Imagine#6:My Name is Not Isabella-Thomas

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Y/N's P.O.V.

We both loved books,Thomas and I.And the two of us had been friends ever since I could remember.We were neighbors and we were also friends.Despite the mutual hate our parents had with each other,we had the strongest friendship there ever was.Too strong for my liking,if you ask me.

If I was to relate my life to a book I would say 'Romeo and Juliet'.I was Juliet,of course...and Thomas would be Romeo.Though,I didn't want to include the part where they both died.So yeah,I thought I was in the right path.Sure,Thomas and I are only friends but that's the start,right?How hard can it be?

That was what I thought.It turned out I wasn't the only person basing things out of books.Thomas related his life to 'An Abundance of Catherines'.Only it wasn't Catherines he was after....but Isabellas.

Well,there was Isabella Higgins,Isabella Loiski,Isabela Hugo,Isabella Waters,etc.etc.,and his most recent was Isabella Melling.I wanted to smash my head.He was driving me crazy.If only I had the heart to stop him...

"Hey,y/n!Are you deaf?"

"Uhh..what?"I snapped out of my deep trance and closed my locker.

"I said Isabella and I just broke up...last night,"said Thomas with a melancholy voice.

"Which one are we talking about?"It was meant to be a joke.

"Melling.C'mon,seriously.You too?"

I sighed,"I'm sorry,Tom.But all these.Are you insane?You're not doing this for the sake of a fucking novel,right?"

"I'm not,okay?It's just..there's something about...Isabella.Don't you think?"he looked at me pleadingly.

I was at the verge of having my brain explode into smitherins right then and there.Calm down,y/n.Patience.He's your friend and he's a good person.

"Sure,"I smiled and tried to make it look as real and sincere as I can.

I know.You're probably asking me why would I stick around Thomas Brodie Sangster,the Insane Isabella Hunter.Well,sure,he's blind about my affection and is currently being unreasonable but...he's always been  by my side when my world seemed to crumble around me.He defended me when my parents wouldn't even take my side.And he had always protected me from people who tried to step on me.That's why I do everything I can to repay for everything he's done.

"Do you wanna talk about it?The break up,I mean,"I asked after settling on one of the lunch tables at the cafeteria.Damn.No wonder why he thinks I'm the Hassan to his Colin.


"So..who drew first blood?"I tried to make it sound less awkward.Hey,it's not easy asking your whole-life crush how his recent relationship just went down the drain.

"She did,"As usual.They always do.

"What did she say?"

"That I was a crazy nerd,"he replied emptily.

"Was this after you mentioned the other 15 Isabellas?"

He nodded.

"I figured,"I said,"What do you wanna do about it?"

"I need something to take my mind off the break up,"Thomas answered.

"Woah.Hold on,I'm not going to drag you on a trip.There's finals tomorrow.My parents will kill me if I dare end the year anywhere below A."

"Alright.Can you help me study instead?"

"Are you out of your mind?Our parents are rivals,remember?One or both of us will get murdered by either of them no matter which house we're gonna study in,"I reminded him.

"Well,I can just sneak in your room later at night."

"Whatever.But don't go saying I didn't warn you,Sangster.I don't plan on spending my life savings on your funeral."

He gave me his infamous smirk,"Don't worry,l/n.I got it covered."


I was in the middle of studying my butt off when I heard something hit my window.I was barely half way through my schedule so I panicked.How can I concentrate when Thomas is in the room?

Suddenly,instead of a pebble hitting my window,I heard a knock.

I immediately opened the window revealing sandy blonde hair and the most breathtaking pair of eyes the world can conjur.

"You're lucky my mom and dad are heavy sleepers,"I tell him as I hell him up into my room,"How did you even manage to get yourself up here?"

"Don't worry about it,"he replied while he got himself inside my room.Then,he gave out a soft chuckle,"I can't remember the last time I was in your room.What happened to all your Disney princess posters?"

I playfully hit him on his bicep,"I got rid of them when I was like...11.Geez,Thomas."

He just laughed,"So,what should we study first?"

I said,"I already started on AP.And Trigonometry."

"Hey,no fair!I haven't started on anything,"Thomas told me.

"You shouldn't cram on studying,you know.You should review at least one subject everyday."

"Well,I'm sorry for reading 'Starry Eyes'(by Jenn Bennett) because you wanted to read it after tomorrow's exam!"

"Don't start pointing fingers,Thomas Brodie Sangster.I only said that yesterday but the announcement of he exams were like a week ago,"I shot back.

"Meh,"he sighed in defeat.We both knew why he hadn't studied.He spent the whole week trying to impress that Mellings girl,taking her out on dates and that mushy stuff I don't even know because I've never been in a relationship before.

