with my friends in the beach today but I'm grounded until this Saturday.I'm not allowed to get out of the house cause I broke the PC.Dang it.

Oh,well.Books it is,then.

|3 hours later|

I finished the whole book,'The Mortal Instruments:City of Bones'.Honestly,I want to go straight with the next book but I Fangirl so easily.I'd end up staying up the whole night finishing a whole sequel and get a terrible headache in the morning so let's take it slow.

I laid on my bed again and texted my best friend.

Y/N:Yo,bro....can you come by and hang?I'm boooooreeedd!!!😣😣😣

Thomas:Sure,be there at 5mins...😛

Thomas is like my brother.We've been best friends since third grade.He comes here a lot.

Thomas:I'm the door...🚪

I feel my throat get dry...water!

Y/N:It's not locked...Also can you fetch me a bottle of water in the fridge....?Pweeeaase...



After a few minutes,my door swung open revealing a tall boy with sandy blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey Y/N,"he greets.

"Hey,Tom.Did you get the water?My tongue feels like a desert."

He tosses me a bottle of water.Without hesitation,I opened the bottle and drank the whole thing.It felt so refreshing that I closed my eyes in pleasure.I threw the bottle in the trash can beside my study table.I turned to Thomas who was staring at the floor with his eyes furrowed.I thought it was cute.

I waved a hand on his face and he snapped back to reality.

"You okay?"I asked.

"Um-Y-yeah,"he replied stuttering,"I'm fine."

I ignored it and brought up a new question instead,"So what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know-watch a movie?"

"Mmkay.Go ahead,pick anything you wanna watch."

He approached the tower of CDs near my TV shuffling a handful of them.

"What do you think about watching the whole Hunger Games movie series?"Thomas interrogated.

"Sounds like a plan."

I put a CD on and flopped back to my bed beside Thomas.I grabbed a pack of Kettle corn from my trunk where I keep a supply of popcorn in case of times like this.I offered some the Thomas,he just shook his head.Soon,he took out a black notebook out of his back pack and started writing stuff I can't see.He always have it with him and he writes everything he thoughts of,at least that's what I think.I was curious about it all the time and the way he furrows his eyebrows made me get more curious.

Half way of the movie,he spoke up.

"Y/N,I'll just fetch something from the house.I'll be back real quick."

I just nodded and turned back to the TV.He stood up and shut the door behind him.The next thing I knew was that I was looking at his bag like a mad man.I kept telling myself that it's not good to look through other people's business.But,we are best friends,right?He wouldn't be mad if I look through his stuff.

I couldn't take it anymore.I grabbed his notebook and flipped the pages.I turned to the last page he wrote on.It said....

It was Tuesday afternoon and I'm over Y/N's house.She asked me to fetch her a bottle of water and I did.What I didn't expect was that I was about to regret that.She drank the whole thing and I found myself staring at her lips.It appeared like she was kissing it and there was a sudden feeling in me.A part of me just wished I was that bottle she's holding,I always dreamt of kissing those of lips and it looks like a bottle beat me to it.I found it hard to breathe when I saw her close her eyes,beads of sweat on her temple.She looked so attractive,I felt like I was about to blow up in a million pieces if I don't tell her about my feelings soon.

Holy cow!My face got warmer after reading that.I quickly put in back in his bag.I found myself lost in thoughts still trying to take all the info in.I was panicking mentally.I shouldn't have done that.

I liked Thomas since I first met him but all those times,I thought he'll never like me back.He got himself a girlfriend.And my feelings faded,I was alright with being just a friend but then.............It's all coming back.I turned off the TV and rested my head on my pillow.

Suddenly,I hear a doorknob buldge.Thomas is back.Right away,I felt uncomfortable.

"Why'd you turn off the TV?"Thomas asked.I turned my head to him and I'm still mentally panicking.I don't even know why I should panick.Stop it,Y/N.He'll notice!

"Oh,I just-um-want a little silence,that's all,"Whew!

He nodded and sat beside me.It got more intense,I wanted to scream.How about fresh air?

"Thomas,let's go to the backyard,"I told him.


"Nothing.I just need some fresh air.I realised I hated being stuck in the house,"The truth is I like being stuck in the house and Thomas knows that but I need some cover up.We really need to talk in a way he won't notice I read his diary.

We headed downstairs to the back door.I rested my head on my elbows under the big tree.I used to lay my head on Thomas's lap but today may seem awkward so I didn't.He sat there beside me.I can feel he's a bit nervous,he might have noticed I acted a bit differently.

"So?"I started breaking the silence that swallowed us,"How's your girlfriend?"

"What girlfriend?"that British accent is really fascinating.

I gave him a confused look.He said he had a girlfriend just a week ago.

"Oh,that girlfriend,"Well,it's kinda getting a little obvious he's making it up,"she's-she's fine."

He was nodding awkwardly,like everything he said ain't real,"What's her name again?"I asked.

"Um-gah-Georgia.."I cut him off.

"Georgia!?I thought you said it was Isabella,you told me last week."

He turned to me with his 'uh-oh' face on.He puckered some air in his mouth making his cheeks puff.I have to admit,it's adorable.

