chapter 10

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I knocked on the door and it slowly opened. I saw a red eyed Jacob at the door.

"Jacob what's wrong?" I asked him.

He put his head down hoping I didn't see his red eyes. He grabbed my hand and took my into a room.

"Jacob, what's wrong with you?" I asked one more time.

He walked to the door and poked his head out and looked around. I don't know if he was looking for someone, but it was really creepy. He walked back and sat in the bed beside me.

"Well" he started to say. "My dad got a job in Texas, he'll be working with some other famous people down there. He told me it'll help me, because I'm the only famous person he right now and if I have some famous friends then it'll help me grow."

"Jacob this is amazing. Why are you do upset?" I asked him.

"If I move then I can't see you and you don't understand how much I love you. This is going to be hard for us to do long distance, but it'll be worse if we decide to never see each other again," he told me.

He started to look down and I wondered why.

"Hey Jake, look at me... why are you looking down?" I asked him.

He started to shake his head and continued to look down.

"Jacob please talk to me," I said.

"Just leave, there was a reason I left and didn't answer. I don't know why you even came over here, no one even cares about me. Don't act like you do just because you want me to stay. I don't care anymore, no one ever loved me that's why my parents want to move. Everytime something good happens in my life someone or something always has to screw it up. I'm tired of it, I wish I could just move in with my sister, she gets to do whatever she wants, but me I get dragged around like some little five year old. I think it's best for you to act like you don't know me. I won'tleave my house until we move, so don't come back over here. I'm sure your mom doesn't want to see me again because I just walked out of the house early in the morning. I'm sure it's best for both of us if we don't talk anymore," he told me.

Have you ever heard something that broke your heart into a million pieces? What he just told me made me feel so much pain I could feel it in my chest.

He didn't look up, so I slowly stood up from sitting on his bed. I heard a squeak as I stood up. I stopped as I felt hot tears running down my cold cheeks. I heard the same squeak from the bed, I assume Jacob got up too. He grabbed my hands and started to hug me from behind.

He started to turn me around as I started to step out of his grip. He started to kiss me, it was slow but passionate. I didn't know what to do, so I kissed him back.

I started to pull away. He stopped kissing me and grabbed my hand. He walked me back to his bed and sat me down. He sat down beside me and put my head down.

"I'm really sorry for that. I wasn't thinking. I should probably go," I said as I stood back up.

He gave me a confused look. I walked out of his room and started to walk out the door. I started to walk to my house as many thoughts popped in my head, "he doesn't love you" "if he loved you he wouldn't have let you leave" "Why did you choice him, clearly he doesn't care about you." At this point and time I just wanted to run. I wanted to run past my house. I felt my phone buzz and saw my notifications were blowing up. I looked at my phone and saw it was my twitter and instagram blowing up with new followers and people tagging me in tweets. I decided to look at my twitter. I saw many tweets saying, "is this about Bella." So I decided to look at the retweet and say it was from Jacob. He tweeted, "I keep making mistakes, she'll never take me back now." I immediatley started to think the worst... did he cheat on me or did he find someone else and used me.

I quickly made it to my house and walked up to my mom's room, I wanted to ask her an important question.

I walked up the stairs and walked into my mom's room.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Anything," she quickly responded.

"Can you take me out of public school?" I quickly asked.

"Give me a reason and I'll consider," she told me.

"Well, I don't want to be the center of attention anymore attention I dint want to be in drama anymore. I feel like I don't have any friends, so I don't want to go to that school anymore," I said while walking over to her computer. I picked it up and sat beside her on her bed. "I've been looking at this online school and it seems to be helpful for many people. Expecially since you got a new job and won't be home anymore, becasue you'll be traveling, this will be easier. I don't have to worry about finding a ride home," I said while showing her the website.

She started to look through the website and....

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