Day 7

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Initial update: 15-07-2018
Final update: 25-10-2018


Today they met in evening.. yes she forced him to go with his family for the arrangements and he can NOT say no to her!

They didn't talked about it today.. he didn't wanted to and neither she had the courage to!

He was dressed in his black shirt and denims while she was dressed in her black dress. They have to match the colour atleast.. as it was their "Date Night"as per her wish list!

They were here in a beautiful lavish restaurant... though she never takes interest in these lavish places but today it was all his arrangements.

He pulled out the chair for her as a gentleman and she sits.. he sat opposite to her on that "Table for Two!".

"I am impressed.. it's really nice!" She exclaimed.

"I hope you learn to lie properly soon..." He replied

"But I didn't lied!" She argued

He chuckled

"I know.. I was just joking! Trying to get some more praising from you!" He winked

"Ohhh!" She facepalmed

"Well just start with the order then?" He asked

"Yesss.. I am damn hungry..!" She said

"And I know that!" he smiles

The waiter came and as always she ordered for both of them.. she always knows his choices better than him!!

They both ate the dinner and yes of course making each other eat a little by their hands.

Dinner was over and thus comes the time for Dance.. actually couple romantic dance!

Slow music was playing, he got up reached to her.. bent to his knees to match her sitting position. He forwarded his hand.

"Dance please?" He asked

She smilingly gave her hand in his as she stands.. they both walked towards the dance floor.

She puts her one hand on his shoulder, other intertwined with his other hand while his other hand rest on her waist. They both looked into each other's eyes. He pulled her closer towards him as they sway to the slow beats of the music. They looked into each other's eyes doing their silent talks. They knew about each other's condition! They knew their pain.. they knew their fate and they KNEW this moment can't last forever!
Their hearts broke thinking about all the moments they shared since 2 years.. which they can never talk about ever again.. it just has to be stored in their heart forever and ever secretly!
Their eyes were wet but they didn't wipped it off... from whom to hide them?

She puts her head on his chest close to his heart... she could sense the heartbeats were calm... reflecting the calmness of their moment!
Their talks were decreasing as might in the fear to waste their last moments in just random talks or argues!



"1 day.. 1 wish down and 1 memory up in our heart! 3 more to go!" She repeated

He pulled a little apart.. she was standing confused! He went to the manager their took a mike from him and came back to that little stage.

"Hey my love.. today as I am able to bring you here... I am blessed to have you beside me.. I would like to say something.. I am not a poet or writer but no barriers can stop me from writing for you.. so pardon me if it's bad.. but still.. get my emotions.. I know you will!" He Says as he looks towards her.

Here he goes..

"I cried in front of you
I laughed in front of you
No she can never take your place

I tried to hide my pain in front of you
Because.. because I know somewhere in heart that you will understand it either wise
No she can never take your place

In worst of your situation or rather our situation you told me how to smile to still make our memories
No she can never take your place

I know I might be wrong.. or rather I am wrong but it was you who still believed that I am right
No she can never take your place

The warmth of your hug can never be replaced with hers
The smile of my contentment when you kiss my forehead and assure can never be replaced by hers
No she can never take your place

Promise are meant to be broken right?
But If the day my promise to love you forever breaks.. understand that I am no more.. because remember...
No she can never take your place "

As soon as he completes it with tears in his eyes she ran to him and engulfed him in her arms.

"You are the best thing happened to me Neil... I love you!" She said with tears flowing down her cheeks

"I love you Avni.. I really do!" He said.


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Love love 💕
Aks ❤️

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