🌹 14 🌹

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Okay I know I haven't updated this in a looooooong time, but after being sent this adorable Kasef drawing I had commissioned one of my favorite artists to draw, I knew I had to get off my butt and try and finish this chapter. So, let's continue with Reyna and Kasef's journey, shall we?


"Reyna, Reyna! Wake up!"

Reyna groans in her sleep, swatting at Kasef's hands when he tried shaking her awake. What time was it anyways?

"Reyna! There's a giant animal grazing nearby and it has something that looks like a saddle!" Reyna's eyes snapped open and immediately sat up. "Oh, you have bed head."

"Forget the bed head, where is it?" Reyna asks frantically as she gets up.

"Over there." Kasef points ahead. Reyna turns to where he was pointing to see a tall dark creature grazing from a tree several yards away with what looked like a large saddle strapped to its back.

"An ambler!" The elf gasps as she tossed her blanket aside. "Wait here!"

Reyna took off running, murmuring the wing incantation before her arms were fully formed into wings and leapt into the air. She flew up towards the trees, hoping that whoever owned this ambler was nearby and could help. The big creature didn't even blink when she got close, perking up when it saw her and turned its head to follow when she circled around it.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where your owner is, would you?" Reyna asks when she landed on the ambler's snout. The ambler gave a small grunt noise and turned its head towards its back where the saddle was before lowering it so she was close. Much to her surprise, Reyna found a large elf asleep in the corner of the saddle, snoring loudly and buried under a large brown blanket.

Huh, didn't think they'd be this close. Reyna hops off the ambler's snout and walked to the sleeping elf before giving them a nudge with her foot. "Excuse me? Excuse me!"

The elf gives a snort and sits up before rubbing their yes. "Uh...who...how..."

"Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you could lend me a hand in something?" Reyna asks as the elf shoves the blanket off and stretches.

"You mean a wing?"


"Lending you a wing, 'cause you have wings for arms instead of hands."

Reyna lets out a groan as the elf laughs. "Ah, should have seen that coming."

"Sorry, couldn't resist." The elf says as they stand. This elf seemed almost as tall as Kasef, with pale blonde hair, a pair of dark curved horns protruding from the top of their head, and dark skin with pale green tattoos running down their arms that looked like ivy. "So, how can I help you, Skywing?"

"I'm traveling to the Storm Spire with someone, but they can't fly." Reyna explains as the elf proceeds to stretch. "I was hoping to ask if you could give us a ride to the Spire, if it's not too much trouble."

"Sure! The direction I'm heading goes past the Spire anyways, and after that I'm heading towards the Sunfire kingdom and to the Moonshadow villages after that. Where's your friend?"

"He's back at our camp, just follow me there." The elf says with a nod before holding a hand out. "The name is Adair by the way, Skywing."

"Reyna, whatever species you are." Reyna laughs as she extends her wing to the elf so they could shake it.

"Oh I'm half Sunfire and half Earthblood, if you are wondering." Adair says with a chuckle. "Sorry if I may have confused you."

"Oh no worries, I wouldn't have really guessed, but the tattoos should have been a bit of a give away-" Reyna hears a chirp before something small lands on her shoulder and felt a sharp pinch on her earlobe. "OW! Peach that wasn't nice!"

The little bird gives an annoyed chirp before jumping off her shoulder, landing on the rim of the large saddle and flapping her wings.

"I'm going to take a guess and say this isn't the friend who can't fly." Adair asks as Reyna rubs at her ear.

"No, he's certainly not the bird, this is his pet bird, Peach. She's become quite the brat since my friend took her in." She says before sticking her tongue out in Peach's direction. "And no, I don't know what sort of bird she is. I'm taking a wild guess that she's a species from the human kingdoms and somehow found her way into Xadia."

"I would think so, but she kind of looks like a smaller Xadian Songbird but with this funny yellow and grey feather colors and red cheeks." Adair says as they walk over to Peach and hold a finger out before yanking it back when she tried to nip it. "And she's a biter."

"She only bites strangers if she doesn't know them, me if she's annoyed with me or if she's mad about something I did, and people she doesn't like. With her owner, she acts like a complete angel." Reyna explains as Peach took off.

"You sure this isn't a human disguised as a bird?" Adair jokes before whistling loudly, getting the attention of the ambler. "Alright, just lead the way and Zira will simply follow. Just yell her name to get her attention."

