Journal Entries from October 2020

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- Indolence of thought is a pandemic that is completely ignored, probably because billions suffer from it.

- To properly examine something one needs to be: at least a little opposed to it, as well as being very curious about it, and lastly, one must be a little in love with it.

- Better to make suffering your friend than your enemy.

- An increase of consciousness often leads to an increase in self-doubt.

- An error has its merits.

- A great artist has the remarkable ability to touch upon and express something that is ubiquitous and seemingly eternal. An observer has no conscious choice but to be viscerally impacted by it.

- It is far more horrid to know and observe someone you love in a state of absolute misery than if you are in a state of absolute misery. There must be no greater torture for a parent than to know that their child is miserable and suffering each and every day, especially if the primary reason for their child's suffering is because of the parents.

- Most violent actions stem from fear.

- The light of passion may only be extinguished by the person who envelops it.

- Numerous individuals find it immensely more pleasurable to keep a dream a dream. Thus, they never start the journey of actually turning that dream into a reality.

- Too often creators of all kinds foolishly entangle their ego with their creations and they believe that they are indeed their creations. Consequently they suffer and are easily offended when criticism is received, and on the reverse, they overly relish and become inflated with their creation is met with adulation and praise. 

- Human consciousness evolves over generations. 

- Human vanity often puffs up and inflates when it is wounded.

- The joyous and good-natured person is most often not the most clever, intelligent, nor deep individual, but this person obtained what the clever, intelligent, and deep-individual seeks and often doesn't obtain, which is joy and fulfillment. Perhaps we overvalue intelligence, in the traditional way we view intelligence, and perhaps being clever and over-learned can actually prove to be a hindrance to fulfillment and joy. Furthermore, perhaps being too deep of a thinker causes one to overthink everything, which proves to be tremendously detrimental to well-being, and is psychologically destructive and serves as a major impediment in the attainment of joy and peace. Perhaps the old adage, ignorance is bliss, has its merits. 

- Social interaction is analogous to food for the soul. There is nutritional food to eat, as well as poor-nutritional food to eat aka junk food. Certain interactions I think are equivalent to snacking, while other interactions are like a hearty meal, or a sweet dessert. Too much snacking can be bad for your health and make you sick, and it cannot provide you with all of your nutritional needs so you are left malnourished. A great social interaction can be like a heart meal in which you are properly nourished and energized. Like food, you must have a healthy balance in regards to your social interactions. You shouldn't eat all of the time, you shouldn't have junk food constantly, but you shouldn't be so disciplined that you don't enjoy a sweet or snack every now and then. 

- The cold morning air is so pleasing because it makes you feel alive. That cold air is striking and there is no denying it when it makes contact with your face and you have no choice but to take notice and realize that you are indeed alive in this world. 

- Those who virtue signal and make it a habit of pointing out behavior in others that society deems as ill-mannered and judging them harshly for it, are foolishly setting themselves up to be called on their hypocrisy in the future. 

- Vanity is the downfall of many. We have all been tripped up by it at least several times in our lives. 

- To truly blossom and open up like a beautiful flower, one must confront and make peace with those parts of oneself that encompass their shadow, these are all of the things one is ashamed of, and those things that they hide not only from others, but from themselves as well. Instead of hiding, rejecting, or ignoring these parts of oneself, they must attempt to integrate it, and this begins with a confrontation. If this is never done, which it rarely is, the person's self/flower-bulb will never fully blossom and bloom into a beautiful flower worthy of admiration. 

- Quick and easily obtained pleasure is dangerous, it is like candy, though it is sweet, it is dangerous for your health and too much of it leaves you feeling ill. Pleasure that is obtained through an arduous and circuitous journey is far more pleasing and longer lasting, it leaves you energized and in high-spirits. This sort of hard-fought pleasure charges you with positive energy and motivation, while its cheap counterpart leaves you feeling dissatisfied, and often ashamed, depressed, and empty after the initial pleasure. Consequently, one typically indulges more in this quick pleasure to try to alleviate these negative feelings. 

