Top 10 Animated Web Series

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Animation has taken hold on the internet of the past 10 or so years. Some animations are good, some are bad, and some are downright strange. Let's take a look at some of my favourites. These are my top 10 animated series from the internet.

Runners Up:
(These are other series that I like, but didn't make it on the list for one reason or another.)

Llamas with Hats (It's funny, but not necessarily a full series)
Charlie the Unicorn (Same reason as Llamas with Hats)
RWBY (I like the first season, but I don't really like about season 2 onward)
Leo and Satan (Same reason as Llamas with Hats and Charlie the Unicorn)
Sequelitis (More of a review series than an animated series)
Happy Tree Friends (I used to like it, but not so much anymore)
Sonichu the Animated Series (It's a parody, so it doesn't count)

10: Bionicle 2015 Animations

These were the animated episodes made to promote the 2015 line of Lego's Bionicle series. Lego had already done several internet related things for Bionicle in the past, but this is the first time they did full-on cartoon episodes. My favourite episode was the one where all the main characters finally meet up and defeat the Lord of Skull Spiders. The series is so low on the list for a few reasons. One, the writing and voice-acting aren't very good. Two, even though it's a webseries, it's made by the Lego company as an advertisement. The series is still pretty good, but there's better stuff out there.

9: Neurotically Yours

Also known as Foamy the Squirrel, Neurotically Yours started as a comic back in the early 2000's, and eventually evolved into a webseries. It was rebooted somewhere around 2010, and I think that was for the better. The two main characters are Foamy, a megalomaniacal squirrel who runs a cult and might also be a demon, and Germaine, a sexually frustrated goth girl who deals with Foamy's antics and sexual harassment from the local perverts on a regular basis. There are other characters, including more squirrels and other human characters who interact with each other. Like I said, after it was rebooted, I think it got a lot better. My favourite episode is from the rebooted series, and it's the one where Foamy goes on about how photographs are better than paintings. If you do check this out, I will warn you there are many sexually explicit scenes. For example, there's a scene where multiple pink tentacles come out of a cursed book and spray nondescript white fluids all over Germaine. Yeah. Watch at your own risk.

8: Salad Fingers

There are three words that describe Salad Fingers. What. The. F*ck. Salad Fingers is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the human race is nearly extinct, and the only survivors are severely mutated. Or maybe it's the never ending nightmare of a comatose drug addict. There's no real explanation for what's going on in Salad Fingers, but it's real weird. Each episode is nearly completely different and detached from the last, but all of them are disturbing as all hell. Salad Finger's voice is especially creepy. If you like creepy things, I'd suggest you watch it. My personal favourite episode was the one with nettles... I think.The creator was also done some other creepy cartoons with no explanation, but none of them are as well known as Salad Fingers.

7: Overwatch Animated Shorts

Like the Bionicle animated series, the Overwatch animated shorts were created to advertise something. In this case, the recent hit Blizzard game Overwatch. So far, there are 6, respectfully involving Winston fighting Reaper, Tracer fighting Widowmaker, Soldier 76 being awesome, Winston and Tracer fighting Reaper and Widowmaker, Hanzo fighting Genji, and one of Bastion just being a robot. The Genji vs Hanzo one is my favourite. There are also teasers and trailers for the game, but they don't necessarily have their own stories. They're all beautifully animated, and people have actually been requesting that Blizzard create a full movie based on them. They're also great because they help showcase Overwatch's story when the game itself has no story mode. I think they're making more, and even if you're not into Overwatch, I suggest you should watch them.

6: Super Mario Bros. Z

Imagine Mario and Sonic teaming up to fight evil. That's pretty much the plot of Mario Bros. Z. And this was before Smash Bros. Brawl and the Mario and Sonic Olympics games. I don't remember much about the series, I haven't watched it in a while, but I remember two things. One, it was funny as hell. Two, it was awesome as hell. The animation was really basic sprite-based Flash animation, but it still somehow managed to be really smooth and cool looking. It was made in Flash and published on Newgrounds, just like most webseries from that era. It was also awesome because it was a lot darker than most Mario games at the time, and also included characters from other games. I heard somewhere that someone was remaking it as Super Mario Bros Z Kai, but that may have been fake. Either way, I really should check out this series again.

