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That one moment when you find a snippet of a memory lane that was a wonderland for you.

A land to skip worries, or at least where you can express them.

A land to skip fears, or at least where you don't need to be afraid of them.

A land to skip the thought that you are not lovable, or at least get some pretense of being loved.

A land to be with someone in the virtual world when you can't be with them in the real world.


You must be thinking that I am thinking about being a lover.

No, sometimes all that matters is the person and not name you give to your relationship.

You both can be anything to each other and it won't matter, because what matters is that you are together.

(I got distracted. Sorry.)

The snippet you got was just a temptation to lure you inside.

You go to the very start, the start where you both were strangers, or maybe not.

The awkwardness, the babbling, reading them feels so silly now.

You think how did we reach the place were we are now when the conversation we started was so stupid.

You laugh at both of you.

Silly us.

Scrolling down, you get the happy days, days where you chatted for lengths at time,

Days when there was just a morning and a night wish.

But, never a day when you didn't mention each other at least once a day.

You talk about the things they like, about the person who interests them.

Anything to make them happy.

And they in turn takes away your fear and insecurities, making you feel at the top of the world, though you have nothing real, just virtual, but it being there is everything.

(Agghhh. Not again. Sorry. And it's not about a beloved)

You scroll down more to continue living the dream.

But what sitting there in a coil is a nightmare.

The darkest night of your beautiful world.

The worst storm of all times.

And you relive all the agony and pain, the smiles you put on your face through that pain.

But of course, the sun does shine after the night gets over,

The light does break out in between the storm.

Because somebody said, Nothing is Constant but Change.

You are back with that person, and you had almost forgot about the nightmare.

But sometimes it does spread its claw.

Though its not important to pay heed to it.


Discuss it with someone.

Write it down.

But at last, forget about it.

The past is called past for a reason.

Remembering things and learning from past is good. Great, in fact.

But don't let it ruin the present, which gives you the power to change your future,

And the future, may or may not be more beautiful, but its definitely worth looking forward to.

Let bygones be bygones.

And live like you are son and daughter of some rich and happy John.

(I know I suck at rhyming. But you got the point, I guess.)



Have a happy day.

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