- A great multitude of church-going Christians would rather be a hypocrite than called a sinner. 

- Too many positive and optimistic people in a group is cheesy, annoying, seems fake, and quickly becomes dull. Too many cynics in a group causes all the members to become hardened, gloom and apathetic, and that too becomes dull and leaves you feeling terrible after being around all of those negative people. There needs to be a healthy mix in a group, the best ratio is 3 optimistic people to 1 cynical person. This cynic must be witty in his pessimistic remarks though. If you are to be cynical, you must have wit, otherwise you will lack any charm. No one likes being around someone who is always negative and can't make them laugh with their negativity. 

- When an artist strikes gold with a new form/style, it doesn't take long before cheap imitations appear and cause the form/style to become corny, banal, superficial, unoriginal, and annoyingly tired.

- It is incredibly difficult for viewers to separate the creation from the creator if they are already familiar with the creator. A bias about the creator, whether good or bad, prevents the viewer from accurately judging and experiencing the creation. 

- A well thought-out and constructed aphorism carries its devastating punch throughout all epochs, for it speaks to something eternal, something that pertains to the core of the human being. Those core parts of the human experience that do not ever seem to change no matter the time, place, or conditions. 

- The clouds racing across the sky act as a despairing reminder that time does not ever stand still, life is passing by every single second. 

- The topic of discussion that brings the speaker the most pleasure is a discussion about themselves. 

- Is consciousness more of a curse, or a blessing? The Genesis story presents it as a curse, and there is definitely a convincing argument in proving that it is much more a curse than a blessing. 

- To be aware of our suffering, our insufficiencies, our impending death; it is no wonder we are anxious creatures, this is a heavy burden to bear. 

- In a world of lies the truth is mocked. 

- Life is willing to work with you and for you if you are willing to put some work into life. 

- Convenience breeds laziness. Furthermore, convenience allows one to dispense with responsibility, and a loss of responsibility typically correlates with a loss of freedom. 

- I wonder if there are any birds that are afraid of heights?

- The only detestable creature that possesses no redeeming qualities and lacks even the minuteness semblance of charm is the turkey. Mother nature must have created it to spite human beings for their abhorrent behavior toward her.  I am not a violent person and I am slow to anger, but when I am in the presence of a turkey, their aggressive inflation of their chest and the way they look at you with such insolence, challenging you as they strut at a pace that even a 3-toed sloth would consider slow, I feel utterly compelled to throw a right hook to its impertinent, wrinkly, ugly face. 

- Question for everyone: How many lives would need to be on the table for you to willingly sacrifice yourself? In other words, if someone said they would spare killing 100,000 people, all strangers to you, if you offer your own life, would you do it? Truly ask yourself. How many people (all strangers) would it take before you willingly give your life to them? Or would you not sacrifice your life for anyone that is a stranger, no matter the number? Is there anyone you would sacrifice your life for?

- The man of abstraction is more valued today than the man of action.

- Can a person possessing a high degree of self-consciousness truly respect themselves? They would have awareness and understanding of all of their perversions, malice, spite, wretchedness, cowardice, and everything else that comprises their shadow. If one did respect themselves even with this astute level of self-consciousness, wouldn't they be labeled as a psychopath, a sociopath, a deviant, an evil person, a sick pervert, a psychotic individual, etc.

- Our actions have numerous causes, rarely if ever is there one reason or cause for anything. 

- Has there ever been a time in human history when war wasn't occurring somewhere on the planet? It seems to be even more frequent than sleep. 

- Desire propels and compels us to act. Without desire what would we be? What would we do? What would the world look like without desire?

- Often the fantasy is far greater than the reality. Thus, many are content to live in fantasy. I am too often guilty of this. 

- Order and chaos both must exist, otherwise life would perish. Too much order causes stagnation and decay. While too much chaos causes complete destruction. A balance must be struck between the two. Out of order comes chaos, and out of chaos comes order. 

- Suffering seems to heighten our level of self-consciousness. You are rarely more conscious of yourself than when you are suffering. 

