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 Hello dear all....

Welcome back to the new topic..  SMILE:)

Yes you heard it right. lets talk about a general topic that is known to all.

This part is dedicated to all the people out there  who are having exams. I know these below:







Specially dedicated to my first reader friend here and sis whom I missed talking 


and to our talented writer heyyyitzme6 who took a break in writing .[Please do come back soon]

Sorry If I missed any friend I Know those are having exams [tiny brain you know] *facepalm*


Smile -- The most beautiful and powerful weapon that God has created for the mankind is called smile. But the people's common dictionary called "Google" kept a tougher definition for it(for me atleast) as below:

"A pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed."

Don't you think the definition is a bit complex and technical ?-- Don't worry I will simplify it for your in our method :p


                                 Simple Magic that Initiates Life and Energy

Do you think it is more complex than google ? :( 

In simple terms, Smile is a thing which gives energy to the  heart. Not only yours, your smile radiates happiness to all the people around you.

Now coming back to it.. The big question is why/what/when/how do you smile. It all depends on 3 main different factors like 




Note: You may say there will be different factors  but if you observe keenly, all those things will be under-lapped into the within these.  (This is what i feel).

Now we will discuss in particular.


As i said before, smile gives you happiness satisfaction and new energy. Thats why you always need to start your day with smile and in return you will accomplish what you want do for the day (at least most of it).

If you smile(at least a fake one), even if it doesn't help you, it will help others by seeing your face.

now the second one 


It will be a pure lie if some one says "you should smile only for these type of things". Because no one.. I mean NO ONE can decide and tell you for which and what things or reasons you smile. A person/thing/situation can bring smile to your face and it may not bring the same to others. So never think of what people will think when you smile.


Just remember the close up AD -- "Dil se Haso" or "thaniviteera navvu" (in telugu) or in English as above. It doesn't matter how you smile whether it is a normal smile or hiccup smile.

Now comes the 3rd one

When DO you SMILE ?

Its just a simple math with more meaning into it. You smile when you feel it either by touch-feel-hear-see or because of any other senses in the human body.

Now comes the last one..

How do you SMILE?

2 options-- Either you follow the Google method :P or try to see my below statement.

"SMILE LIKE YOU FEEL IT or EXPERIENCE IT"-- That will automatically cause a moment to your lips and eyes.

So give your heartfelt smile and move on with the next stuff.

Now comes the question.... How many kinds of smiles are there?

Well.. Let me try how many I know (Just excuse if I say something incorrect here)

Plain Smile -- Its just a simple one where is no emotion mixed with it. More like the lips always shows the person smile even if he/she doesnot wish for it .

Cute Smile/Pure/Innocent Smile-- This one is best kind of smile one can see it, feel it, experience it. This one you can find it the small kids and babies. It gives you utmost happiness to your heart.  Do you wanna know? Ask your parents or your friends who has kids recently, their experience when they see their kids smile. They will forget all their tensions at the moment.

Heartfull Smile-- This smile is one where one will give with no inner intention behind it. Its comes directly from the heart.

Lovely Smile-- From Men's POV, This smile is when a guy experiences it when HIS GIRL Smiles for him/to him/with him. Women may not believe how that one smile can makes Men crazy for them. There is saying "Sex is not the one that always keeps Men Happy" . There are many other things like HUG, CUDDLE,a PECK and a SMILE  will also gives happiness.

Eye- Smile--  I would say this mostly suits for Women. You know its like "The lips wont move but you can find a sparkle in the eye like a twinkle". you cant describe it.. you can just see it and enjoy it.

Sad Smile -- This is a painful one. Will give you a scenario for it. Like there will be a scenario/person gives you pain/sadness but it gives them happiness and more importantly they discuss and share it with you not knowing how it affected you. [Usually many experience it]

Mad Smile -- This smile is where people will scold you because of 2 reasons 

1) you laugh loudly for no reason like a mad person

2) you are actually a Mad person

You know the funny thing here? The Mad person laughs here because it is what the Heart felt but the mind strongly contradicts it completely.

That is why the opposite person who is watching doesn't find it funny to laugh.

Grinning Smile--  This smile is like when people smirking  or just like you are saying "beta, I GOT YOU":P

Naughty Smile -- This Smile where your kid or Girl Friend or Boy Friend do some thing harmless but it will irritate you.. At that time that person will give you :P

Evil Smile -- This is the smile mostly given by the person when they done something evil to other people that will harm them physically or emotionally.