Yeah,that's right.This girl had never been in any boy's 'Must Hook Up With' list.I mean,come on!Why do I have to settle for boys in my school when I have books full of more reasonable hot fictional boys?Am I right,Fangirls?

Plus,if I did have to settle on one,I choose my best friend who understands me more than anyone else,Thomas.

"Thought I'd forget,didn't you?"

It was Thomas's voice.So I turned to him and saw him holding up a cupcake with a candle.He was using a lighter he use for his smokes to light it up.Yes,if you don't know,he's a secret smoker.His parents don't know.But I always tried to reason with him,he just doesn't listen to me so I'm not a terrible best friend,thank you very much.

I threw a glance on my wall clock and it was exactly 12:00 midnight.I smiled at him.He was always the first person to greet me on my birthday.I didn't even realise myself that it was my birthday if he hadn't pull this off because all these studying was drowning me from anything else.

"Happy Birthday,Y/n,"he greeted me while he walked closer.

I wiped out the tear that was on my cheeks.I don't know why I teared up.I'm weird,deal with it.

"C'mon,Thomas.I told you,no birthday cakes and surprises.You know I don't like it."

"Don't lie to me,y/n.Why do you always think that people don't care about you.I don't just do this every year because I need to.It's because I want to.I care."

Yeah.But not enough to love me even though my name is not Isabella!I wanted to tell him that.But I didn't want to fight with him,he just had a break-up.And I'd probably be a douchebag if I ruined this.

"Make a wish."

"Geez,what am I?Five?"I raised a brow at him with a low chuckle.

He gave me a look that probably meant,'Just go with it!!"

"Whatever,"I mumbled before taking the cupcake from him and blowing the candles.I made a wish,"It better not be poisoned like in 'Happy Death Day' or I swear to old gods and new,you'll be off with your head."

He just took another swig of laughter and watch me take a bite of the cupcake.

"So,what did you wish for?"he asked as he sat and flipped the pages of my notebook.

"Yeah,right.Like I'm gonna tell you."

"Ehem...You always tell me your birthday wish because according to you,they don't come true so what's the point of not telling?"

Well,because this time,it will either make all my other wishes come true or wrap up everything we've ever been through in the deep pits of a trash can with a 'Biodegradable' sign on it.

"Well,this time,I just didn't make a wish,"I lied.

"And my name is Rodrigo Duterte,"he replied seeing through me.Who the fuck is that?!Exactly.

"Well,I'm not telling cuz...,"I had to make up an excuse so I looked at what I was eating,"...cuz this is a vanilla cupcake.You know I like chocolate."

It wasn't brilliant.It's dumb actually but he laughed so...HOW ABOUT SOME CREDIT,AYE?!

Anyway,he just dropped the subject and we went on reviewing.But mostly,I was just watching him study because I finished everything in about two hours and I only asked him some questions.

Eventually,he had to go back to his house before anyone realises he's gone.His sister would probably snitch him out.I love Ava,though.She's a good friend.Just occasionally mean to her dear brother.

"Try to get some sleep,but don't loose everything you just studied in your dreams,"I say while he was trying to get himself out my window.

"You,too,"he replied,"But you still have to tell me your wish.You know I don't like secrets.Except if I was in it."

"It's nothing, really.It's not even important,"I tried to sound convincing.

"If it isn't important then why do you find it hard to tell me?"

"I don't find it hard to tell you.I just don't want you making fun of me about it,"he wouldn't.He'd freak out and we're never gonna be friends again.

"Is it about Robbie?"

"No!"I said defensively,"Just get outta here."

"I can set you two up if you want-"

"Absolutely not!I don't even like him.Can you just...shoo!Shoo,you blond-haired John Green-worshiper!"

He laughed at me again and finally got himself down.He gave me one last smile before he started to walk away to his house across the street.

There's only one of him in the world.He's the best I got.I don't want to screw up our friendship just because I've read about best friends that started dating and were fine about it and lived happily ever after.Everything would play out different on his perspective.It would probably ruin whatever plan he had in mind because my name is not Isabella.

And that's what I wished for.I wish my name is Isabella.

So,I know I've been out like so long.But that's because of technical issues.I had to wait for Wattpad to update like four to five times because the app totally freezes after ten second of opening it up.AND IT WAS TERRIBLE!I had so much ideas and I can't put em in immediately.Even if I wrote it on paper,I'd probably lose momentum and I have to throw it away.So I'm sorry,that's my point.

Part two?😊😊😊😊Please comment if you liked it.I missed you all,I'm so pumped right now!

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