- Does thought precede emotion, or does emotion precede thought? Are thoughts us? 

- Why is it that when we clear our minds in meditation and stop thinking, we feel most at peace and feel connected to a higher reality/consciousness. Why is it that when we lose that sense of self we feel more complete? We lose that sense of self and we feel fulfilled and truly at peace. In deep meditation you truly lose the sense of yourself and it is an odd paradox because it seems like by losing your self, you find your self. 

- We have been taught since childhood how to be slaves and cowards so that we can find a place in society in which we will be considered a "respectable citizen of society."

- I derive both contempt and pleasure from my retreats into solitude. 

- Whoever says one does not require friendship is a damn fool and a liar. Their psyche and soul is full of bitter venom and that venom is slowly killing them. In other words, one must have friendship in order to have a fulfilled life. 

- The frequent chatter of birds is oddly tranquil, while the frequent chatter of people is the antithesis of tranquil, it is downright maddening when one is yearning for a peaceful moment. 

- It is quite tragic that numerous people possess such guilt and self-contempt that they truly do not believe that they deserve good things to happen to them, and when something good does happen to them, it contributes to even more guilt and self-contempt due to not being happy and grateful for this good thing. More guilt accumulates because they feel like they don't deserve it and feel like life has made some sort of error and mistakenly awarded an unworthy person with something amazing. Then the fact that they think this low about themselves causes them to accumulate more self-contempt. It is as if they are trapped in an endless multiplier of guilt, contempt, misery, and an overall all-enveloping unhappiness. 

- It is a daily occurrence to calculate our troubles and miseries, and rarely do we ever calculate our joys. 

- Many of us will die and the world will continue as if we never existed.

- Beauty indeed comes in many forms, but you instantly recognize it because it evokes an instinctive response in which you are forced to acknowledge and recognize it. You cannot help but be enchanted and utterly captivated by it. Beauty can even be invigorating, and just by merely experiencing it: you can acquire fervent inspiration, a motivation to create, and a desire to better oneself. 

- Beauty is a cure for a multitude of sicknesses. 

- Those who possess an impoverished spirit find pleasure in misery. 

- The desire to help others often stems from the desire to please our own vanity and to appear noble in the minds and hearts of others. 

- Does anyone else have an intense disdain of footnotes the same way I do? 

- I often feel like I am just a stray leaf being carried by the wind. It is as if I have little control in where I want to go, what I want to do, it feels as if I am at the mercy of a stronger force, the winds of life. 

- There is something quite compelling, artistic, and perhaps even empowering in determining how and when you exit this world. 

- When something provokes and compels us to become curious about it, instead of taking the time to think about it ourselves, we quickly pull out our phones and search the subject on the internet to discover other people's thoughts on this subject, thus robbing ourselves of discovering answers, and stopping ourselves from thinking for ourselves. 

- Human beings delight in conflict. If the world miraculously became peaceful tomorrow, human beings would go mad and cause chaos and conflict in order to end the peace. We claim we want peace but we actively fight against it. 

- Modern science tells us that only things that can be counted, measured, or observed can exist. Consequently limiting knowledge, experience, and life itself. 

- Insolent and obnoxiously discourteous individuals are desperately seeking attention. They would rather be gazed at with scorn than to not have anyone's attention. 

- Feelings of nausea emerge upon hearing the sound of fake-polite laughter. To assert it as odious even feels like a monstrous understatement. 

- History repeats itself because human beings are creatures of habit, and we have difficulty in breaking habits. Thus, we continue the pattern, and life continues to move in a circle. We know the mistakes, just like we know our own bad habits and mistakes and know we should change, but the difficulty is in applying the lesson and changing the behavior and/or ending the habit. 

- If one proclaims that they are hilarious, especially on a dating profile, there is a 100% chance that they are not hilarious. 

- If you do not possess an identity, do not fear, for a business will gladly sell you one. 

- The most dangerous people are those who believe they are only good, just, and virtuous. 

