Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight (Foxy)

The smell of blood is overwhelming.

I stare as Mangle looks up at me, with blood on her teeth and eyes wide with fear.

No one else has noticed yet. In that moment I make a decision.

I leap in, push Mangle out of the way, and then feel myself start to glitch. I close my eyes and then feel my sharp teeth connect with the child's head.

The taste of blood is metallic in my mouth, and I make sure my eyes are closed as tight as possible. I hate myself right there.

I feel the workers and parents trying to pull me away, and I open my eyes in shock as I stumble backwards and then look down, finding a frontal lobe tangling from my jaws.

I drop it immediately. My teeth are covered in blood, the pelt of my suit ripped in multiple places.

I stare around, see Freddy with his eyes narrowed, Chica trembling and Bonnie's mouth open in shock and fear.

I glance at Mangle, the blood gone from her jaws, and her eyes stretched wide. Workers lead me away, and I here dismayed screams and cries as parents pulled their children away.

I risk a look backwards, find the gang's eyes locked on me. Gold has appeared next to them. No one notices him.

Gold is just grinning. And then I see the man in the purple uniform and that huge, stupid grin, mocking me. A smirk, almost.

A growl rises in my throat and I fight the urge to jump at him and rip his frontal lobe out.

They take me to my Cove, and I sit there, awaiting my fate, thinking about what I had done.

I knew that the place would be shut down. I could feel it in my servos and circuits.

I really had let everybody down. But I don't have a time machine. I can't change back the time or do anything of the sort.

I'll just have to accept what I did.


That is the last, actual chapter of this book! But there will be an epilogue.

Bye and I hope you have enjoyed the story <3

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