Chapter 06🥀

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          Footsteps were heard in the deadly silent corridor as Haru walked to the chamber situated at the end. The more he comes closer the more the unfamiliar feeling increases. The distance of the corridor felt so long to him, the chamber felt so far away. He stopped right in front of the closed door, letting out a deep breath before knocking on the door. Getting no response he knocked again but no answer came, causing him to twist the knob and step inside. The large chamber was visually dark as the curtains blocked the light to come inside. It was furnished well, everything was kept neat and clean. Haru's gaze fell on the crimson coloured violin on the bed. He approached it, the tips of his fingers brushed against the strings of the instrument. The violin held many memories of Akane. She was so fond of it and he was so fond of the melody she used to play.

"O-Oto-san." The meek voice reached his ears, breaking his trance. Ai was engrossed in her thoughts, pressing the lid of the pen against a notepad. Hearing the footsteps, she put the pen down and got up from her seat, turning to the direction. She shivered feeling the gaze of those stoic green eyes on her. She knew the possible reason why her father was here when he did not even step inside this room in the last twenty years.

"A marriage proposal came for you." Haru's words cut through the air like a sharp blade. The grey-eyed girl clutched the fabric of her pants hearing it, not removing her gaze from the floor. There was no way her father would ask for her consent. But to her surprise, he said,

"I am giving you some time. Think carefully about it and give your answer. If you say no, I will decline their proposal without any hesitation." The Souen paused for a moment.

"He is ready to accept you. So, do not disappoint me in the future with your decision." He raised his eyebrows when Ai picked up the notepad from her table and showed it to him. She wrote it the moment Noaya left her room.

The older Souen read the words, simply saying- Say yes to them. But.....does he know how much her hands shook holding the pen to write it? Does he know how much pain was hidden in those letters?

"Will you not ask who the person is?"

Ai slowly shook her head, eyes turning glossy. Perhaps, she did not expect her father to ask her this. She scribbled something on the notepad before giving it to him.

Will you make me marry someone who is not capable enough to take care of me?

Haru was taken aback by the question, not having any answer. Or perhaps, he has the answer but could not say it let alone express it. He closed his eyes before saying,

"Get ready in fifteen minutes. They want to do the engagement today."

Ai watched him walking out of the room. When the door got closed she let out a shaky breath, stumbling back, holding the table for support. His tone was authoritative but her heart felt the gentleness in it.

It was the first time Haru talked to her properly, without showing any glimpse of hatred.


A table lamp was harshly thrown at the floor, causing it to shatter into multiple pieces. The room was messy, bed sheets and other things were scattered all around. Ayame fumed in anger, badly wanting to kill the red haired girl with her bare hands. First Naoya and then Satoru.......why? Why does she always come in her way? She nibbled her lips, pacing here and there, feeling restless. Not that she was marrying the Zenin but cause Satoru rejected her. Her?

She stood in front of the mirror. A doll like face, porcelain skin, gleaming blond hair reaching down to her waist, captivating bright green eyes resembles the greenery of forest, well-endowed figure, educated, smart and what not? She was seen as the brightest star, wanted by all.

Then why did the Gojo's eyes look for that girl?!

She crashed the mirror with the hair dryer. What does that girl have which she does not? Is it cause of that party? He danced with her and she...........Yes. She probably seduced him.

"Too much anger. For what?" Ayame snapped at the direction. Airu stood at the door-frame, piercing eyes digging into her soul.

"Are you upset that Gojo rejected you?"

"No, it is not! I-I am just--"

"I am your brother, Ayame. I know you more than anyone else. You were so happy dancing with Gojo in that night. And when he said he wanted to marry a Souen you were literally jumping in excitement." The green-eyed male rolled his eyes. He grabbed her arms, making her face him.

"You are reckless. Do you think you can leave Naoya hanging in the air after finding another man? And you believed that sly Gojo? He said some sugery words to you and you melted thinking he will come here to propose you. He is a monster, Ayame. He will not do anything unless he gets any benefit from it. How can you be a fool like Ai?" Ayame gritted her teeth, yanking his hand.

"Do not compare me with her."

"Do not think you can play with fire all alone. Of course Naoya appreciates you but you should know the more the sugar melts the more it turns bitter. He understood your idiotic motives and you should be glad that I stopped him from saying or doing anything to you." Airu moved away from his sister.

"You better make a valid excuse to convince him."

Ayame thought about something and smirked in return. The best way to convince Noaya is being submissive to him.

"Tell him to come to my room." The eldest Souen raised his eyebrows.

"Ai's engagement will be held now. Oto-san told us to--"

"Do I look like I care to attend her good for nothing engagement? Besides, you can join us. We will be having our own party."

Airu rolled his eyes.

"No thanks. I am not interested in listening to your lewd moans. I will make a way for you guys to spend the time together instead."


The dark locks fell over the honey skin of her face, creating a curtain in front of her grey orbs, blocking them to watch the certain white haired blue-eyed male leaving. The young Souen instantly walked away from the balcony when his piercing gaze suddenly moved in her direction feeling her long stare on him. Leaning against the hard wall, Ai slid down on the floor, staring at her ring finger adorning with the diamond ring. Who thought the table would turn?
Satoru looked away from the balcony before sitting inside the car. He got busy on his phone, not caring about the man beside him. Seitaro was disappointed in him for his choice. At the end of the day, his son decided to marry a girl who has a speech disability where Naoya got the golden jewel of Souen. Satoru may not care about anything nor he gives a fuck to anyone's shit talk but Seitaro does. It will become a hot topic of the elite families' gossip list even though they will not say anything in front of him. They will talk behind his back and it was humiliating to him. He cannot even say anything to Satoru. Why? Because he needs Satoru Gojo to do and hide all his dirty works, whether it is killing or simply sending a warning to someone.

