Imagine#3:A Fresh new Start-Thomas

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was very excited to finally come back to my family's old summer home.It's been years since I stepped on those funny looking tiles,those trampled fallen blue flowers on the pavement.I've been dreaming of swimming on that huge lake again.

As the taxi driver pulled over,I reached out the my fair and went out to visit where I spent a lot of adventures back then.

If you must know,I've been working in the city for a couple of years as an architect after graduating from a good university.(or we can settle on any profession you want)I was the best there was any company would ever find.
And I demanded a vacation after another successful building standing.

I sighed happily after hearing the doorknob click.I swing the wooden door open and memories rushed into me.They were good times.The ones I'll never let myself forget.Because that's the only things that kept me going everyday.

Yes,there's another reason why I'm here right now.My brother and sister(optional)...deceased.Caused by a car accident on their way for Christmas dinner.It was my first time spending it alone.And after receiving the news,I hurriedly planned a trip here to somehow ease the pain and take care of the family home.But who am I kidding...this would probably make it worse.

Pushing the tears not to flow,I cleaned up a bit and settled my things down.I just had lunch and it was still early to be cooking or eating supper.So...a bit of sight seeing would do for now.

I went out for some fresh air at the backyard.I stumbled upon the overlooking of the lake and in a way,the neighbouring house caught my eye.It belonged to the Sangsters.Good friends of my family.

I actually remember playing with a their son,Thomas.Though he amuses me like calling me Crayon girl for loving art so much,he still ended up becoming opposite of being an enemy.In a matter of fact,he was my fist love.

But...Teenage love drama.That's what it is.It felt like magic,but you can't have what you don't understand.People would say you needn't understanding to love.Well,I for one say that's wrong because you have to understand commitment.Without commitment,love wouldn't really last so long.And that's what happened between Thomas and I.What we had only lasted the whole summer because we weren't going to see each other again.


"Long distance relationships don't end up well,"he said.

"But we can call each other everynight,"I suggested,"It doesn't have to end this way."

I was very much scared and disappointed to what I was hearing.I'm happy to have Thomas as my first love,first kiss,first date...but I never would have expected at the time that my first breakup would come.I intended him to be the first and last of everything...

"Trust me,y/n.Maybe after a week,you'd already start gawking at other boys in your school."

How could he think lowly of me to get over that fast?I'm not even sure if I could move on.Thomas has given up on me..

With a heavy heart,I raised my hand and swung it across his face.At the time,I was already crying.I have been played.

"Fine,"I snapped,"You were a lot more better when you were my best friend.Maybe that's why this hurts more than it should.I lost you...twice."

I turned away from him,"Y/n,just remember that I'm waiting for you if ever..."he trails off

"I don't intend on coming back anymore."

With those words,I walked away to the family van.That was the worst goodbye...

|end of flashback|

Seriously,I swear I could move on easily if he was just a boyfriend but no...he was my best friend for pete's sake.

Oh,and what do we have here...Our old fire tree.It would have been a better sight if it wasn't where I had my first kiss with you know who.

I signed as I sat on the fully grown roots quilted by the red fallen flowers.

"Well,what do you know,"a voice says,"Crayon girl finally decided to pay a visit."

Speak of the devil,how did he end up here?

I stood up looking at a familiar figure sitting at the majestic branches of the tree,"What the hell are you doing up there?!"

"Some greeting for someone I haven't seen for ten years,"Thomas mumbled as he climbed down,"Ever since you left,I took my fair share of taking good care of your house.You're welcome."

There was an awkward moment of Thomas scratching the back of his neck after that.I felt like someone had cut my tongue and I dare not speak to my ex.But I have to show that I am now a grown woman who has now forgot about our affairs..yeah,right.

"Well,thank you,Thomas.I appreciate that.How's your family?"

He looked more mature than I remember him.More attractive,but still got that smile that I love-umm...loved.

"Mom and dad gave me the house.I live here now,"he told me,"Ava's in a university."

"Good to hear."

"Listen,umm,"he almost said instantaneously,"Would you like to spend dinner at my house?It's been months since another human besides myself ever stepped foot inside.Besides,we have catching up to do."

It's not like it's a it?

"Sure.What time?"

"Eight o' clock,per se?"I nodded at his reply,"I'll pick you up."


The time came by fast and I was now walking side by side with Thomas Brodie Sangster on our way next door.He seemed so giddy and I think he took a quick shower.

We entered his house with silence and he guided me to the dinning room.I found myself looking at a table for two where what seems lasagna(or your favourite food,I just love lasagna so much)and roasted chicken were neatly placed.

He pulled up the chair for me to sit on and say across from me with a huge grin.And so,the dinner begins.

"How's Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n?"Thomas asked as he took a bite.

I frowned at the sudden question but pulled back the smile to answer politely,"In heaven,I hope."

He looked guilty,"I'm terribly sorry."

"It's not your fault.But thank you."

Don't get your hopes down,though.By the end of dinner,I was quite comfortable at talking to him again.He asked me to stay a little later and I didn't find the heart to reject.

I had a little friendly fight about me washing the dishes for him.And in return,he prepared a good mug of earl grey tea for me.

Currently,we were at the living room and chatting more about our life.It was quite surprising that he didn't have another girlfriend after me.And I told him I never had another affair with another man because I focused on my studies but the truth was I'll never be over him.

He invited me to walk by the lake tomorrow morning since I told him that I was done unpacking.And yes,I agreed because I'm stupid to secretly give him another chance.

He walked me on the way out of his house but he spoke before I could even hold the handle of the door,"I know you're not just here to take care of your summer home."

I turned around only to meet his face close to mine.I backed away at the sudden closeness but he walked towards me.Thomas placed his arms to trap me against the door.He look deep into my soul with his brown orbs,yet he looked so gentle like I'm a fragile piece of art.

"Tell me,y/n,"he said softly,"Why are you here?"

I took a deep breath and muttered the words.."Because you're waiting for me.."

He kissed me.Hungry yet passionately loving.

Once again,I'm wrong.He still was my first and last everything.And I'm here for a fresh new start with Thomas..

Sorry if it sucks...Thank you for the reads and votes.And thank you for all the compliments!😊😊😁😁🤓

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