AOSLS-- Part-3

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Hello folks...

Welcome back...

Got this idea from Bookeluthaporen to add one song each time. I like this song much.. So this is for you Akki.

This entire story all parts will always be dedicated to desirediaries,prapanchika because they were the first who found a writer in me. And these two for the push and idea to what to write iam_arpita111,stuckwiththedreams 

This part specially dedicated to krisha_p97 for starting a Telugu community here in wattpad and grouping them all together.



Annie went to Ayu's house after playing get to know the reason for this rickshaw travel.

Note: I will mess up writing in a POV format.. so consider every thing as author POV or author telling the story


After coming from Ayu's house, little Annie went to her home straight to her mumma's lap to butter her up :P

An: mumma ... mumma [and places a kiss on her cheek]

Mu: aww bacchi.. what happened now and what do you want?[knowing her tactics as she is papa's girl]

An: mumma.. I want to go to school in rickshaw like Ayu.. Please ma.. please [puppy eyes]

Mu[thinks for a minute]: hmm ok but ask your father.

An: i have already asked pa and he is ok with it and told me ask you

Mu: haaww.. naughty kid.. you already asked him then why you came to me  go away to your father [and kept a pout face]

An: you are best my best mumma.. and I love you [kisses her cheeks]. I am your team you know :P

Mu: ha .. i know.. I know [sarcastically smiles and shakes her head and left her in the hall and went to kitchen]

Next day morning Annie happily woke up and get ready for school and went to mumma and tells her that she is going to Ayu's house and she will go with him and quickly run to his house

Mu: arey beta wait... I am coming ... take this box too

At Ayu's house:

[parvati-- Ayu's mom, Lakshmi-- Annie's mom]

La: Parvati garu!! my kid also wants to go in rickshaw with ayu. can you speak with the rickshaw wala person?

Pa: sure Lakshmi garu.. no need to request.. Annie is also like a kid to me .. she can go with ayu.. you can trust us and the driver ... he is a good person. fees and all we talk later.

After the kids vehicle moved away from house, both mothers left to their homes to tend to their husbands

In rickshaw:

(talks b/n ayu and annie)

thanks Annie for coming with me.. here... take this chocolate[and gives 2 rupee dairy milk]

thank you Ayu... [giggles and kisses ayu on cheek][ayu becomes beetroot red with shy]

Since then daily both the kids went to school together, sit together in class and play together..With Annie beside her, Ayu.. slowly looses his shyness atleast around her.

---One week later--

One day after school, Annie runs to home and finishes her bath went mumma and again starts her drama..

An: Mummmmma....mummmma!!!!

Mu: Ha enti .. sagateeyaku.. ippudu em kavali neeku ?[dont stretch.. tell me what you want now]

An: nenu kuda ayu tho patu chaduvukunta akkada tuition lo ?[I will also study with ayu in their tution]

Mu: [shocks for a bit]: enduku kanna? evaru nerpistunnaru neeku ivi ? ayu adigada ninnu rammani? nannaki cheppava ? emi nenu sarigga cheppatam ledhu aa ?[why shona? who is making you do this ? did ayu asked you to ? did you asked your father? am i not telling you properly?][asks with a bit of sadness ]

Annie notices the sadness in her mumma's tone and sits up in her lap facing her face and wraps her hands around her mumma's neck and kisses her cheek and tells like this:

No mumma... not ayu or anyone told me this. you are my best mumma to explain everything. when i went to ayu's house the other day, there i saw ayu studying with other kids and aunty explaining different things other than books. she makes us study, teaches us different things and we all kids play for some time with aunty... i like it and we complete our home work too soon.

No .. i did not ask pa.. as you know i am your team na ?[giggles]

lakshmi thinks for some time and says to annie.. that i will speak with aunty tomorrow as it was a sunday.. now its time for you to have dinner.

Next day, Lakshmi ma goes to parvati ma along with Annie.

At Ayu's home:

parvati garu.. parvati garu.... Unnara intlo ?[Are you there at home?]

Pa: Ha unna andi... okka nimusham vastunna.. randi lopaliki randi .. kurchondi ila [ha yes.. one minute.. I am coming, please come inside and it][{and brings two chairs to sit]

La: Annie beta.... go out side to the garden and play with ayu.. i will speak with aunty.. Go now...

An: Ok mumma and left from there:

++++ conv between both mothers++++++

How are you lakshmi garu? Every thing ok at home ? What do need? sorry we do not have proper sofa to sit!! did my ayu did any mischief ?

