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Hello all,

Welcome back  with a new thought!!

Every time people often use smileys / short cuts in their chats and speeches.. Seeing that i got the idea... What are they ? Thinking that I got this thought to write something about!! So hope you give it a try.


So lets start on what i think about this topic!!


What is Expression ?

Apart from going to the mathematical or physical meaning, I would like to keep it simple as always.

"Expression is a way we want to speak without words"

What do I think of Expression in detail? Here it is:











The abbreviation seems to be more complex than the definition but if you think of each word, I hope  that gives you the meaning of the expression .

Lets start with the universal questions:


What? :  This is  simply means what is expression. There can be 'N' number of ways to explain it. I choose to explain as above.

Why? :  This is an interesting question. Why we use expression ?-- We use just to express ourselves during sadness, happy , angry or what ever may be emotion instead of words.

Because words are like swords which needs to be used carefully in any situation. Because once spoken , it cannot be taken back. It does not matter even if you 'condemn' it later like politicians usually do.

When? : A simple answer to this question is "Situations". Based on the situations one can choose how to express themselves.[that we can see it later]

How? : It all depends on the individual person and this  gives us different categories or types of expressions.


As discussed above, how one can express themselves in which situations and the reason for it?

One express themselves through

Facial expressions -- A simple and non harmful way of giving away the meaning

Non-facial expressions -- A non preferred way of expressing most of the times because it is damageable to you and others can be.

You know the funny thing here is?

Now a days , these kind of expressions are included in current universal language called "Chat language" and they are called SMILEYS/STICKERS/EMOJIS

Facial Expressions:

If you remember there was a nice quote which depicts the importance of face:

"Face is the Index of Mind" -- which means the way that we show our face expressions can tell what you are thinking in your mind.

Each and every organ on a human face can be used to form an expression.

Eyes-- The main part during expression are eyes. People can make any time of expression through it. Even if they cant make it, they will be definitely be a part of the expression.

Nose-- The first funny part of a human face during expression is nose. Nose makes its expression in the form of changing its colour or like with fake sneezing.

Ears-- The second funny part of the face are ears. This part is rarely used by people as it is tough to show expressions. one can show it in the form how they move the ears towards a situation.

Lips-- Lips acts as shield or a tool for the most power full weapon of human face i.e. tongue. Apart from its service, lips can make funny expressions, smirks , pouts  for situations.

Tongue-- The interesting part in the face with a bit less importance and can be used for mocking and taunting the other.

Cheeks-- These are the confusing part for me and mostly these are used in stories to expression the feeling of a person to describe shyness due to romantic moment.

Forehead-- One more less important part is forehead. I say less because, this part was rarely being used. One of the most common situation is irritation and tension.

Non-Facial Expressions:

The  name itself tells us that  expression or expressing the feeling through non facial parts. These are less considered and people use this as last resort.

As there are so many body parts , I will stick to 4 of them only 

Chest area, stomach, hands, legs.

Stomach -- This is the intelligent one  which uses hearing sense rather than visibility. It makes some kinds of sounds  when it is empty or when it is full which in turn describes the happiness or discomfort of the person 

Chest area -- This also follows the steps of stomach but it uses the third sense [touch] rather than hearing or visibility. On a very rare condition, it uses hearing. This expression is used when there is a increase in heart beat  either because of romantic feeling or tensed feeling.

Now comes the violinic expressive part of body-- Hands and legs. These two very rarely used in situations where the outcome is positive . Most of the times the expressions that comes out of these two parts results in violence like mocking/taunting/imitating etc.

Universal Expressions:

Yes you are right. I am talking about emojis/stickers etc. These are used in the world of electronic media  in different apps and sites or places.

In old days[pre - whatsapp/insta/twitter] days, people used to chat with others in the form of text messages where there is no way we can express our feelings other than words.

Then came these trio which revolutionized everything and they found a way to express with a simple icon called as emoji instead of a word or a complete sentence. Then came the advanced concept called stickers-- which more like a  expression with bigger picture.

Even though these stickers introduced lately, but the usage is less compared to emojis.Even wattpad also introduced this smiley kind of emojis in comment section.


Thats all for now. I know this chappie looks more like an essay. I just wanted to put some points that have in my mind. Hope you may like it.

Hasta La vista,

The Reader

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