[009] charming lies

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[009] charming lies

                                                Camille is used to going out on romantic dates and being treated by boys vying for her affections. But this felt far more special than those other dates.

                                                Tom was totally attentive, listening to Camille as she spoke about all sorts of things. He'd open the door for her, and he held her hand and he laughed at her little jokes, no matter how stupid they really were. He was so charming, going to Madam Puddifoot's with her even when most boys didn't care to go at all. Camille felt so lucky but she couldn't help but admit that something more was missing. Something related to Tom. Camille felt a little guilty talking about herself when there was so much she didn't know about Tom. And Camille wanted to learn everything, from his past to what he wanted his future to look like.

                                                 And so, that's exactly what Camille intended to do while on her date with Tom.

                                                After Theodore's death, Camille had allowed grief and regret and guilt to consume her life. But Tom held onto her hand, seemingly intent on pulling her out of the darkness. And honestly, Camille was slowly starting to feel better.

                                             "Tom," Camille dreamily sighs, looking over at the handsome boy who sat across from her. They were holding hands on the table, surrounded by other couples who looked equally lovestruck with each other. "I know I've already thanked you plenty of times for taking me out and making me feel so much better since... everything that's happened. But -."

                                            "No need to thank me again. You're my girlfriend, Camille. I'll do everything in my power to make you happy and give you the relationship you deserve. I'd never hurt you and I certainly wouldn't force you into anything either," Tom replied.

                                             Camille falters for a moment, reminded of what had happened between her and Theodore. But there was no possible way for Tom to know what Theodore had done to her... right? She shakes the silly thought from her mind, forcing a chuckle past her lips.

                                             "Right. And that's what I like the most about you. How compassionate and sweet you are. I just wish there was some way that I could return the favor," Camille says, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

                                                Tom smiles. "The fact that you even decided to take a chance on a boy like me is more than enough. Truth be told, I was so worried that I'd never have a chance with you."

                                                "What could possibly make you think that?" Camille chuckles in disbelief.

                                                  By all appearances, Tom was absolutely perfect. Not only was he handsome but he was intelligent and responsible, adored by students and teachers alike. But Tom successfully managed to hide his rotten nature, the ugliness inside of him which seemed impossible to love. A girl like Camille, however, might just be the one to love him when no one else could.

                                                  Just then, two people walked over to their table - revealing none other than Louis and Daisy. Daisy was holding onto Louis' hand, smiling from ear to ear, and it was clear that Camille and Tom weren't the only lucky couple to show up.

                                                  "I'm so sorry to interrupt but I just had to say hello. You two are absolutely perfect together," Daisy gushed, soft little giggles leaving her lips afterwards.

                                                 "Thank you, Daisy! You and Louis also make a fine couple," Camille compliments. Admittedly, she hadn't been too sure whether the two would last - given Daisy's reputation. But they seemed to be going strong and Camille was supportive nonetheless.

                                                  Louis nods. "Never in a million years did I think I'd ever find myself in a place like this. But the things one does for love, am I right, Tom?"

                                                "You are right, my friend. But if you don't mind...," Tom trails off.

                                                "Right, right! Well, we'll leave you two lovebirds to it! Louis is taking me shopping," Daisy says as she begins leading Louis away.

                                                "Wish me luck," Louis teased.

                                                "Goodbye, you two!" Camille smiles, waving at them as they left the shop. "Oh, they are so nice together, aren't they? I never thought they'd last but it's good that they're managing to prove everyone wrong. Don't you think?"

                                                 "Yes, splendid," Tom dismisses before plastering his charming smile. "I actually got you a present."

                                                   Camille perks up in an instant. "Another present? Tom, you are simply spoiling me at this point."

                                                  "You deserve it, Milly. Now close your eyes," Tom responded.

                                                   Camille giggles once more before she does as she's told, closing her eyes and waiting for Tom to pull out the present. She flinches when she feels something cold on her skin, but still keeps her eyes closed until Tom tells her not to. And when she opens her eyes on his orders, Camille finally sees the present he had gotten her. It was a beautiful silver bracelet which shone when Camille modeled it on her arm.

                                                  "Oh, this is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe you had gotten this for me," Camille excitedly declares, smiling as she looks at Tom who looked as calm as ever.

                                                  "The moment I saw it, I thought of you," Tom replied. And by that, Tom meant that when he had seen it at the store, he stole it without second thought in the hopes of giving it to Camille as a present. "I knew it'd look good on you."

                                                  Camille leans forward to kiss Tom, showing her appreciation with actions rather than just her words, and the kiss between the pair of lovers happened to be brief but sweet before the two of them moved away from each other. She certainly felt lucky that she had decided to go on this date with Tom, realizing that she might've missed out on one of the best days of her life.

                                                    After the pair left the tea shop together, Tom unexpectedly had to leave Camille. It was supposed to be for a moment, as he claimed, but Camille wasn't the least bit happy with the news.

                                                  "I have to take care of something with your cousin. I promise that I'll be back very soon. You can go and get some of those sweets you were talking so much about. I can try some with you," Tom offered.

                                                   Camille nods. "Alright, just don't keep me waiting for too long."

                                                   "I'll try not to. I'll be at the Three Broomsticks if you decide to come looking for me," Tom assures her.

