Chapter 5

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We both started to lean in until our lips touched. I felt his soft lips move in sync with mine. I didn't want this moment to stop, but I knew it had to. No matter how much I liked him he couldn't find out, so I pulled away and stood up.

"I-I can't do this," I said while I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Why?" He said concerned.

"All the people saying we're going out, and if they find out about this it will only make things worse," I told him.

"Who said they have to find out?" He told me.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back down onto the couch. He put a loose strand of hair and placed it behind my ear. He cupped my cheeks and started to rub his thumb on my cheekbone. I could feel my cheeks beginning to blush. Before I knew it he kissed me again, but this time was different. This time it was a light passionate kiss. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Do you want to broadcast with me?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Well just try it and see if you like it," he told me.

"Fine," I said while he set up his computer.

"Hi guys," he said to the computer.

I moved to the edge of the couch so they couldn't see me.

"Get over here," he told me.

I looked at the computer and saw his fans were freaking out.

"Don't worry guys, we're just friends" I said while scooting over.

I read the comments and they were mostly saying we should go out.

"What do you guys want to do today?" He asked his fans.

I read through the comments and saw a majority if them wanted him to do parlor calls.

"What are parlor calls?" I asked him.

"Parlor is where you call people 5hat don't know you and you can talk to them," he told me while he was opening the app.

(A/N: The next part is from Jacob's Christmas broadcast with Nathan)

"Who do you guys want me to guest while I do the calls?" He asked them.

"Let's guest Nathan," I told him.

Jacob quested Nathan and they started the call. When Jacob was done with his first call, I pulled out my phone to get on social media. I was zoned into my thoughts when I heard someone call my name.

"Bella," Nathan called to me.

"Huh," I said while locking my phone and putting it in my pocket.

"Tell the us something about you," he said.

" Well, I have lived here all my life, we've moved houses twice when I was young. Jacob lived down the street from me, and we go to the same school," I told Nathan.

"How long have you known Jacob?" He asked me.

"Since he lives down the street from me and I've always seen him around town, but it wasn't until this year that we became friends," I told Nathan.

"Nathan, well if you want to be friends with us you have to self promo, he said to me laughing.

"Okay, well my Instagram and twitter is Exclusivebella, my snapchat and is Foreverbella, my youtube chanel is called More Bella," I told him.

(A/N: these are fake usernames)

Once I said my names I immediatley got a ton of followers.

"What are your hobbies?" Nathan asked me.

"When I'm alone I like to sing," I told him.

"Are you good?" Nathan and Jaocb asked together.

"I guess, my mom always tells me that I should be in the choir," I told them.

"Let's hear you sing," Nathan said while repositioning his computer.

I put on stiches by Shawn Mendes and starred to sing.

(A/N: I imagine Bella's voice like Kylee Renee, you can hear her cover of stiches on YouTube)

Once I was done, I asked them how it sounded.

"That was amazing," Nathan told me.

"I think you should sing covers on YouTube or something," Jacob told me.

"Yeah make a youtube chanel and a instagram page," Nathan added on.

"What am I going to call it?" I asked them.

I looked at the comments and they were saying Bella sings. I made both a youtube chanel and an instagram page and my username was Bellasings.

"Okay so know I have *list all social media*," I told them.

"I wish you luck," Nathan said before he left.

"Do you have a younow?" He asked me.

"I didn't know what it was until like an hour ago," I told him.

"Well you should make one, I'm pretty sure your fans would love that," he told me.

I made a younow and told Jacob.

"Guys go follow Bella's younow it's Forever Bella, we will go live after mine," he told them.

"Do you have a youtube video?" He asked me.

"What's up with all these questions?" I asked him.

"I just want to help you," he told me.

"No, why?" I asked him.

"Let's make one when you're done with your broadcast," he told me.

We ended the broadcast and he send his fans over to mine.

"Hi, I'm Bella. If you want to want to follow my social medias, just click on the broadcast and follow them. I will follow the top five fans in all my broadcast and I will try to broadcast everyday," I said in the beginning.

An hour goes by and I ended the brodcast.

"Ready to start your video," Jaocb asked me.

"Yeah, but what are we going to do?" I asked him.

"We could do a cooking video," he suggested.

"I don't really want to burn my house down," I said sarcasticly.

"Or we could do a Q/A," he said

"Sure," I told him.

I tweeted out that I need questions.

*Via Twitter*

I'm going to post my first youtube video on More Bella, but I need your help. I med you to tweet out questions with the #Askbella and I'll answer as much as much as I can.

*End of Via Twitter*

I got a bunch of questions. I let Jaocb pick them out, so it was like an interview.

"Hey guys, welcome to my youtube channel. Today's video I'm going to be doing a questing and answer video. I asked you guys to tweet me question under #askBella, so I could answer them. I have my lovely assist Jacob Sartorius, who is going to ask the questions," I started off the video.

"First question, who is your favorite parent, your mom or dad? #askBella @exclusivebella," he said.



A/N: The Bryce Hall fanfiction should be out tomorrow, so be ready.

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