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C.5: Emotions can get the better of you.

"I'm full..."Ash groans, falling on his bed with his hands on his stomach,"I shouldn't have finished everyone's left over..."

"You said you can. What a kid..."Iris taps Ash's forehead and walks away."I'll be cleaning up. Then we can leave."

"Okay."I smiled.

Iris left the room with Axew to get a few supplies in the Pokemon Center before we leave.

"Cilan... I haven't. Ask you..."Ash started, staring at me with his tired eyes.

"Hmm?"I glanced at him, then back at my backpack. I really have to double check if I forgot something... Especially my fishing rod.

"When we parted ways... What regions did you visit..."Ash sat down, his gaze focused on mine. Well I didn't expect he would ask me such a profound question. Well for me it would be unusual because he usually ask what kinds of pokemon have I encountered.

"Well... I did visit Johto before Kalos."I uttered,"I actually Fished a Gyarados at my first try at a lake there."

"Ehhh?! You fished a Gyarados at your first try?!"There it goes, Ash getting pumped up.

"Well yeah... I tried battling it but its attacks were too powerful for me and my Pansage... Pansage unfortunately got severely hurt."

"Oh..."Ash's eyes turned into somewhat like a sad puppy's eyes.

"But I was lucky I met someone and he helped me cure Pansage! Sadly I didn't get to ask his name."I sighed and looked down.

"Aww that's sad. Maybe you two would make a perfect friendship if you two have connection."Ash smiles, pulling out a picture of..."Heyy! I didn't know this was here! Anyway this is the picture of my best friends foreverrrr! That's Misty over there.. And that's Brock!"


This cannot be happening.

"Is there something wrong Cilan?"Ash waves his hands in front of me.

"Well... That was the guy who helped me... with Pansage."What's with this aura. The coincidences... Brock is friends with Ash... Clemont is friends with him as well... Seriously Arceus! Are you doing this on purpose?!

"Woahhh! Clemont, and then Brock?! That's awesome! Maybe you'll even meet the girls sooner or later!"Ash says excitedly.

I would love to meet the girls too.. Especially Serena.

"Yeah.. I don't know if that's coincidence or maybe..."I looked away and give this rather unpleasant look.

"Or maybeeee..?"Ash raised an eyebrow. Trying to force me to say what I really don't wanna say.

"Hey guys! You ready to leave?"Iris jumps, swinging the door open to reveal her carrying a box full of meds.

"Woah Iris what's with that!"Ash stood up, staring at the box in awe.

"Well it's pokemon medicines... As well as medicine for us too! Go and stuff these things in your bag. We can't just carry all these."Iris gave us a small laugh.

"Well let's just bring anything necessary. Besides, carrying a lot will just give us a foul taste."I picked up 5 bottles of different medicines each. While Ash picks up everything that can be pick as long as his bag isn't full.

*Bzzzzz Bzzzzzzzz*

My brothers are probably calling me again. What now?

"Uh hold on guys! Cress and Chili's calling me."I ran outside and pick up the phone.

"What now?"I groaned, leaning against the wall while searching the hallway for anyone who will pass by.

"Problem. The thing is... Chili left to... Err... To get you..."Cress uttered with a nervous laugh.

"What?! What for?!"I hissed, curling my fist into a ball in sign of frustration.

"I... I'm currently following him right now... I hope you don't mind if you ever pass by us in the road... Ehehe.. Don't worry I won't let Chili take you away from your vacation... Unless you wanna take over our mission?"Cress finished up.

The mission... Why do I have to follow orders from him anyway. I know that this is wrong but why am I doing this!!! Maybe to show my brothers that I'm worthy to be the leader of the brothers as well as become the most powerful Gymleader?

"I change my mind. I won't take over. I believe Chili and You can do it without spoiling your flavors. Now please tell Chili to stop going here?"I begged, giving a slight grimace on my expression.

"I can't. I guess he's too annoyed about what happen... I can't make him change his mind if he got his mindset on something... You know him..."Cress sighed,"Unless he just wanna get a doughnut and stress eat or something."

"Whatever. If we met by the road I will have no choice but to battle him."I replied back.

"But Cilan..."Cress' voice became hoarse and sad.

"I'm sorry. But I know what's in his head. He won't just fetch me. He'll do something to my friends to quench his thirst."I bit my lower lip, my heart was beating fast... What would happen.

"Chili won't do that! He is our brother trust him!"Cress retaliated.