                                                     Camille makes sure to kiss Tom on the cheek before finally letting him go, wandering over to Honeydukes so she could buy herself some sweets. It had been a while since Camille had allowed herself to indulge, not eating much. She supposed she could have one day of guilty pleasures before going back to being strict again.

                                                      But as she was looking around the store, she'd end up bumping into someone unexpected. It was Lily Yaxley, the usually upbeat and happy girl looking... troubled by something. Camille walked over to her, figuring she could try and see what was wrong with her.

                                                    "Lily?" Camille called out, causing the girl to jump as though startled by Camille.

                                                  "Camille, it's nice to see you again. I know we're in the same House and all but it feels like a while since we've seen each other, hm?" Lily replied as she pulls Camille in for a brief hug, one Camille returns.

                                                   "Yes. But so much has happened and... what matters now is that we're here. What are you doing here by the way?" Camille inquired. It was just odd to see Lily alone since she and Victoire always hung around each other. The only time Victoire wasn't around Lily had to be during classes or when Victoire was on duty as a prefect.

                                                   "I figured I'd surprise Victoire with her favorite treat. You know how much she likes saltwater taffy," Lily says with a small, sad smile as she picks up a box for her.

                                                   "Mm, true. Is there... anything wrong with you?" Camille inquired, causing Lily to suddenly pause before shaking her head.

                                                   "No. Why would there be anything wrong with me? I'm perfectly fine," Lily quickly answers, although it does little to convince Camille.

                                                   "I know you're closer to Victoire than with me. But if there is anything bothering you, you can tell me. I can try to help. After all, a friend of Victoire is automatically a friend of mine," Camille tries to assure Lily.

                                                     Lily stands there for a moment, seemingly going back and forth between whether she should say something or not. But ultimately, Lily shakes her head as she looks down at her feet. "You can't help," she murmurs. "Nobody can."

                                                     "What was that?" Camille inquired, not quite hearing what Lily had to say.

                                                    "Nothing. I should get going now. But I'll see you around school," Lily says with a small smile, rushing over to the cashier right before Camille could get another word in.

                                                     Camille was absolutely confused by Lily's strange behavior, but ultimately decided to drop the subject. If anything, Victoire would tell Camille what was going on since she and Lily talked about everything together. Picking up a couple more treats for herself, Camille would go and buy it all - glancing down at the new bracelet Tom had gotten for her. She couldn't stop admiring it, twirling the expensive silver around her wrist.

                                                      After she'd leave Honeydukes, she'd wait outside the store for a couple of minutes in the hopes that Tom would find her and they'd be able to continue with their date. However, ten minutes soon passed with Camille standing outside by herself and looking like a fool. She was growing impatient and annoyed, wondering what Tom was doing and why he was taking so long. What was so important that their entire date had to be interrupted because of it?

                                                      Remembering that Tom stated that he'd be at the Three Broomsticks, Camille made her way towards the inn/tavern with the hopes of finding her boyfriend and getting him out of there. She wouldn't act upset, even if that's exactly what she really was. Camille would remain calm and collected, not wanting to sour the good mood of their romantic date with a silly fight.

                                                      As expected, the bar was crowded with people all drunk and merry, engaged in loud conversation. Camille could barely hear her own thoughts as she maneuvered around in search of Tom, bumping into people and saying a quick sorry before continuing forward. Soon enough, Camille saw Tom's familiar silhouette and she felt relieved at the sight of him.

                                                      But as Camille got closer to Tom, she'd see something which made her heart sink completely.

                                                      Tom wasn't alone but rather, with Violet. She was holding him close, whispering something into his ear. It looked far too intimate to be merely two people chatting and having a good time. And then Violet would go and kiss his cheek, rubbing salt onto the wound. As though sensing eyes on her, Violet turned and immediately met Camille's gaze with a smug grin on her face. Tom followed her gaze and upon seeing Camille, he pulled away from Violet in an instant.

                                                      "This was your important business?" Camille questioned.

                                                      "Milly," Tom begins.

                                                      "Don't call me that!" Camille shouts, causing others to turn and look at them.

                                                         Tom rushes towards Camille, holding onto her arm as he began to lead her outside. "I can explain. Let's just go outside and talk. We don't need to make a scene here."

                                                     "Don't touch me!" Camille shouted, pushing him away from her. "I trusted you and you end up flirting with her? How could you?"

                                                     "Don't cry, Camille. You always were an ugly crier," Violet taunted.

                                                      "Shut up, Violet," Tom spat, glaring at the girl before he focused his full attention back onto Camille.

                                                     "Just stay away from me. And you can go ahead and give this to Violet. I'm sure she'll appreciate it," Camille says, taking off the bracelet Tom had gotten her before throwing it at Tom.

                                                       "Camille!" Tom shouted after her.

                                                         The girl keeps walking, eyes stinging with hot tears which rolled down her cheeks. She sprinted towards the school, desperate to put as much distance between her and Tom as possible. She was absolutely heartbroken and shocked. Camille thought that things were good between her and Tom. He even trusted her to keep the secret about his family. But apparently, none of that mattered to him. Camille didn't matter to him.

                                                         Camille Astor felt like an absolute fool.

( 👱‍♀️💘🍒 )

word count: 2175
notes: here's chapter nine! things are definitely getting chaotic now but how long will it last? let me know what you thought about this chapter!

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