With a nod, Reyna quickly hops off the side of the saddle before flapping her wings to get into the air. She shouted loudly to get the ambler's attention before flying back towards the campsite and making sure she was being followed. Luckily for her, Kasef had already gathered their things and put out their smothering campfire, and was waiting for her with an annoyed Peach perched on his shoulders.

"I take it whoever owns the ambler is willing to give us a ride to the Spire?" He asks when Reyna drops to the ground.

"Yep, and they said they were heading to the Moonshadow villages, which are a few miles from the border. Maybe if we're lucky they can get us there after the Spire." She responds as gestures to the approaching ambler. "They seem pretty friendly, so we should have no trouble with them."

"I don't know, sometimes the friendliest of people could often be the most rotten ones and are just faking it. Ibis did warn us to be wary of elves like that Skywing who tried to kidnap the dragon prince from the human and the elf that were taking him back to the queen."

"Fair enough, but if anything goes wrong, we can just let Peach deal with them."

"Tell your friend to get on the tail, Zira will elevate them to the saddle!" They hear a voice shout from the ambler as she stops near them and moves her tail over towards them.

"Well, time to find out if this is one of those human friendly elves." Kasef says quietly as he hops onto the tail. Reyna follows, quickly shedding her wings and hopping on as the tail is lifted up. Once Zira had raised her tail high, she shifts it towards the saddle, allowing the two to hop off and land inside of the saddle where Adair is waiting for them.

"Oh...you didn't tell me your friend was a human." Adair says quietly as Kasef puts their bags down.

"Well I never said he was an elf either." Reyna points out with a small shrug. "This won't be a problem, right?"

"Oh no! No problem at all. He's not one of...those humans, is he?"

"What do you mean by that?" Kasef asks with a frown. "If you are asking if I am one of those humans that hate elves, I'm not."

"Huh? Oh no that's not what I was talking about!" Adair laughs. "I grew up hearing these stories from my parents about how humans are bloodthirsty beings who are greedy and selfish and will kill an elf just to get ahead. They assured me those were just stories and that all humans weren't as evil as we are told."

"I'm guessing by bloodthirsty, they mean they drink blood?"

"They weren't specific about that, but they said humans were pretty violent and always fought with anything that crossed their paths if they were angry enough."

"Well rest assured, Kasef is not one of those humans, nor is he bloodthirsty in any way unless he catches someone being mean to Cici." Reyna says quickly. "We kind of need to hurry and get to the Spire and head towards the border. And the sooner we do so, the sooner we can maybe get to Katolis."

"That elf had it coming, no one should get away with being mean to your sibling like that." Kasef states with a frown. "And I mean no one."


"So, what's your relationship?"

Kasef nearly choked on his beef jerky at the question and frantically looked at Adair in horror before glancing at Reyna, who was asleep in the corner of the saddle under some blankets.

"I'm guessing more than traveling companions?" The hybrid elf asks as Kasef looks away in embarrassment. "Friends? Secret lovers? Husband and wife?"

"W-we're just friends." The human responds quietly. "Nothing more."

"Your darkened cheeks say otherwise." Adair laughs. "You two have known each other for two months, she saved your life and you two grew close, it's understandable and a bit obvious."

"Is it?" Kasef asks after a few moments of silence. "Her family hasn't noticed - actually I think her sibling suspects but they haven't said anything to me about it. Then again I wasn't really sure myself, I just assumed I felt this way because she saved my life."

"Do you think she feels the same way?"

Kasef glances at Reyna's sleeping form, before shaking his head. "I don't think so, if she does have any feelings she's pretty good with hiding it. I'd rather keep quiet about this and not say anything to her about it, I don't want things to be awkward between us."

"It would be awkward, especially considering how much time you two will be spending together during this trip. So when did this even start anyways? After spending a lot of time around her?"

"When I woke up." Kasef admits with a soft chuckle. "I woke up with my head on her lap, in a lot of pain, and having no idea who I was and what I was doing here."

"Ah, love at first sight." Adair chuckles. "So is it really love or just admiration you have for her?"

Kasef was quiet for nearly a minute before finally saying, "Yeah, I do love her."


"We're here!" The two travelers hear Adair yell from the top of Zira's head. "Spire ahead!"

"Finally!" Reyna groans in relief. "We're here!"

"So how are we getting up there?" Kasef asks, pointing at the looming mountain up ahead. "Pretty high up and I can't fly. Plus I think I'm a bit too heavy for you to carry."