- One can be morose, dejected, even despise the entire world, but it takes just one single individual to enter their life to change their attitude toward life completely. A friend, or a romantic partner who they grow to love can make a once miserable life and world a rather enjoyable one. They may even be grateful for their life and for the world. They may think, "Life is not that bad, and the world can't be that wretched if this person exists within it."

- Good relationships are what makes life fulfilling and meaningful. One can have everything else, but if they have terrible human relationships, and do not connect with anyone, they will be absolutely miserable, and become incredibly bitter and resentful. 

- One must love and be loved, otherwise life will be meaningless suffering, and ardent nihilism will take possession of that dejected psyche and drive that person quicker to self-destruction. 

- Music does not require words in order to tell a story.

- All matter contains energy, thus objects, buildings, and houses store energy, both good and bad. 

- It is challenging to not appear as a hypocrite when criticizing a society you participate in. 

- Non-conformity eventually leads to conformity. It is rather ironic.

- It is foolish to believe that what is true must be pleasurable. 

- Societies should strive for equal opportunity, but never for equality of outcome. 

- Those who speak of creating a utopia, wish to rule in a dystopia. 

- Our unique peculiarities are what gives us our charm. 

- Upon entering a new setting our senses heighten. 

- You do not have happiness, happiness has you. It envelops you and you reside within it temporarily, and you then acquire immense gratitude for that moment in your life when you are out of it, and reflect upon that moment and think, "I was happy."

- I learn, understand, and experience the world through my sensations; therefore, a world must exist which allows for the interaction of the sensations. 

- An equal society would be a nightmare for human beings, because humans derive immense pleasure from feelings of superiority. 

- Before you can "be true to yourself," you must first know yourself. 

- Society's ailments are equivalent to the Hydra, you chop off one head and three more grow in its place. In other words, we solve one problem and that solution some how creates several more problems. 

- Restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, and loneliness plague those who reside in large cities. One feels as if they must always look busy, and have no time.

- The irony of our modern age is we have more time-saving devices, yet it feels like we always have less time. 

- I looked out onto the city from building's rooftop and I saw lights all around me, indicating that life was all around me, yet I still felt completely alone. 

- Guilt may indeed be the most horrid of our monsters.

- We all perceive and experience unique realities. 

- True leisure is looked down upon, one's life now must be a constant striving toward monetary gain. 

- Society rejects individuals and imposes forces that demand conformity. Yet at the same time, society does offer the individual many benefits. 

- People derive this sort of peculiar and sick pleasure from the act of "ghosting" another person, I included. 

- We must deploy our imagination in order to combat the horrors of reality. 

- Price dictates perceived value. 

- We learn who we are in relation to the world and to those around us. 

- No one deceives an individual more than themself.

- Our society would be a wondrous paradise if everyone truly was as virtuous as they claim to be.

- Time, a great enemy as well as a kind friend. 

- Our actions are rarely driven by one driver. Just like a painting, one uses multiple colors to create an image. 

- Memories, like all possessions, are at risk of being lost and even possibly stolen.

- All unforced actions are performed for the benefit of the performer. If others derive benefit from the action, it offers an extra reward; but do not possibly believe and deceive oneself in truly believing that the performer acted solely for the benefit of others, for that is a sordid lie. 

- The past is intertwined with the present, and what occurs on either end can alter the counterpart. 

- One should not form the vulgar and repulsive habit of trying to be right all the time. This behavior offends and annoys everyone. One must allow others the pleasure of being right every now and then. 

- From an airplane, the clouds look like mountainous terrain, and the rivers look like veins, giving life to the land. 

- There are no psychological differences between social classes. You will find similar characters and personalities in all orders/classes of society, and you will find them in all cultures and all societies around the world. 

- Is domination propagated by those being dominated?

- Language was created to improve communication, and if deployed and used correctly, it is an amazing and effective tool; but it is often abused, used incorrectly, deployed recklessly and clumsily, misinterpreted, which causes communication to fail, and leads to frustration and conflict. I wonder if words cause more conflict than they solve?

- Many of the world's problems stem from miscommunication.

- Words are not the only form of language nor communication.