Soon the car left the Souen manor.


The wedding day was coming near and the preparations for it were going with great enthusiasm. After all, it is also a matter of the Souen's reputation. The wedding will be held privately and only the elite families were invited. Ai was grateful for it, not wanting to be the attention of more people.

The past week was hectic for herself too. She was taught about the things related to marriage and the other stuff which only made her more nervous. What if she could not reach his expectations? What if he treats the way others treat her? What if she could not satisfy him?
The thoughts made her shudder. She was not unaware. Whenever she passed by, she heard the maids saying that Ayame was Satoru's first choice. As she was already in a relationship with Naoya, he chose her. Ai was used to being compared with her younger sister. But this time, it made her disheartened. It felt like the Gojo was pitying her.

Haru's words rang inside her head and she shook her head, trying to get those thoughts away. She does not want to disappoint him anymore.

Ayame was passing by the garden. Her eyes caught the glimpse of red, recognising it as her older sister's hair. An instant wave of jealousy and hatred rushed through her heart, green eyes glaring at the direction. Ai was sitting on a bench, dull eyes aimlessly staring at the roses. It always boils her blood, thinking that Ai looks sad only to get attention. Without thinking twice, she approached there.

"Looks like you got a diamond to yourself, Nee-chan."

The red haired girl startled hearing the voice.

"I will say you are good at seducing, Nee-chan. Otherwise, someone like Satoru Gojo would never look for a girl like you who barely can talk." Ai gripped her hands, clenching into fists. Ayame smirked. It was working.

"You know, Satoru, Naoya, Airu Ni-san and I grew up together. We know each other very well. The Gojo plays with girls like a toy and him wanting to get tied in a permanent have got to be kidding me!" She laughed.

"Perhaps, you managed to seduce him pretty well or perhaps, he wants something. Maybe he will just use you for his own pleasure." The blonde came closer to her sister, whispering in her ear,

"You just dig your own grave, Nee-chan. I was his target but thanks to Naoya now it is you. Love is just a mere feelings to Satoru Gojo. I do not think he will ever love you."


Ai looked at the ring of her ring finger. Ayame was right. No matter what it will not change the fact that she is going to marry a person whom people call the lunatic beast. A part of her heart was feeling relieved to leave this place but most were feeling scared, scared that she was going to spend the rest of her life with a man she barely knows, that too by the basis of other people. She has heard many things about him before--that how ruthless, arrogant and unsympathetic he can be, a confident man who is well aware of the power he holds which is why she believed Ayame's words. Of course. Why would Satoru Gojo choose her to be his bride, knowing that she lacks perfection and has a speech disability?

She recalled his iridescent blue eyes. They felt cold to her, as if they would pull her down in the deep abyss. The depths of those ocean blue irises sent shivers down her spine, even though she did not look at him for once but the feeling of his gaze on her did send goosebumps. They were the same as her father's lime green ones, the eyes she was so scared of.

Ai gripped her both arms tightly, shivering as the cold wind came inside through the window.

"Ai-sama." Sasha's voice called for her and she looked at the direction, finding the girl standing in front of the closed door. The thought of the young maid made her heart clench. No one will be there with her. Haru will not allow Sasha to go with her.

Ai saw the tears which formed in the girl's eyes, soon rolling down on her cheeks.  Sasha ran to her. Falling down, she burst out in tears on the red haired girl's lap, clutching her hands tightly.

"Why must you go?" Her voice broke. Ai only listened to her in silence.

"I do not.......want to serve........anyone other, Ai-sama." Sasha said between her sobs. The young Souen slowly moved away from her. She wrote something on the notepad and showed it to the girl.

Please, Sasha. I want to be alone.

Sasha wiped her tears, looking at her feeling worried, knowing how many suicidal attempts the young Souen took. There was no trace of pain in those dull grey eyes, no tears. Ai held her hands and squeezed them, assured her that she would be fine.

"Promise me. Please, promise me you will not hurt yourself, Ai-sama." Sasha wanted to cry out knowing how much torment her heart was feeling. As Ai nodded, she wiped her cheeks before taking tiny steps to the door. Ai was vulnerable but she was afraid to show her weakness. She tries her best not to break down but when it is too much she sometimes cannot take it. Sasha lost the count of how many times the Souen tried to kill herself. What she did behind the door was always kept as a secret, even from Yume.


The heated talking session between Haru and Yume went for an hour. The clicking sound of her heels was loud and clear as she stormed out of the Souen's study, closing the door with a loud thud. She could not tell how she was feeling. She felt abandoned, again. Ai's wedding was fixed and she got to know about it now, right before the wedding day? Wasn't she part of the Souen family? Wasn't Ai also her daughter? She went out of the country to attend a fashion show. She came today only to find out the news from the maids. No one cared to inform her. Yume's heart was tearing apart thinking what the girl might have gone through this one week. Ai might say yes but she knows the girl agreed only not to disappoint her father.

Yume reached the room and found Sasha coming out from there.

"Sasha. How is Ai? I want to talk to her."

"Ai-sama wants to be alone for now. I am sorry, my lady." Sasha lowered her head before handing her the paper which Ai gave her.

"She told me to give it to you."

Yume read the words, gripping the paper with her hands. She wiped the tear which formed in the corner of her eye before turning her heels, heading to her room. She put the the paper on her nightstand and went to change.

The cold breeze came, causing the fold of the paper to turn, revealing the neat handwriting of the red haired Souen.

Will you style me on my wedding day?

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