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A/N — Twenty already?! Wow! Also, thanks for all the support! Love ya guys xx


"What do I have to do?" I ask Mangle. 

Chica and Drusilla had been excused, and Mangle had slammed the door on them. Now, Mangle was staring at me with those yellow eyes of hers.

"It'll take a lot of work... and trust in me." Mangle eventually tells me.

"But what are we going to do?" I press, hoping for answers. 

"You'll find out soon enough." Is all Mangle says before turning and pulling open the window.

"What are you doing, Mangle?" I stare in shock as she throws her legs over the ledge.

She turns back to face me, with those glowing yellow eyes. "Follow me." She hisses, and drops off the ledge.

My stomach drops, and I feel paralyzed. But then my feet carry me to the window, and I look down. The sun is starting to rise, but its still quite dark outside.

"Mangle?" I call down, nervously.

"I said, follow me!" An agitated feminine voice, Mangle, shouts from below.

I look over, shivering and shaking.

"Have a little faith in me! Come on!" Mangle says below, appearing.

She stares up at me, red hair blowing backwards. Her yellow eyes seem to pierce my soul.

Before I can think properly, I'm balancing on the ledge, wind making me cold, as if a strong blow of wind could unbalance me and have me tumbling to the ground.

"Just close your eyes!" Mangle screeches.

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe.

Remember what she said. Close your eyes and have faith in her. But... what if she's trying to kill me...?

I stop those thoughts before it goes too far.

Mangle is still glaring up at me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and gulp. I step forward and then...

Nothing is beneath me. I'm flailing, falling through the air.

My eyes fly open, and I find the ground rising up, coming towards me.

Before I can even think of the possibilities of what I might end up like, I feel ground rise up to meet me.

I turn so that my shoulder will take most of the blow, acting on instinct rather than knowledge.

I gasp in shock as my shoulder careens into the ground.

For a moment spots dot my vision, and black tints the edges, but then it subsides.

I see the black heels of someone, but the pain is too much and my vision gives way to darkness.



I follow Freddy into Gold's den.

As Freddy storms in, leaving me standing awkwardly by the door, Goldie looks up, and a moment of shock passes over his face, before turning into anger.

I've never seen Goldie angry. Freddy, yes, but Gold? Never.

Unlike Freddy's anger, which is just pure hatred, Gold's is like a clap of thunder, so sudden that it seems like it may knock you over.

"What do you want?" Gold growls.

"I'm sure you know." Freddy retorts.

"The first time was enough. Why are you back here?" Goldie's anger is starting to become a tsunami, threatening to drown us all.

"You golden piece of scrap metal, stop lying! You know why we're here!" The tension between the two bears is starting to become a lightening storm, the forks bursting through the sky.

"Hey-" I begin, but am cut off by Gold.

"No, I really don't know why you're here!" He spits.

"That is it..." Freddy starts across the room, towards Gold.

"Hey, guys, stop it!" I shout.

They both turn to stare at me.

"Maybe we could figure it out without you two pulling each other's circuits out, okay?" I reason.

"What are you suggesting, Bonnie?" Freddy narrows his eyes.

"Well, where would they have gone? Gold, did they say anything? And-" I add quickly, before Gold gets any ideas, "No stupid tricks, Gold." 

"Well..." Goldie begins, glancing at the two of us. 

"What?" Freddy glares at him.

"They might have gone to.. uh... what was her name? Drulla? No, no... Drusilla! yes, that is it! They went to Drusilla's house." Goldie tells us.

Me and Freddy exchange a glance, a quick conversation between us.

Freddy, do you know what this means?

Yes, Bonnie. I do, and I'm not happy about it.

Gold must have noticed, because he looks confused. 

"Wha-" He begins.

"We've got to go... uh... can we use your human suits?" It seems that Freddy has to pull the words from his mouth.

"Oh, uh, okay.." Goldie trails off, as me and Freddy quickly grab the human suits and pull them on.

"Got to go!" Freddy shouts. "Come on, Bonnie!" 


Another part done! Chapter Twenty! Eeeks! 

Thanks and bye bye xx 


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