We fell silent again.After what seems to be a minute,he tried covering up,"Umm-That's her other name.I'm the only one calling her Georgia,"nice cover up,Sangster.Not.

"Wait,why are you so suddenly interested with my girlfriend?"

Haha.My turn for cover up,"Nothing.Just remembered something about a couple I used to know,"he gestured for me to keep going,"There's this guy who was always jealous whenever another boy was near his girlfriend.What's more funny was he even got jealous of a bottle of water cuz the scene looked like the girl was kissing the bottle,"I tried to fake a laugh.I turned to Thomas who was frowning.Bad idea.

"But I thought it was cute,"suddenly,he gave a small smile,"I wish someone would feel that way,for me."

I sat up to finally have a good view of his handsome face.He still haven't spoke.

"Thomas,"I call out.


"I'm starting to get worried.Starting two weeks ago,you seem a bit of a glum.We used to talk like..there's no tomorrow.But right now,you seem to ran out of stories.What's wrong,Tommy?"

He sighed.He stood up and lend me a hand.He pulled me up but he didn't let go of my hand.

"Let's go back to your room.I have something to show you,"he said.

He startled walking,I followed.Thomas still held my hand.When he noticed,he tried letting go but I held on tight and gave it a squeeze.We kept walking and he didn't look back at me.At least,he squeezed my hand,too.

We reached my room,he pulled out his diary from his bag.He handed it to me.

"It's still isn't your birthday but I think this is the perfect time I'll let you read it.I have to go,call me after you finish the whole thing."

I had myself staring at the thing.In the corner of my eye,I saw him hang his bag on his shoulder and approach the door.I quickly reached for his hand,stopping him.He turned to me.

"My dad is in a business trip,won't be home 'til Thursday.Mom is in grandma's house.She'll be back tomorrow afternoon.Can you please stay for a while?Just until 7:00,"I pleaded.

He smirked,"I'll stay as long as you want."


It's pass 7:00 and Thomas is still here.He even volunteered to make me dinner.I told him that there's no need for that but he insisted.

I sat on the couch in the living room reading his diary.He told me not to start unless he was gone but I didn't listen.I turned on the TV so he wouldn't know.I know,I have a hard head.(which is not guys are awesome)

I was half way through the diary and I realised that it was all about me.It's not a diary,it's a journal containing everything about me based on Thomas's observation.He wrote things about my features,how he felt every time he's around me,how he made up that he has a girlfriend just to try make me jealous.He wrote essays why he loves me,how much he wanted to tell me that he does,and how he wanted to be more than my best friend.And a lot more.

It had me in tears.It made me feel in love with him much more.My heart was thumping like crazy.His words were just...shocking.How could I've been so blind?

I marched to the kitchen just to see him busy cooking.He was making spaghetti and meatballs.I felt suddenly obliged to show what I feel.Hot tears came out of my eyes.I walked behind him and snaked my hands around his waist.I laid my head on his back,my tears staining his shirt.He turned around and my arms flew around him.I buried my face on his neck.Thomas feels so warm,this feels so right.I never wanted to let go.

He traced imaginary circles on my back sending shivers down to my spine.

"I love you,too."I told him.

Just as he heard those words,he broke the hug.He wiped off the tears on my cheeks with his thumb and he gave me a small smile.He hugged me one last time.

"Does this mean I can be your boyfriend?"he asked with a smirk.

I nodded,"Yes."

I expected more than a hug,though.Well,that's all he gave me.But I'm still more than happy.Then,he put spaghetti and meatballs on a big plate with a fork and two glasses of orange juice.

"Aren't you going to eat?Where's your plate?"I asked.

"Of course,I'm going to eat.We're sharing,love?"

Love?Suddenly,I feel knots in my stomach.

He sat on the couch,he pulled me to his lap and asked me to feed him.We both ate as we watched random shows on TV.After dinner,we were already cuddling.I rested my head on his chest while he plays with my fingers.Ever since that,he had his breathtaking smile on his face that made me smile,too.

"Y/N,Are you thirsty?"I gave him a puzzled look for his silly question.I just drank a whole glass of orange juice.


"Just answer me,"he demands.

"Uhhhhmmmmmm,"what is he up to?,"Yes?"

Before I know it,he had his lips pressed on my own.My eyes widen,but soon,it also closed and I kissed back.Our lips moves in sync.I felt his tongue on my lower lip begging for entrance,I let him enter.I feel so happy I think I might die.I pulled away just to meet his lips again.I was completely out of breath before he finally pulled away.We both panted while our foreheads pressed against each other.I was blushing madly and so was Thomas.So that's what he meant.Hahah,I still can't believe that he's jealous of the water bottle.

"I love you so much,Y/N."

"I love you,too."


Thomas stayed with me until morning.We were in bed cuddled to each other.My eyes were still closed,I feel his warm breath on my face.For that,I smiled.I opened my eyes with the sight of a handsome boy who used to be my best friend who was smiling in his sleep.I pecked his lips and went back to sleep.

I know,it's terrible.It's my first time doing imagines so no hate,please.Don't forget to leave a vote and a comment.More imagines coming soon....😊😊😊😊😊😄😄😄☺️☺️☺️😁😁😁😜😜😜

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