"Oh please, it's just a little flight." Reyna scoffs as she stands up to stretch. "Tell you what, I'll fly up there myself and tell the queen we're heading back to the human kingdoms and you wait here. If she tells me to bring you up, I'll ask her if one of the dragons here can bring you up there."

"Sounds like a plan. I can just wait here with Adair."

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!"

Once her wing spell had been activated, Reyna took off into the sky and flew up towards the mountain. Unlike other non-sky bound creatures or dragons, she didn't need to use a special spell that could allow her to breathe properly since the top of the Spire was so high up the air was pretty thin. Several dragons were lounging or sitting around the entrance of the Spire, and a few perked up at the sight of her.

"Hello! Is her majesty inside or at least awake?" Reyna asks politely as one of the dragons, a large male with ruby red scales lumbers over to her and sniffs her carefully. "I came to tell her I need to take a human I found back to the human territories, is she here at least?"

She hears a happy little yip and turns to see little prince Azymondias scampering out of the entrance with two other baby dragons in tow, a purple one that was twice his size and a little gold and green one who looked smaller than him. The little storm dragon ran right to her and jumped right into the elf's arms, giving her a little lick on the cheek in greeting.

"Well hello prince Azymondias, you've certainly grown a bit since I last saw you in the spring." Reyna greets with a laugh as the other two baby dragons run to her. "Is your mother home? I have to tell her something about that human I was caring for."

Azymondias gave a chirp and wiggles out of her arms to run back to the entrance, stopping to bark at her to follow. Reyna follows the young storm dragon into the Spire, continuing to follow as he leads her to the chambers of the queen. Zubeia seemed to be busy, listening to the ramblings of an elf who was speaking to her and hadn't noticed her son or Reyna enter. Azymondias gives a loud yip to alert his mother of his presence before flying over to her.

"I'm sorry Cyran, but I'm afraid we will have to cut this short. My son tells me one of the Skywings who tended to me is here to speak with me upon an important matter." The dragon queen says as Reyna gets close. "Ah, you're the one called Reyna, if I'm not mistaken."

"I am, the one who brought that injured human soldier into the Spire while you were gone." Reyna says and bows politely.

"You brought an enemy soldier into the home of the queen?!" The elf, Cyran, exclaims in horror. Ah, he was one of those Startouch elves, the ones with the varying purple skin and stars dotting their bodies like they were a walking night sky, silvery or midnight black hair, intricately curved horns and mysterious demeanor. Mags was half Startouch but she was anything but mysterious, and...well this one didn't seem as mysterious as the stories made them out to be. This one looked rather...messy.

"He's hardly dangerous, and he's waiting at the foot of the mountain." Reyna states and casts the elf a frown. "Why do you care?"

"All of Xadia has heard rumors of those soldiers wandering around Xadia, and hardly anyone has been able to capture them! Those who do come across them get killed or badly injured and left to nearly die from the wounds!" Cyran explains and runs a hand through his messy hair. "I warned my people about this, I told them I had a vision of these monsters invading our country and yet no one listened! I had to warn the queen that these things were still in Xadia, in case any of them tried climbing the mountain to get to her and the prince!"

"Your concern for my safety is good to hear Cyran, but the human she speaks of is actually quite harmless. In fact, he somehow riveted back to his normal form and according to some of the Sunfire elves who are here to guard me, he was the biggest and most brutal of all the soldiers." Zubeia says with a nod. "So, where is he and how is his recovery progress?"

Janai wasn't kidding when she said he was a monster. Reyna thinks, recalling the large snarling soldier who nearly ran down Enya, and would have done so if she hadn't pulled her out of the way in time. How could such a savage creature be the sweet and gentle human I've been tending to?

"He's recovered physically, the eye and hand that were struck by arrows no longer ache, and his head no longer hurts either. And the other day he actually was able to spar with me long enough for the both of us to feel sore." She says with a smile. "During his stay in my village he managed to win over many of the inhabitants, mainly the little elflings, and he's able to read at least some elvish. As for his memory, he is starting to remember some things, but we still don't know where he's from exactly. And because of that, I am taking him to Katolis so my human friend who I've been writing to can help us out."

"I see. May I see him for myself?"

"Probably a bad idea my queen." Cyran muttered and Reyna clenched her fist before relaxing it.

"How about we go to him?" She suggested and gave the other elf a wide smile. "Perhaps you can accompany us so you can see for yourself that Kasef is not the mindless beast you think he is."