Wicked Smile--- This was a funny one here.  It was mixture of naughty and evil  where the result is a mystery. It can be positive or negative but the person who does that will have the initial laugh.

Cry Smile-- This is the one where the threshold is smile overflown and it was converted to tears called as "HAPPY TEARS". Ex: The cry when mother experiences during birth. A Father experiences when he first sees his child or take his child in his arms. or When a person gets success after extreme hard work.

Forced Smile -- This is a tough one. You cant laugh but you had to smile. Like for example a smile with your superior's joke even if there isn't a reason or when you smile if you don't want to hurt the other person.

victory smile-- This is the smile where one smiles when they achieves some thing. like the smile which tells us "EUREKA"

(You can add it if you know any more)

There was a beautiful saying that i read somewhere

"You Can get anything with a SMILE" --- some may contradict to this statement, but i believe most of it to be true. you know why ? Because it will at least give the power to GET ANYTHING you want.

Smile is a unique feeling that one should/will experience. Its like the feel that you get when you pray to GOD or someone blesses you good.

If you remember Cadbury ad-- "Kuch meeta ho jao, Kaam aacha ho jayegi" (meaning-- Just have some sweet before you do any thing, the work will be success). I will apply the same logic to smile also. You just connect the dots.

Here a small video that shows how a mother gets small victory with her SMILE. Its all depends on how you get started.

You know the best way to spread smile is just a"SMILE BACK".

When you smile back , it creates positive vibes around you and it will try to make it positive. There was a beautiful saying "Positive Mind--Positive Heart--Positive Smile--Positive Action--Positive Body--Positive Person" ---- Which gives you SUCCESS. This may seems simple but to maintain that is difficult.

All day SMILE -- All day Freshness and Don't let any differences that come in between your smile and happiness.

Smiling increases POSITIVE AURA within you. In Chinese terms, the "CHI" within you increases if you smile more.


Did I bored you with all this? Lets see the below conversation:

Women and Man (W and M)[GF/BF or MF/FF]

W: Why you men always stares at women like you want to eat them ? Isn't wrong or Creepy ?

M: *Laughs Hysterically* 

M: My dear Kanmani (Its like a cute name in tamil)... First of all change that thought process that "All men stare at women because of creepy and pervertness". NO-- Not all men are like that.

You know there is a funny and nice saying "Beauty Not Admired is a Crime" .

Here i am not saying Men always should stare at women. I am just saying "Men always consider women as beauty and they will praise them". 

--when a father/brother sees his daughter/sister in a beautiful dress or when she gets ready freshly, then automatically they will like it and see/stare at them for few seconds and admire them and say "Ma talle enta andam ga unnavo.. accham devata la" [ Oh My dear, You are very beautiful.. Just like a Goddess].

Here the person keeps the Girl at a position of mother or God.

Will you say that person stare as wrong or Creepy ? No right!!

The person Just SMILES after seeing the BEAUTY which comes from heart.

-- When other person sees your girl and feel "Wah!! How beautiful she is "-- Here don't take it as a negative way. Just think it as positive note that you are lucky to get the beauty.

It will be WRONG, if the person stares more time creepily or passes a vulgar comments-- then its a crime.

-- MEN will definitely stare at women for few seconds or just look at them while passing on the road or surrounding him. That does not make him wrong ..

 The after action that person takes (creepy/comments/touching etc) --That will make him definitely a bad person with bad thought.

So don't judge a man if he just sees woman.

Why is it relevant to my topic ?-- The main two points for it .



There is  a funny song in a movie where the hero asks women to show us the beauty daily and don't hide it as it is a medicine for my eyes and for my stress full day.

Here the intention is not in a creepy way.. Just see is as normal way you will enjoy it.


So what I am trying to say is 

                                                              ALWAYS KEEP SMILING :) 


Thats it folks. Hope it brought a little smile on your face with my stuff. Even if it is not.. No issues.

because it will at-least create an Emotion within you with this post.. From Happy to Irritation :P

Note: I used to see posts where people include videos to do better.. So I have tried a bit this time.

Do you feel these topics are like essay writing ? But what to do? I couldn't write stories like other writers.. So I choose this path which provides me "at least you can write".. Isn't good? Look at the bright side here-- You are both Writer and Reader which means you got a single view here(success).

Word count: 1984 

Phir Milenge kuch Naya stuff ke saat..

Note: AOSLS part-2 will publish in next 1-2 days

Khuda Hafiz...

-- Your Reader:)

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