🌹 4 🌹

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After the Battle

"Okay, can you feel any kind of pain when I move this?" Reyna asks the human soldier she was tending to as she carefully lifted the leg up a bit and started to move the ankle. The soldier, a woman, bit her lip in pain and nodded hastily before Enya carefully placed her leg back down and reached for a roll of linen bandages. "It looks slightly swollen, so you may have sprained it running down the hill or during the battle. I'm going to wrap this up and heat up some painkiller tea for you to drink."

"Is she going to be okay?" Asked another human soldier, this one male, as he watched in worry. "Nothing is broken?"

"If it was broken, her foot would have been twisted in an awkward angle." Reyna assures him as she was wrapping the ankle up. "Believe me, as someone who broke and sprained her ankles, legs, wrists and knees a lot as a kid, I know the difference between the two. As long as she stays off of it for a few weeks to heal, she'll be fine. But I do suggest she go see one of your human doctors to make sure nothing is really broken. Now I better get that tea to help dull the pain."

It had been about a few hours after the battle and since the dragon queen finally woken up, and Reyna was glad that she and everyone on the good side had managed to survive it. Since Enya had freed her from a net trap that had meant to catch a dragon, she had been swamped with patients, both human, elf and dragon that needed tending to. One human she had never seen before had even brought her a dog with an injured foot to patch up, explaining it belonged to Enya and had helped out in the fight. That certainly was the oddest paitent she had yet that day, right next to the dragon who was bleeding from it's paw because one of the enemy soldiers stabbed it there with a spear.

Never thought I'd have to heal humans, but it's not that different from healing elves really. She thought as she was setting up a large pot with water to boil and started adding some dried herbs to it. Aside from the two extra toes and fingers and the small round ears, their body structure is just the same as ours.

Once the tea had boiled, Reyna proceeded to make her way through the camp with the pot and a ladle in hand to pour the painkiller tea into cups for anyone who needed to numb their wounds pain. A lot of humans had refused at first, looking so wary of the pale green liquid she was offering until an elf explained its purpose and proceeded to drink it up immediately.

"You look like you need some tea." Reyna comments as she approached Soren, who was holding the little glow toad creature called Bait.

"Oh I'm fine, I don't really like tea that much." The knight said with a shake of his head.

"I meant Bait, Rayla said he took a nasty hit from your father when he was defending the little prince." Reyna said pointing her ladle at the toad. "And it's a special painkiller tea, supposed to numb the pain for a while."

"Oh, makes sense. I suppose he can have a cup." Soren says with a nod, pointing to the bandages covering the creatures back. "And maybe some before he goes to sleep too."

"Here, this is the last of it so he can drink from my ladle." Reyna offers as she scoops some out and poured it into Bait's open mouth. The toad turned a bright orange color and croaked happily once he gulped down the drink. "There we go, you won't feel pain for a while. And hopefully by tonight you won't go to sleep feeling sore."

"I really could have used that when I got the feeling back in my body after being paralyzed for a while. I was so sore I had to use crutches." Soren chuckles as he tucks the creature back under his arm, being careful not to hurt him. "So I was thinking, is the top of the Spire a good place to propose?"

"I wouldn't know, I've only been here for a few days." Reyna responds with a shrug and chuckles. "Why, asking your lady for her hand?"

She was joking of course, and she was assuming Soren was joking too until she saw his cheeks turn a dark shade of pink and his free hand flies up to cover his face.

"Oh- I was kidding I swear." She says quickly. "Wait Enya says the two of you aren't dating, why would you think of proposing to her up there?"

"Just a thought!" Soren responds with a nervous laugh and Bait makes an unamused noise. "Oh hush, you know nothing about love so you have no right to judge. I should...check on my friends...like right now- thanks!"

"You're... welcome?" Reyna says as he hurries off. Goodness were all humans this strange? Well Enya didn't come off as strange, and neither did the two other humans she called her brothers, and that human general who had came with the Sunfire elf army. Seeing those elves made her miss Zolar, and now it was starting to make her miss the rest of her family. Where was Ibis?