Arey parvati ji.... slow a bit... dont take tension... Every thing is ok at home and its ok no problem for sofa.. I dont mind all these formalities and ayu did not any mischief.. he is a very good kid. I am here to talk for annie. She wants  join your tuition to study with ayu.

Ohh!! Lakshmi ji.. but Annie studies well... infact better than Ayu and top in the class, then why tuition for her?

Parvati ji.... Its not about studies every time.. With you and Ayu, Annie is happy and she says she learns many different things.. so why to reject her happiness?

As we are parents, we should teach them good morals  since young age and more over .. i like  you and your words, care and affection to other kids.. so will you accept my annie?

sure lakshmi garu.. i would love to...

ok so how much is the tuition fee ? 400 or 500?

INR 80 only..

What?? [shocked to hear that] that much less ?

Yes ji.. here in our locality,people cant give  much amounts and more over i teach them for my satisfaction. so i charge for annie too equally.

ohh ok .. good good!! ok ji.. shall I send her from monday on wards?

ok sure ji...... inka enti andi visheshalu ?[what else ji news ?]

+++++++ Parallel to their conversation  in the garden , Ayu and Annie Plays together and talking++++

After playing with some time both of them  see one beautiful flower ..

An: Ayu.... can you pluck that flower and give me ?

Ayu: alage Annie... and tries to jump to pluck it.. but he could not reach them..

Seeing it Annie says : wait.. I will pull it down and you pluck it..

With that both of them fetched the flowers as below:

After that.. Ayu gives one flower to Annie and says

"Mumma says girls looks good when they keep flowers in their hair".. So here take it..

Thank you Ayu and kisses his cheek and left from the garden when they hear their mothers calling them.


Since the next day, annie and ayu continue together their journey daily..

Ayu's mom daily used to tell the kids different stories, moral values, Mythological stories etc in the tuition.

Along with this, their friendship also increases.. Seeing both of them , their parents also happy.


Now both of them in 5th Grade[Age 10-11]

One day during class break, whole class was shouting , playing and chasing each other..

Annie and ayu chatting with their friends separately. During that time, one of the classmate who has the good cursive hand writing,  is writing the names on the writing pad for his friends.

Seeing this ayu also went to him to write his name. After getting it .. he came back to his desk and secretly writes Annnie's name too like below :

After the school, while going back to home, Ayu shows that pad to Annie. Seeing it Annie becomes soo happy and hugs him and left from there.

That was the first time some girl hugs Ayu other than his ma. With Ayu stands there with a bit shock/happiness/blush. There was a twinkle in his eyes and his heart felt very happy.

That time he decides that he should always makes Annie happy and smiling like this always. With smile contended, he left to his home to get ready for tuition:

Inner Ayu: why ayu.. this much fast... want to sit with Annie and talk with her ?

Ayu: ... aahh.. wo... [sees here and there and stammers].. no its not like that.. i normally ready fast.

Inner Ayu: ha.. i know i know... your face will give the answer to others[giggles]

During tuition: 

 while all were studying continously, parvathi ma went inside room to bring some thing. 

[all the students left only ayu-annie were present in the  hall as their houses stay nearer]

Annie was clearing some doubts to Ayu and Ayu was listening. After some time, Ayu stops listening and stares at Annie's face continously as it is a precious thing to watch.

Seeing this Annie calls him, getting no response, she looks at him and see him staring like that blankly. Then a naughty idea strikes her mind.

Seeing his paralyzed state, she quickly pinches his thigh hardly [thodapasam/pikkapasam ana mata]. with that ayu screams loudly ... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

seeing his face, annie smiles loudly and pinches his cheek... aahhh cry baby ayu.. With that sound, ma came to hall and asks what happened. then he says.."Nothing ma... one big ant bited me and glared at annie"

Ma: enti idi ayu... danike anta peddaga aravala chinna pilladi la? choodu annie enta buddi ga undi o.. nuvvu unnav.. roju rojuki allari ekkuva ayyipothundi [ what is this ayu? for this you screamed loudly? see Annie how obedient she is and doing her work?] {and left from there shaking her head}

Ayu turns his head to Annie with a round mouthed 'O' expression where Annie smirks heartfully :P

Ayu's age between 12-15:

 Like this Ayu- Annie are growing together and their friendship also. But for Ayu.. It was bit more.