- Imagination is liberating, for it does not have to bend nor adapt to the limits of reality. 

- It is a rarity to locate a human who truly knows what it is that will make them "happy," in other words what would make them fulfilled and satisfied. 

- Ask someone what they want in life and they say, "I just want to be happy." Then ask them what will make them happy, and typically they will stumble around trying to come up with an answer to that follow up question. 

- In order to maintain an ideal, one must keep the ideal at a safe distance. 

- Children learn from brainwashed adults, and the cycle persists.

- Our lives give language meaning.

- The human body provides a vessel for the human soul to express itself. 

- People want to be told who they are because it is too much effort to discover it themselves. 

- Be wary of tripping over your own idea of morality. 

- One must always make a choice, not choosing is a choice. 

- It ironically seems that we see more clearly when we close our eyes. 

- Every human is creation and creator.

- We live life in the dark, and just like a child walking in the dark, our fear causes us to imagine things that are not there, which then cause us to run and seek out safety and comfort. 

- Words often become cheapened by overuse.

- We all experience time differently. Time is not experienced linearly. 

- Being remembered is a rare privilege afforded to the few, the overwhelming majority have been, and will be, completely forgotten. 

- Our desire for convenience has proven to be pernicious. 

- Those who shield themselves from anything they consider "unpleasant," seal their minds from fervent imagination and forbid their heart from experience. 

- I don't believe that the human specimen was created to be idle. 

- Few things are more distressing in life than the sound of an alarm clock awakening you from the safety and tranquility of your slumber, thrusting your consciousness into the cold reality of a morning which causes your mind to be instantly bombarded with obligations and worries. 

- A happy ending is improbable, though they do exist. 

- Vulgarity is no substitute for wit. 

- What is it to be truly free? It isn't as glorious and wondrous as we like to imagine and state. With true freedom comes immense struggle; though if you overcome the struggle, if you face the suffering and triumph, you will derive immense pleasure and obtain a great degree of self-worth, an increase in competence, and a proportional increase in overall confidence. 

- Every age seems to be an age of "decadence."

- If a keen observer pays close attention to the way a person walks, they can derive numerous information about the person's psyche, emotional state, disposition, and overall character.

- Being alone in nature is typically quite serene. Being alone in a city full of buildings is eery and causes slight distress.

- Sometimes all one requires is a view from a different vantage point. 

- When a light goes out in a building sign, causing that sign to not display a letter(s), it instantly makes that building/business appear low-rate and trashy. 

- Philosophy requires leisure time, solitude, and also boredom. 

- It is peculiar and harrowing, at times even hopeful, that one choice can alter your entire life; pray it alters it for the better. 

- There are moments when words taint the experience. 

- Physical beauty is a mask for many flaws.

- We all love to believe that there is indeed a person out there who will understand us completely, unfortunately that is a detrimental and childish fantasy. 

- It is unfortunate that we become disenchanted with someone the second they become enchanted with us. 

- The only lasting truth is change.

- You do yourself harm when you attempt to convince yourself and others that your foolish actions are indeed noble and honourable. 

- People are far more willing to forgive than we generally presume. 

- The sensations of an experience are so ephemeral. 

- Why is it that the best fashion designers have the worst fashion sense/style when it comes to their own selves?

- One seems to question the meaning of life only when they become dissatisfied by it.

- One actually derives tremendous pleasure from self-pity.

- The temporary nature of a vacation/holiday is one of the primary reasons that we enjoy them so much. It is an escape from monotony, but if we were to stay and extend our vacation indefinitely, it would inevitably mirror our previous life by becoming banal, routine, stale, and we will become ever more disenchanted with this "magical" place the longer we remain. Then we would be searching for a new magical place, and desperately desire to take a vacation/holiday to get away from this once magical place. 

- One's noblest qualities are evoked when they truly love someone or something. 

- One is willing to suffer for the thing or person they love.

- There has always been trouble in paradise, just refer to Adam and Eve.

- Modernity's rapid pace is not conducive to allow for things to become sacred.  

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