"Ah, I see you're painkiller tea is in high demand, and I was just about to ask for some." A familiar voice said and Reyna nearly dropped her pot. She turned to find her father behind her, looking a little scratched up, but otherwise still intact and very much alive.

"Father!" She cried out, dropping the pot and ladle and rushed forward to throw her arms around him. Ibis nearly tipped back for the force of her hug, but managed to steady himself and hugged her back tightly. "I couldn't find you after the battle! Where were you?! You had me worried!"

"Helping the other elves deal with some of the captured soldiers, got a bit banged up but otherwise, I'm fine." Ibis said and released her to examine. "Looks like you took quite a few nasty hits too."

"Someone had the bright idea to knock me out of the sky with a net, but I got freed later so I'm fine." Reyna assures him. "I didn't like getting poked with a spear."

"Well the important thing is that we're alright, the dragon prince is safe, and our side won with small casualties. Come, I'll help you make some more of that tea. It'll be easier to distribute more with two elves."


"I swear Ibis I'm going to die of boredom if I stay here another moment."

The mage gives an exasperated sigh as he opens his eyes to find his daughter doing a handstand against a wall across the room. "I told you, if you're that bored come meditate with me or go through your herbs and toss out anything that's already rotting."

"Not doing the first one, already did the last one and everything this still fresh." Reyna responds as she lets her legs drop to the floor to righten herself. "Why do we have to stay here? Can't we go home already?"

"The queen gave us specific orders to stay here and guard the tower while she goes to Katolis to work out a peace treaty with the young human king and queen and the other three kingdoms." Ibis responds, closing his eyes and straightening his posture. "Go sweep up our quarters if you are bored."

"Can't I go outside? I feel like I'm going to go nuts staying inside this mountain. Also, I have nothing else to do, and if I don't do anything I'm probably going to break something out of boredom."

It had been a few hours since the dragon queen and prince had left with the humans to work on a peace treaty with the elves, but she had instructed the two Skywings to stay in the Spire to apparently guard it. Who was going to try attacking a tall and empty mountain that had some high air pressure?

"I'm serious, I might break something."

Ibis gave another exasperated sigh, already sounding like he was going to lose his patience. "Alright fine, I suppose it wouldn't hurt, just don't stray too far." Her guardian finally says. "Also be careful, there may be some soldiers who evaded capture possibly running about and they could be lurking around here."

Reyna beamed happily before rushing over and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Will do, I'll be back and I'll be careful. Bye!"

"I mean it, be careful!"

While most people thought taking the stairs to get off the Spire safe, Reyna always felt that leaping off the ledge more fun, especially since she could give herself wings. After enough practice and having Ibis or Ikaros save her from being a feathery pancake, Reyna felt like a true professional and perfectionist with this spell when she leapt off high places. Reyna was already rushing towards the edge of the cliff, her arms growing slightly itchy before she leapt off the side.

"Manis, plumis, volantis!" She gave a loud whoop as she spread her wings new wings, spiraling into the open blue sky. No matter how many times she had done this, she always loved that exhilarated feeling of the rush of the wind in her hair, this was what freedom felt like.

After a while she landed in the grass and flopped to the ground with a happy sigh. Being cooped up in that mountain for over a day was awful, but being out here was more relaxing than meditating with Ibis. So far she hadn't seen any of those dark magic soldiers, and she doubted any of them would have stuck around once they saw they had lost, so she probably wouldn't have to worry about them coming to attack her.

It feels so peaceful now. She thought to herself with a smile as she looked up at the sky. Like actually peaceful, no sense of dread hanging over us.

Maybe when the queen returned she and Ibis could go home, and the second they got home she wanted to do nothing but pass out on her comfortable bed until she felt well rested enough. And maybe if she had time between the callings she'd get with elves who needed healing or some herbs she could spend time with Ikaros cleaning up the library, test out some new weapons Zolar had created during the week to make sure they were alright, make sure Ibis wasn't spending too much time in the family study or the library, and spending time with Cici doing whatever they wanted.