"No. He isn't... He changed Chili... A lot... And he would do anything..."I sighed.

"Cilan... Please don't hurt Chili... He's still our brother."Cress pleaded. Cress is the most caring among us brother. Nobody might notice it but he's always the one who loves to make us laugh even though he's the most calm and serene person I ever met.

"... Fine."I uttered plainly,"I won't make a move on him... Unless he did something that will hurt Ash or Iris okay?"

"Thanks! Well.. Uh I have to hang up now, Chili's a bit farther away from me! Byeee!"Then he hung up...

"What should I do..."I walked back and forth from my position. Chili's gonna go here?... We're gonna meet him?

And... He's gonna take my Friends...?

This stupid mission is making my head explode! I just hope we didn't sign our contract in the first place!

"Yo Cilan! Let's go?"Ash smiles, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"Yeah... I guess."I looked down, faking a laugh.

"When we reached Castelia City, what would we do next?"Iris thought, biting her lower lip.

"We can go in a gym battle again! And let's try out the Unova League again! You should join the League next time Cilan."Ash insisted, staring at me with his sparkling eyes again.

"Well..."I mumbled,"I don't know... But I could still join leagues and different competition... But not the Unova League. Hehe."

"Awww that's a bummer. How about you Iris?"Ash smiled, elbowing Iris afterwards.

"Argh! Stop doing that as if were really close friends!"Iris exclaimed, pushing Ash's arms away from her.

"What? Were not close friends?"Ash pouts. He's making that face again... He's so cute...

"Not even close!"Iris pouts, walking ahead of us.

Even though Iris and Ash aren't really in good terms, I'm pretty sure they are one of the closest friends and somewhat they could speak in a straightforward manner to each other.

"Ahaha... You two make a perfect combination."I smiled, holding Ash closer to me.

"What are you talking about! It's the worst combination! It's like combining pizza and pineapples!"Iris groaned, walking a bit faster.

"Yeah she's right!"Ash pouts.

Maybe I should just remain quiet till we... We meet Chili by the road...


We are finally out of the Pokemon Center and I can smell the aroma of fresh wind. Nimbasa City could be one of the most peaceful City in the Unova Region if you would ask me...

"You guys don't wanna stop by any stall to eat or something? Were not gonna be back here for a while."I smiled, pointing at every food stall that is within my reach.

"Well..."Ash ponders.

"I could guess you want food. What a kid."Iris rolls her eyes and smiles.

"No i dont! Let's just hurry to Castelia City! I heard there are better food stalls in there!"Ash shouted, walking ahead of Iris and I.

"He really is such a kid."Iris smirks.

"Well... So are you..."I uttered softly, giving a small sarcastic laugh.

"What?! Say that again and this will be the end of your life! Hmmph!"Iris seems annoyed by what I said... I can't blame her. She has a short fuse and that's understandable... If you know each other so well...

"Ahahaha.. Sorry... But I was just stating the truth..."I rubbed my nape and walked in a faster pace the moment Iris glared at me as if she was gonna eat me alive.

"You two are so annoyingggg!"Iris' face was burning red in frustration and annoyance. "I don't even know why I end up traveling with the two of you!"

"If it's meant to be it will be. You're traveling with us because you chose it in the first place."I shrugged, walking beside Ash.

"Yeah Cilan's right. You travelled with me in the first place because you wanted to. Nobody forced you."Ash then said.

"... And that was the worst decision I have ever made..."Iris looks down,"Now i'm so attached with you guys I don't wanna... Leave you guys because... You're my friend even if you two are so annoying!"

Ash and I both stopped walking. Smiling at Iris who is already shedding tears.

"Iris. We don't wanna leave you alone too. That's what friends are for right..."We both hugged Iris.

This is the first time I saw Iris like this... It was... Unusual...

"I'm sorry for acting so strong and independent... Even though in reality i'm scared... I don't want to be left out..."Iris kept sobbing.

"Why are you guys getting all emotional today! It... It's very unusual..."I said with a small laugh.

"Argh stop ruining the moment Cilan!"Iris retaliated, punching my chest afterwards.

"Oww! Hahaha. I'm sorry..."

"Now now Iris. It's okay if you want to tell us whole heartedly that you're also such a kid..."Ash smirks.

"Shut up!"Iris pouts,"Darn I dont know why i'm so attached with kids like you!"

Iris then pushed us away and continued walking.

"What's with her?"Ash pouts.

"Bipolar? Maybe? Or maybe she's just denial."I shrugged,"Come on."

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