"A grand idea, I needed to step out anyways and stretch my wings." Zubeia agrees as she starts walking towards the entrance of her cave.

"Your majesty please be careful!" Cyran groans as he rushes after the dragon queen, stopping to glare at Reyna. "I swear if that creature does anything to harm her -"

"Relax you walking star map, he's as harmless as an Adoraburr." Reyna scoffs as the dragon prince lands on her shoulders and playfully nips at her hair. "Just go outside and get a dragon to carry you down, he's on an ambler."

Once outside of the Spire, Reyna led the dragon queen and Cyran down the mountain and landed several yards from the ambler. Zira gives a loud snort in greeting as she lumbers towards the Skywing elf and gently lowers her head in greeting.

"Let him down, will you?" Reyna asks as the ambler gives a soft bellow before raising her tail to her saddle. A few moments later she brings it down, Kasef and Adair standing on it before they hopped off.

"I see you are doing just as well as the young healer has promised." Zubeia says as she walks over to them and drops her head to be level with the ground to get a better look at Kasef. "Tell me little human, are you fit enough to return home now?"

"I...I think so." Kasef says and glances at Reyna before looking back to the queen. "A Sunfire elf who knew Reyna's family told us I had to leave, apparently there's talk of the dark mage who casted the spell on me may still be alive. I have to leave Xadia as soon as possible to avoid coming in contact with him, we don't know if he may try to turn me back into one of those stone monsters."

"A smart decision." Zubeia agrees before lifting her head and looking at Cyran, who was standing several feet away and fidgeting. "Cyran, come here."

Reyna watched as the Startouch elf walks over to them, wringing his hands before he soon reached Kasef. "I know you say it's hard to see an exact vision of the future of any living being and that it's often changing, but can you glimpse into his future to see if he is fated to turn back into one of those soldiers you warned me of?"

"R-really? I mean, it might change over time because of his choices, but I could see if it ever will happen. How far would you like me to check?"

"As far as you can, at least until you see a glimpse of a stone monster."

With a nod, Cyran motions for Kasef to kneel a bit before placing his hand on his face.

"Never thought I'd see a Startouch elf do a future check." Adair tells Reyna as the elf's hand begins to glow a soft white color as he softly chants. "But I hear that their predictions of the future and their visions are often always right."

"I know someone who is half Startouch, but she claims she can't do any of the fancy stuff they can. She inherited her Skywing parent's abilities, but when she tries the wing spell you've seen me do, she looks like she has star patterns on her feathers." Reyna says with a shrug. "But she has told me and my sibling stories of how Startouch elves are so mystical and rather otherworldly, some even say they're often like gods."

"Doubt it. But let's hope this one gives your human the good news."

"I see nothing about him turning into a stone monster." Cyran announces as he removes his hand from Kasef's face. "But I suggest NOT crossing the Midnight Desert, that won't end well."

"Oooookay, I think that's enough of that for today." Kasef says as he rises to his feet. "Uh, maybe we should get going, the sooner we get to the border the sooner we get to Katolis."

"There's only two ways out of Xadia, and one of them involves going past Sol Regem. You don't want to go past him with a human who smells faintly of dark magic.

"And what about the second way?"

"Oh I've heard of this one!" Adair exclaims. "The second way is through this area where the dark mage parted a river of lava to enter Xadia, and from what I heard it's guarded by both human soldiers and some elven soldiers."

"I suppose that's our only option." Reyna says with a nod. "Better than risking our lives and getting burned by an angry sun dragon who doesn't care if there's peace between all of us now. The soldiers might be a problem, but we can deal with that when we get to it."

"Then we should get a headstart on our journey, the sooner the better."

Once the three had departed, leaving Zubei and Cyran alone, the dragon queen looked to the nervous Startouch elf. "Cyran, did you see anything in the human's future about his identity? Anything we should be concerned about?"

"I don't know, I was too busy looking to see if he would turn back into a mindless beast." Cyran admits and hangs his head. "I'm sorry my queen, I didn't know you were interested in his identity."

"It's alright, I probably should have asked and it could have made things easier for him. Actually, I have a task for you."

"What is it?"

"I want you to look into what the human told us about the dark mage. While this sounds like a rumor, it was terrifying enough for the two to leave the Skywing village before Reyna could finish her care for the boy. Report to me whatever you can find."

Cyran nods grimly. "Of course, I'll do my best. Let's just hope it's a mindless rumor."

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