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I've already got ideas for the third book... Yesh, it is CONFIRMED. Haha.

Nine (Foxy) 

I try to find Jack, but to no avail. Oh well. Freddy's probably already got his hands on Jack. Poor, poor Jack.

Its 10 and the families are being escorted out by members of staff. The chefs left about ten minutes ago, the waitress' left about two minutes ago and the only people left are the Manager and the Janitor. 

The Manager comes up to me, and pats me on the back, in that friendly, yet boss sort of way. "Good work today, guys." 

The word 'guys' is an over statement. We are in the dining area, and there is only me, Chica and Bonnie. Freddy is who-knows-where, Mangle is still in the cove, BB is back in the arcade, Drusilla went home an hour ago and Jack... probably with Freddy.

"So, I'll be going now. But you chat with Paul, here, if you want. He's our new janitor." I nod and the manager leaves. 

Paul glances at us warily, before walking away. I feel a bit guilty about the last janitor. Mangle got a bit angry and bit his face off. Yeah. We won't let that happen again.

"I'm going to get some pizza." Chica turns and walks away. Bonnie shrugs and grabs his guitar, walking Back Stage.

I make my way to Pirate Cove, and find Mangle stitting grumpily in the corner. As always. 

I go and sit on the stage, and blink tiredly. "New janitor?" Mangle asks suddenly. I don't see how she could know, but either way she knows.

"Yeah. Paul." I reply, glancing over at Mangle. To my surprise, she's turned around to face me. 

"I'll try not to kill this one." Mangle promises and turns to face the wall again.

I yawn and then hear Mangle go into sleep mode, the low whoooooosing sound of sleep mode echoing around the cove.

I'm about to go into sleep mode, but then the curtains are pushed open. But I'm half way into sleep mode, so I can't see who it is, because everything has gone black and blurred together.

"You better watch your fox friend over there. She's a nasty biter." The voice says.

And then I drift into sleep mode.


The day had gone smoothly, had it not been for Mangle's constant growling and annoying comments. 

Its night, and Freddy had just killed the Night Guard. I get back to my cove, yawning and enter it. To my horror, I see the janitor. He should have been gone a long time ago, nearly 3 hours ago.

And as my eyes adjust I see something more to my horror. There is Mangle, jaws around the janitors head.

I get closer, and Mangle's eyes widen. She spits his head out, and retreats a few steps. "What have I done?" She whispers.

I stare from her to the body of the janitor lying on the floor. He's dead, I know that. "What happened?" I ask.

"He asked why I was ripped up and was like garbage and then this happened..." Mangle turns away and goes to the corner. "I didn't mean to! I just got angry! Don't tell Freddy, please!" 

But how could I not tell Freddy? He has to know everything that happens. So I tell him. 

"Mangle... I told Freddy.I had to." I tell her. 

"Why? I asked you not to! Now they'll never trust me again!"  Mangle snaps bitterly and turns her back on me. 

I shouldn't have told Freddy. The whole mess never would've happened. Its all my fault...


Bye Kittycorns <3

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