The Wedding

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Initial update: 17-07-2018
Final update: 25-10-2018


It was morning.. the morning they never wanted to come.

Before he could wake up from the sleep, she woke up. She sat beside him.. kissed his forehead and caressed his hair.. and yes before getting up from the bed she wipped off the tear which fell on his cheek from her eyes.

She was going from there silently when she saw his jacket kept on the couch.. she slowly picked it up, wore it herself and left from there without making any sound so he doesn't wake up when she is there.

He woke up after 1 hour when she left.. he looked around to find her.. but she was gone! After that he also left from there.. it was difficult.. really difficult to leave their "Dreamland", every corner has their memories, each photoframe shows their happiness.. but... he had to unwillingly close that door FOREVER!

Khanna mansion was decorated.. it was IPS Neil Khanna's wedding and his parents wanted it to be the best in town!

Shweta reaches to him as soon as he entered the gate.

"Where were you? Do you even know we all were searching for you since yesterday.. you not picking up the calls and even your colleagues don't know your whereabouts!" She shouted.

"Mom.. calm down! I am okay! I am going to my room." He said ignoring her and walked to his room.

Shweta was just tensed.. however hard they try.. Neil is NOT moving on!

As Avni reaches her room.. she goes for shower.. to let her tears flow along with water. She was dead today, everything ended!

She had the void feeling.. she doesn't know how to manage her pain, how to express it! She is just numb!

Here Khanna mansion was full of relatives and close friends. Music, dance, happiness all around but.. but the one place.. His heart,  which needed to have that happiness the most was the darkest of the griefs.
He was doing everything as said by everyone. Every ritual. Neither his family understood him to let him be with his love nor his love.. Avni.. understood that he just needed to be with her!

It was afternoon and all the preparations were in full swings.

"I am so sorry. I would request you all to have the lunch and then you can leave. The marriage is cancelled!" Came the voice.

The voice was Prakash's.

Neil turned to look at him confused. What was happening?

There were murmurings of confused people there. Nobody understood what was happening.. but they left from there.

Neil was looking all confused. Lots of questions in his eyes and ofcourse RELIEF!

"Neil don't be shocked!" Bebe said while entering the house along with some other people.. they were.. they were his other family.. yes the old age home people!

"You all here? Kamla maa?" He asked narrowing his eyebrows.

Kamla comes to him, hugs him and caresses his hairs.

"Yes.. your marriage with Juhi is cancelled! Now don't panick." Kamla said smiling.

Neil eyes were wet.

"Maa.. you.. I mean how did it all happened?" He asked as his eyes looked as innocent as a little child.

Bebe came forward as Kamla pulled away from the hug and they both faces Bebe.

"Neil. Yesterday when you were going.. to meet her.. I mean meet Avni!" Said Bebe

Neil was shocked.. it was first time Bebe took Avni's name. She never did. Yes that much she hated her.. just for no valid reason!

"I saw the pain in your eyes, your words were so much less than what you were going through! Though I was seeing it since many days.. since this all started, but I thought that as time passes you will move one. Along with Juhi you will forget Avni. But what happened was totally different.. your pain increased everyday, you were with juhi but were actually not with her! Still I was quiet.. I didn't wanted to accept Avni.
Then today in the morning.. Kamla ji called me.. she asked me to meet her once, she wanted to talk something important. I was busy in preparations but she insisted so I went to meet her. She told me everything.. when you both went to the old age home.. how you both are living these moments to cherish forever, and I don't want you to live with Juhi and remember your memories with Avni forever!
Even she told me about Avni.. she told everything about her. How she treated with everyone and how she managed you. How she being herself in pain tried to force you to follow what we say! So Neil if she is your choice.. and she is happily doing this all just for your family! So I don't want you both to cry throughout your life. Do what you want, what makes you happy! We will happily accept your happiness!"  Says Bebe holding him by his shoulders.

Tears were actually flowing from his eyes.

He hugged Bebe.
"Thank you so much bebe! Thank you so much!" He said struggling as these were the only words he could utter in all his emotional floods at the moment.

Bebe caresses his cheeks and kissed his forehead. While others were just smiling looking at them.

"Now go. Tell her also. She also must be in the worst condition!" Kamla said

Neil hugged Kamla once again saying thank you and ran from there.

He reached church.

He saw sister Julie and gave her a tight hug.

"Neil. Child what happened??" She asked smiling as she can see his happiness.

"Sister I will tell everything, but where is Avni? Tell me please." He asked.

"She has left a while ago from here. I don't know where is she now." She replied.

Before further she could ask anything else he ran from there to find Avni.

Actually he knows where she would be. That park! Yes there she goes everytime she needs to be alone.

As he reaches the park. Her back was facing him, there she was watering the sapling they planted that day. The resemblance of their love.

He slowly went near her and picked her up in both his hands and twirled her around.

While she took a little time to register what just happened.

"Avniiiii.." He said super excited.

Her eyes widened.

"Neillll.. what are you doing here??? Put me down first.. please neil!" She screamed in her confusion.

He puts her down. He had a smile which was missing like since so long now. His happiness was evident.

"Neil what are doing here?" She asked narrowing her eyebrows.

He cupped her face in his hands.

"Avni.. marriage is cancelled!" He said with a wide smile.. actually hearty smile.

"Neil.. Neil what are you saying? I mean how? Why?" She blabbers.

He told her the whole incident.
They both had tears today as well, but today it was different. It was like when a thirsty gets water after so long. You know like a feeling of heaven.. a feeling of contentment and just pure bliss!

They hugged each other like to never let go.

"Avni now we don't have to fear anything! We will be together forever!"He said kissing her forehead.

"Yes Neil! I told you.. if our love has to be successful.. it will! At last I got the happiness of my life! " she exclaimed.

"Avni see. This plant even this is blossoming today just like our love and it will forever now!" He said looking at the plant and then to her eyes.

She nodded.

"Avni you know what! These 10 days were the most painful days of my life! I would never want to even remember them ever!" He said.

"No Neil. These are our memories. May be all this while our heart was in so much pain but still we were together. If today you and Juhi would have got married so we would have remembered these memories with tears in our eyes, but now.. we will still remember them again but always with a smile! Because THOSE TEN DAYS have Our wishes, Our memories, Our heart, Our soul and a believe that We will be with each other ALWAYS!" She said looking into his eyes and holding his hands in hers.

He nodded wiping her tears and his tears too.



"1 day.. 1 wish down and 1 memory up in our heart! LIFETIME to go!" He said

They chuckled as they hugged each other.

"I love you !" She said keeping her head on his chest

He pulled away to look into her eyes.. he cupped her face

"Avni.. now only you are my love, friend, life, partner, responsibility, and soon to be wife! I love you more than anything else!" He said before claiming her lips.

Hence the destiny played it's game.. they are together! There kiss just locks their promise to be forever together now!

Still they would always remember THOSE TEN DAYS.


Hola guys!

So here is the happy ending for these two. It was a story and a happy ending is always a good start to go with the next story with positive energy. Atleast stories should have the happy ending to keep it different with the reality.

I just hope life be a little good to all those people who are just separated because of the narrow mindedness of the people. Love is needed by all and everybody knows how to love and keep it, no name and family is responsible for it.

I just hope all the lovers should unite. Love should prevail all over.

Thank you for you love!

Do tell me your views!
Will see you soon!

Love love 💕

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