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Everybody goes through life pretty much the same way, right? You're born, you live, then you die. 

However, I'd like to focus on the "you live" part of that. 

Everybody lives life, correct? And within their life, they encounter certain circumstances that make them who they are. For example, a teacher may become the most influential person in somebody's life because their parents aren't there for them. Or perhaps someone was raised in a horrible demeanor, such as drugs, abuse, etc., making them an awful person by nature. 

Certain circumstances shape, mold, and affect who you are. You never stop growing as a person until the millisecond your life is taken from this world. You will always learn new things, even if you don't think so. 

So, back to circumstances. These shape who you are, for better or worse. Everybody goes through things in their own life, and nobody knows exactly how you feel because they had different circumstances. When people say "nothing will ever be the same again," they're right. Nothing can ever be replicated exactly. You will never get this moment back. 

I believe that's why everybody has a different take, or opinion, on things as well. You may find increasing technology a good thing because you were raised with everything handed to you and now it's easier to do things without lifting a finger,  whereas somebody who's worked all their life may dislike the idea of something doing the work for them and see it as "lazy."

On the flipside, perhaps it will open somebody's eyes and make them say "wow, they're making robots that do my work for me..." and be against it because, although they were raised without having to work, they found something they really enjoy and don't want a robot to do it for them.

Circumstances are everything. Everybody in the world is raised differently because of the people who affect them and what they think of said people, the experiences they had growing up (perhaps a house fire made them extra cautious, or want to be a firefighter), and even the culture they grew up in. 

Circumstances is what makes everybody unique.

Stop and think about this for a moment, if you like. Dig deep and open your eyes.

Leave a vote or a comment if your mind was blown. Let me know if there's any other topics you want me to cover, and leave me your thoughts on this chapter. I'd love to hear what you think about it.

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