And speaking of Cici, how were they going to react to the news of Xadia now being at peace with the human kingdoms? Well, obviously happy since that meant they'd get to see that human boy more without having to worry about getting caught and seen as a threat. Ooh the dads were going to lose their minds once they found out (but they won't because she wasn't the type to rat out her sibling for something harmless), but they'd probably get over it after a while. But just because humans and elves were at peace didn't mean a lot of them would welcome them with open arms, seeing how many soldiers followed that mage into battle and were willing to be touched by dark magic just to fight the elves was enough proof.

At least I know humans who are friendly and sort of became friends with one, that's a start. And I should probably head back...in a few minutes.

Sitting up and dusting her legs off, Reyna decides to walk to the battlefield area. There were still several weapons left by the enemy, along with several arrows, discarded chains that had been used to capture the dragons, and just one badly dented Sunfire shield just scattered among the place. Such weapons should have been removed from the place, but she guessed no one had time or thought it was such a big deal to pick those up. Reyna felt her foot hit something and looked down to find some strange weapon down next to it.

What an odd weapon. Reyna thought as she bends down to pick up the strange object that has a strangely curved blade. It looked like some kind of axe but with a more thinner handle, like one of a spear. And the handle looks like it was broken off too, like it was attached to a longer staff or handle of some kind. Doesn't look like any of the weapons the fighters on our side were using in the battle.

Reyna remembered that the Sunfire elves had just their swords and shields, both Soren, Enya and the human named Amaya had been carrying swords as well, and the new humans who showed up at the last minute were carrying nothing but archery bows and spears or swords. But she was quite sure she had seen one or two of the dark soldiers had been carrying weapons similar to this one in her hand. Well the owner was probably either dead, ran off or was led off as a prisoner back to the human kingdoms.

Deciding to walk around to the first ledge of the Spire where Reyna recalled one of the humans standing there to blast the enemy with sky magic to keep them away, Reyna made her way up the steep slope, quietly humming to herself as she did. Ibis was probably going to scold her for staying out so long, but it's not like she was actually planning on walking all the way back up the stairs when she had a pair of wings to carry her. As she was walking, the young mage noticed something ahead that looked like...a foot?

What in the winds...is that a body?! Reyna immediately rushed forward to find it was a body, looking very much dead. A...a human? She bent down to examine the body, wondering if her suspicions were correct. Indeed it was a human, and a male from the looks of it. She could see numerous scars through the rips in his clothing, an arrow poking out of his chest and right eye and she could see his chest barely rising and falling. Great stars in the sky, he's still alive! But how?!

"Hey, hey! Can you hear me?" She yells, gently shaking his shoulder to wake him up. The human gave a small groan, but did not even open his eyes. Okay still alive but barely unconscious, that's an okay sign, right?

Can I carry him up the mountain? If he was awake I could, but I can't fly him up if he's like this. Oh wait, I know!

Reyna carefully slipped one arm under the human's back and carefully tried to lift him up before turning to the sky and giving a loud cry. She heard a familiar roar from the clouds and out flew a familiar green and gold dragon that she had healed earlier after the battle that swooped down and lands near them. The dragon caught sight of the human in Reyna's arms and gave a loud hiss, jerking back in alarm.

"No it's okay, he's unconscious, he needs help!" The young mage says as she tries getting the man up. "I need you to carry him back up to the Spire, I can't carry him!"

The dragon gave a small growl, looking quite unsure before she grabs the human in her talons as gently as she could and took off into the air with Reyna right behind her. Once they reached the top of the Spire, she quickly blasted the human with the last breath spell to keep him breathing and thanked the dragon for her help. As carefully as she could, the young mage scooped up the human in her arms and hurried into the Spire. Her healing supplies were stashed away in her room, and she needed Ibis' help in healing this human.

"Hey Ibis! Guess what I found passed out outside the Storm Spire!" She shouts when she sees her father, thankfully still in the mountain and busy sweeping.

"Great winds Reyna!" Ibis shouted in alarm when he saw what she was carrying and dropped his broom. "What are you doing with a human corpse?!"

"Still alive, and I'm nursing him back to health." She responds as she walks past him and carefully places the body down on the ground. "Luckily a dragon was willing to help me carry him back up here."

"You sure it- I mean he is still alive?" Ibis asks hesitantly, gesturing to the arrows.

"Still breathing, surprisingly, but unless I get the arrows out quickly he won't have much time left."

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