5: Cactuar and Tonberry

Anyone else remember this one? No? Well anyway, it was a series of Flash shorts involving the Cactuar and Tonberry enemies from the Final Fantasy games. The series parodied various videogames, mainly Final Fantasy, Halo, and Silent Hill, as well as the gaming culture of the mid 2000's (calling people noobs, using "leet speak" and all that). My favourite episode was a parody of horror games, involving the two main characters escaping zombies by dressing up as Resident Evil 4 characters, and fighting Lamp Shade Head, a parody of Pyramid Head, in a Halo match. I'm pretty sure they're still up on Newgrounds and YouTube, so go check them out if you're interested. Keep in mind, they are really old, and probably don't hold up as well as I remember. But I remember them being really funny.

4: Gundarr

Made by Mondo Media, the same people behind Happy Tree Friends, Gundarr was about an idiot barbarian with a gun, and the hilariously pathetic evil wizard who tries to defeat him. Every episode involves Toddy the wizard coming up with some hair-brained scheme to kill Gundarr, but they usually fail. My favourite episode involves Toddy cloning himself, and using his clone army to sing a rap song. As the series progressed, more characters got introduced, like Cupcake Fury, the pink warrior horse, and Greg, Toddy's elf intern. I think the series is over now, but I remember it being really funny when it was on.

3: Dick Figures

Also created by Mondo Media, this series is about two friends, Blue, the level headed responsible stick figure, and Red, the irresponsible frat boy stick figure. The two live in a world of stick figures, and occasionally deal with talking Japanese raccoons, elves with severe Tourettes, dragon turtles, and cats that can kill people with how cute they are. They also have to deal with their girlfriends, the high-maintenance Pink, and the constantly drunken Stacy. My personal favourite episode is the one where Blue and Red switch bodies, and Red constantly announces that he has pooped in Blue's pants. There was also a movie, with included a song by Ninja Sex Party (the comedic musical duo which make up two sevenths of Game Grumps). I haven't seen the movie, but the series is really funny.

2: Klay World

God, I loved Klay World. While most of the series on this list are animated in Flash, this one was made in stop-motion claymation. It involved the Klay People, stupid little blue blobs of clay, and saw them finding new and strange ways to kill each other and themselves. There were also some characters who make recurring appearances. Some of them are Dr. Bob, a "doctor" who kills all his patience due to his incompetence, Chip, the main character of the Klay World movie, Pick, Dr. Bob's moronic assistant, The Boogie Monster, a massive monster who's roar sounds like a phone ringing, Peter the Pickle, a murderous vegetable, and Rick the Prick, a guy with many piercings in his face. My favourite episode is one of the earlier ones, where Dr. Bob ends up killing a patient who was just choking on a piece of bologna. Like I said, the series had a movie that's actually still available on DVD from the creator's website, and a half-hour long final episode, which served as a finale to the series and sequel to the movie. If you like some really dumb comedy, give it a watch.

1: Homestar Runner

Like I even have to say anything about this. Homestar Runner is the grand daddy of all Flash-based animated series. For those who don't know, it started out as a parody children's book written by two college guys, and eventually evolved into it's own website filled with cartoons and games. The characters are all memorable, from the titular Homestar, a moronic athlete, to Strong Bad, Homestar's main rival, Marzipan, Homestar's girlfriend, and the Cheat, Strong Bad's pet. The most popular cartoon on the website is Strong Bad Emails, in which Strong Bad answers actual emails from fans who write to him. The series was so popular that it eventually got its own videogame, on the Wii first, and then on other consoles, and Strong Bad appeared in the game Pokernight at the Inventory, alongside Heavy from TF2, Max from Sam and Max, and Tyco from Panny Arcade. Besides that, many famous memes have been started by Homestar Runner as well, most memorably Trogdor the Burninator. Nowadays, the creators of the show, two brothers named Mike and Matt Chapman, have moved onto better things. They've had impact on shows like Yo Gabba Gabba, Aquabats, and Gravity Falls, as well as having their own show on Disney XD called Two More Eggs. This caused Homstar Runner to take a hiatus for almost a decade, but now the series has infrequent and very rare updates. It's still just as funny, though.

So those are my favourite animated webseries. Do you know of any that I listed? Leave a comment with your favourite web series or favourite episode from the ones I listed. Thanks!

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