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"We are here.", Loki said with a proud look in his eyes, pointing to one of the shrines Tyr had left behind.

You had seen them all before, made of simple wood, decorated with simple symbols and paint that had faded after a few decades.

Again and again it seemed to you as if you had witnessed the life of a completely different Tyr. Not once were you mentioned in the faded pictures, although you yourself could still remember these events clearly.

Full of awe and held mute by the old memories, you let your gaze glide over the figure that was supposed to represent your master.

"I know this picture.", you said with a frown. "Why am I not there?"

His eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Not there?", he asked, stretching his neck. "That was when Tyr made a deal with the giants."

"I know.", the tips of your fingers slid over the rough surface. "That day they gave him new eyes."

His eyes widened more.

"You know about the giants' gift to him?", he asked, as if there was something to hide that you yourself needed to know.

A snort escaped you.

"Of course. I was there."

"Seriously?! How was it?"

Chuckling softly, you looked at him from the corner of your eyes.

"Bloody.", you huffed. "And also a bit nasty. I almost kept the eyes he was born with."

Horror refunded the excitement on his young face. He didn't even have a beard yet, you noticed.

At first you had thought he was a young man, maybe fifteen or sixteen winters old. But now that he looked so shaken, you could see that the man in him had not even begun to grow.

He was still a boy through and through. How vulnerable he was.

And yet you could see that hardness in his eyes.

His hands were already stained with blood and his mind burdened. His mind was more grown up than his body. Maybe because the harsh world of Midgard had forced him to, maybe because his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps one day soon.

Whatever it was, it made you feel pity and fear for him at the same time.

Clearing your throat, you withdrew your hand and looked at the picture again.

"So...", you made a gesture of expectation. "What can you show me?"

For a moment he stared at you.

"You really don't know?", he asked again.

You shook your head.

"Unfortunately not. Master Tyr was known not to rely on just one method. He combined many ways to reduce the chance of wrong intentions growing."

"But you are his student."

"I was."

"Then why didn't he tell you?"

Your gaze lowered.

Colourful pollen was already gathering under your feet. Their sweet scent rose to your nose. It made your head spin.

"I wish I could answer that question for both of us.", you said finally, calmly and honestly. "Maybe he didn't trust me. Or maybe he was trying to protect me. Tyr knew ways of fate that were rarely found."

Loki frowned. It was obvious that his young, impatient mind was not satisfied with that answer. But it would be the only one he could get.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and did not expel the air until it burned in his lungs.

He nodded.

"All right.", his palm pressed against the wooden surface of the shrine. "I'll show you. But only if you promise to tell me if you notice anything."

You nodded.

"A deal's a deal."

"Hm. Alright.", he took another deep breath. "Open."

You stared tensely at the picture in front of you.

For some reason you expected the colours to become stronger again. Or that the drawn figures would start to move.

But they did not. Instead, everything remained still.

For a moment you felt disappointment in your chest. But suddenly something flashed before your eyes.


Surprised, you jerked back a step.

With every second the sparkle became brighter, clearer. Swathes danced through the air like dust, settling on your clothes and skin.

The touch was warm. It almost reminded you of your master's smile.

The image in the shrine disappeared before your eyes.

Wood bent.

And then it appeared.

"A portal!", you gasped, and stepped inside without hesitation.

The world was engulfed in golden sand. Sparkling clouds passed by. Holding your breath, you took a few steps.

Above your head a huge ball of glowing white lightened. Every step you took made it glow brighter.

"Hey, wait for me!", Loki called.

"What is this place?.", you asked as golden dust started to form pictures in the air. "Tyr..."

"Uh, I'm not sure. Secret messages, I think."

The portrait of a giant appeared. He held a sphere, a helmet protecting his head while a shield guarded his chest.

He led an army.

There was a war.

You recognise the scenery.

"This is a prophecy of Ragnarok."

With his head tilted, Loki frowned.

"You mean THE prophecy.", he corrected.

Goosebumps chased down your spine.

"So this is why you're looking for him.", you turned to lock eyes with the boy. "You want to make Ragnarok undone."

He frowned. Hesitantly, Loki joined your side.

"No...", he mumbled, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "I want to win it."

"Tyr doesn't fight wars."

"But he's the god of war!"

You allowed yourself to take a moment and just look at him.

There was so much desperation in his eyes. His words were so hopeful.

With a sigh, you shook your head.

"I do not mean to be rude, Loki, but no god resembles the other.", you put a hand on his shoulder to give it a squeeze. "Your father and Tyr will not resemble each other. Tyr doesn't want bloodshed."

"Neither does my father."

"But he is willing to. My master... how do I say? It would be his last resort. His very last."

A sigh made the boys shoulders sink.

"I thought if I follow these I might be able to find Tyr.", he mumbled.

You hummed in agreement.

"And maybe you would.", your eyes returned to the living sand before you. "But your goal isn't to win Ragnarok, is it?"

"It that your intuition again?", he asked bitterly.

For a moment, couldn't help but remain silent.

"No.", you closed your eyes. "Let's say those are... my unfulfilled parental feelings."

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