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Hello dear all!!!!

Lately I was thinking what to write or rather on what topic or thought , Then i remembered what i did for you in previous part "How good i made you bored" with my writing which gave me a thought "Why not write on the word 'BORE' itself ?".. That's how it started..:S

I know people expect a love story or in specific "A story" of any Genre. But what to I am giving this :P

Inner me :  Man... you know you are full of junk... why cant you actually say "I cant write a story?" 

Me: Shut up you inner conscious.. You know that and readers know that too.. why do you want to speak it loud *Anger look within*

Now Ignore the above stuff aside.. Lets gets to actual topic:

What is BORE or Boredom?

Our universal search Google says "A state which cause weariness and lack of interest". This sounds a bit complex to me:P.. So i formulated a weird thought of me.

Why people get bored ? because..

BORE-- Because Of Releasable Energy

Does it sound bad ?  I will give an explanation for it !!

You see, people will get bored because of two things:

1) They have lots of energy to invest in but they don't know  what to do.

2) They do things which they are not interested in.

For people, the amount of boredom increases w.r.t to age. There was funny pic as shown below which depicts my statement and I find it a bit true.

Why does it happens like it ? because childhood is the phase where you never care for anything except for YOURSELF and your HAPPINESS. But as you grow up, you will be tied up with different things like studies, career, money, responsibility  and the fun part is you try to be happy with out boredom phase coming near you and some succeed in it and some do not.

Let me give you an example with a controversial statement:

"All Writers and Readers are doing it because of BOREDOM"

(You want to beat me and shout on me for it and probably disagree with it 100%.).

If you look into closely, you can get the point

Writers: Each and every writer first starts writing to do something to test their talent which turns out to be PROFESSION and PASSION later on. At some point on time,it will be like they turn their energy of boredness into something fruitful.

Readers: Each and every reader first  reads some thing to learn some thing or enjoy something with their imagination. some may call it as TIME PASS. But this reading some may help them to turn them as a PROFESSION (Critics) and PASSION. 

How a person actually feel when they feel bored ? Just like below:

The main question here is WHY ? you have so much of energy and you have many ideas and don't know how to start it. That is when you would be starting to sitting IDLE.  One does-not know what is happening in one's mind. That is why there is a saying

"A Idle Brain is DEVIL'S Workshop"

Now if the boredom increases in you which results in first basic thing your brain does is 

YES.. Its Sleep. Brain instructs your entire body to first step as sleep. This is both good and bad. Good because once you woke up, you will have fresh energy in your body to go on with your life.

Bad because.. more sleep causes you irritation, loose of valuable time and sometimes loose yourself.

If you understand the whole point of Boredom it depicts only one thing"Your brain needs something to work"--- That is your REMEDY.

 Work, Happiness,Smile is the main medicine to overcome this Boredom. The Smiley pendulum tells you this simple concept.

You may think how this is the medicine? Its simple.. All the three are inter-related. How ? I will tell you below:

Select or do the WORK that gives you SMILE which leads to your HAPPINESS.  It may be difficult to achieve but it is the only way.  Why difficult? because it causes you or rather makes you SACRIFICE, SELFISH, a bit POORER etc.

Whenever you do something you need to question as below :

(ignore the amount of percentage)

If the percentage of YES is more which means the medicine is working and you will have less amount boredom in your life. If it is the opposite, which means you are suffering from boredness. The Irony here is in today's world, the NO percentage is more now a days.

Have you heard of "HAPPINESS INDEX" ?  Those are the graphs that show the amount of happiness that people experience in their life. There is a world-wide survey done every year. According to one survey, FINLAND is the most happiest country in the world and SUDAN is the most unhappiest country.

You can guess why this difference happens!! The important factor that causes is the ENVIRONMENT that was created surrounding it.


Now lets discuss something different.You know why Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and some other apps all over the world ?

They cashed the most important tendency of Human being and that is 

"What is happening in other's lives"

and they selected the route --BOREDOM. Yes!! they just given a means to the people to spend one's time and energy. you know the fun part here is they are doing it for FREE.

You may question me -- But these apps are really useful to identify some one and gives us more information and data to be used in day-to-day life.

But can you whole-heartedly tell me that you use these apps for only information gathering? If you Yes, Then you are one of the very less people who does that.

If it is not true, then question yourself -- Why the educational sites,employment sites or information sites are not popular than the above? Only difference is the former gives you ENTERTAINMENT where the later DO-NOT.

There are N number of ways to overcome this concept of BOREDOM. Each and every one does it differently.No one... I mean NO-ONE can tell you how to do it?  because it all needs to satisfy yourself.

Below are some ways with examples

Recreational sites -- You tube/FB/Insta/Twitter/ Tiktok type

Movies/web series/Serials -- Prime/Netflix

Playing Games (Indoor and Outdoor) -Cricket/Football/hockey/rugby/chess/billboards

Work outs -- Gym

Helping others/Service -- NGO's

Reading and Writing --Watty/Inkitt/Dreame/Quora/Medium

Studying  (it may sound weird but Yes some may not feel bored by continuous studying/experimenting things). Some may call them as Nerds.

In simple words,

Implement your PASSION == Fulfilling your BOREDOM

So what i am saying is

"EMBRACE your Boredom. Because Time-off can spark/ignite CREATIVITY and EXPLORATION"


You should never feel or like this below:-- because it increases its power more:


Thats it guys. Hope you may enjoyed your boredom by reading this:P

You may think--- Is this the writer following this ?-- Frankly No :(

See you soon with a new weird thought!! Pop in your comments/likes/dislikes/ideas.

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