When in 8th Grade:

On a rainy day, when all the students are chatting and playing in the class because the teacher was absent. During that one mischievous kid starting this game "who wants/likes which girl"

while  asking each kid, they came to ayu and asks him "Ayu!!! which girl you like in the class and whom do you want to love?"

Hearing this , Ayu became nervous as he is new to this word love and all . Thought for some time and show his finger to Annie "I like annie (slowly 'My Annie')"  and smiles to himself. His friends teased him for some time and left from there after that.

When in 9th Grade:

One day during lunch break , Ayu and his friends were playing inside the class.. like catches. throwing ball, objects.. every thing.

During such time one kid threw one object  and ayu missed it catch and hits his forehead causing to loose balance and falls on the ground. while falling, he fell on bench causing his forehead to get caught and bleed profusely.

Immediately .. his friends took him to nearby clinic for first aid and stitch up the wound of around 3-4.

Hearing this Annie immediately runs to the clinic leaving all the works in the class.. Crying badly, she came to the clinic, there ayu was sitting on bed with stiches on head tied up. Doctor just left from there. Seeing it, Annie immediately ran to him crying badly

An: enti idi ayu... enta raktam o.. cheppu evaru kottaru ? ela jarigindi ? jargratta ga undali kada[what is this ayu? so much blood.. who beated you ? how did it happen.. you should be carefull na][and touches his head to see the wound]

Ayu: arey... calm down annie.. nothing happens its a small wound

Ann:  *crying again* [and hits his shoulder] enti chinna debba idi.. cheppu chinnadi aa ?[Is it a small wound?] hugs him and cries on his shoulder.

With this ayu felt happy.. he quickly wraps his hand around her and comforts her saying"its ok annie..calm down".. na bujji kadu [aren't you my dear]

An: why you do this Ayu? Am i not your friend ?

Ayu[internally]:  You are much more that to me Annie and hugs her tightly

After final touch ups, doctor advised him to go to home and take rest.

Ayu to Annie:  you go to class.. I will go home.

Annie glares at him making him shut his mouth. She quickly brings his and hers bags and inform teacher that she is going to drop  ayu at home...

As she is good at studies, teachers too did not object.

Both went held hands together and left from the clinic towards their home.

When  in 10th Grade:

There were many incidents which bonds their friendship(Love) incrementally. Now they are in Grade 10 which is an important year in their student life.

Days rolled by in a blissful manner with smiles and fights with each other. Both were unable to express their feelings towards other thinking that their friendship will get spoiled.

Both of them completed their exams and now is the time for the farewell. Both of them got ready to go to school and Ayu was waiting at his home for Annie.

(below are their attire)

Once Annie comes to his visibility, Ayu was awestruck seeing her in white color anarkali dress with  golden flowers[Inner thinking-- My GOLD]

Soon both their eyes caught each other and drooling over each other blushing internally.

Ayu quickly comes to real world and smiles at annie which cause her look down with shyness.

Ayu: you look so beautiful annie and hugs her

An: you too look handsome ayu ... Comes lets go.. start your bike.

Both left to school on his Enfield bike after saying bye to their parents

{Under age driving is illegal and as their school is nearer their parents allowed them}

After farewell, Ayu asks Annie: Can we  goto some park and then to a movie ?

An: ok

Both of them spent some time in silence by sitting there and skipped the movie . Soon both of them reached their home to bid farewell to each other for the day.  They want to spend so much time with each other and express.. but they could not do due to shy and fear.

----------------------- End of their School stage--------------------------

Note:  Till this point it is their One-sided love.. attraction..infactuation in a mutual manner which was not expressed to each other.


 Tried  few lines.. kind of poem... Ayu's feeling for Annie. The below poem is dedicated to stuckwiththedreams. Her poem collection inspired me to write these below. Hope it turns out good.

 I want to tell you that i want to be with you always,

But I am too shy to ask.

I want to tell you that i like your smile, your care, your presence,

But I am too shy to express.

I want to hold you in my arms and comfort you,

But I am too shy to take that action.

I want become your smile, your anger, your sadness, your cry, your everything,

But I am too shy to respond.

I want to kiss your beautiful  lips and be in your embrace like a peace attained in heaven,

But I am too shy to do it.

I want to tell you "I LOVE YOU FOREVER" and  you stole my heart,

But I am too shy to propose you........... AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.


Thats it friends....

As promised lengthiest chappie with the stage one of their love story. Hope you like it. Next we will see the next stage of their story their college life.

Total word count: 2648

Adios.. Hasta la vista,

An One sided Lover

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